I don't think "new growth" is actually new growth

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That's what I read it as too. Her thread title was a bit :ohwell: though. I swear people can make a mountain out of a molehill.

In all fairness to the OP, her question was about curls appearing too quickly, and wondering if it was reversion or NG. Within a week is what she said. Not 6 weeks later or even 3 weeks later. She didn't say that she didn't believe NG existed or that hair grew from the ends, etc.

*Microwave beeps* OK my second batch of popcorn is finished...going back to the sidelines to watch :popcorn:
I think the relaxers just wear out.

*clutches my pearls*

Well when you crack and egg it's liquid right. Then you put it on the stove and scramble it and it's in the solid form. If there any kind of way you can transform is back to its liquid form? No because it's a process in which heat changed the composition forever.

Hair is similar to that. Relaxers break the bonds in the hair just like the egg. After it is straightened, the hair is unable to go back to its natural state...
*clutches my pearls*

Well when you crack and egg it's liquid right. Then you put it on the stove and scramble it and it's in the solid form. If there any kind of way you can transform is back to its liquid form? No because it's a process in which heat changed the composition forever.

Hair is similar to that. Relaxers break the bonds in the hair just like the egg. After it is straightened, the hair is unable to go back to its natural state...

What I add the scrambeled egg to ice in a blender wouldn't it revert back to liquid form?
gettin in where I fit in before the inevitable happens....Shortycocoa was here....:lachen:

I'm starting to question some of y'all intelligence...

I was gonna come up in here and get all "scientifical", but I can see that this is like yelling at a brick wall.

*moves along*

I'm not going to break out the regla ol butta popcorn..oh no..it's the holidays. I'm breaking out that big rass tin can of popcorn with caramel and pecans.

Pecans??? I don't remember that. They came up! That's definitely UE! But what they need to do is ditch the caramel flavor and put white cheddar cheese flavor in and we can talk.

It's hard out here for a newbie...lol.

Too bad theyre not new:ohwell:

You're right:yep:.... i was just being extra

You put too much salt on that last batch of popcorn and not enough butter....Do the right thing this time. You're not eating alone

ya'll are hilarious. thanks for the laughs today.
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If its after a couple of weeks your relaxer is no longer fresh so it may appear to be reverted. If your hair looks as if you havent even relaxed it then you may need a stronger relaxer or to leave it on longer

To add to this... If hair grows a half inch a month, in two weeks it should be a quarter inch of NG. Just enough for some poof.
I'm not the OP. I just thought this thread could lead to a discussion further than what the article says. Debate opinions on those "rare cases" when people see curl again. Someone could know why this happens. Some people here actually read about hair care for hours a day (I'm one of them). This is just not the main hair forum I post, and the ones I do post don't discuss relaxers. I guess I'm just "too curious" for wanting to know things that don't even apply to my hair (I don't relax). I have a passion for hair that I can't even explain. But I guess I'll stick to my other boards, anyway.

I never said relaxers wore off.

I just had to comment again since I'm not the OP. Not knowing every single detail about something doesn't make someone a noobie either. Not even professionals seem to know why the hair curls back in some instances (according to the article), it seems. It just happens.

ETA: I relaxed my whole length every month for about 2 years just to keep the curls at bay/have slightly wavy hair when air dried (I washed everyday). I kept it shoulder length by choice at the time, so damage wasn't a problem.
Most relaxers dont suggest to relax bone straight, thats considered overprocessing. The bone straight comes from the rollerset after the relaxer. If you relaxed root to tip and when it air dried it was slightly wavy, the relaxer didn't relax your hair bone straight. You probably have lots of cuticle layers
In all fairness to the OP, her question was about curls appearing too quickly, and wondering if it was reversion or NG. Within a week is what she said. Not 6 weeks later or even 3 weeks later. She didn't say that she didn't believe NG existed or that hair grew from the ends, etc.

*Microwave beeps* OK my second batch of popcorn is finished...going back to the sidelines to watch :popcorn:

i read the same thing you did and i am completely lost as to why this tread turned into a perm mob running towards a gate where old treads are being re posted, back ground checks are being ran, people calling people ignorant, pop corn being popped and chemist are being summoned. I swear if i see one freaking chart im going home and straight to bed.

Jesus jessy folks must board out their mind today

let me get back to work before i join the masses
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i read the same thing you did and i am completely lost as to why this tread turned into a perm mob running towards a gate where old treads are being re posted, back ground checks are being ran, people calling people ignorant, pop corn being popped and chemist are being summoned. I swear if i see one freaking chart im going home and straight to bed.

Jesus jessy folks must board out their mind today

let me get back to work before i join the masses

I think we need to call in a Hypnotist too....it may jog the op's memory..:yep:
You got some nice friends, because I wouldn't be your friend anymore after this :lachen:

and a big: "WHAAAAT???" to the rest of your post :lol:

qchelle Off topic. I hope SWAG dies a bloody painful gruesome horrible death in 2012 :rofl: Have you BC'd yet?

ETA: :look:.... What is going on in this thread?
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