I don't think "new growth" is actually new growth

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Though someone made a "scientific" article, her hair, and apparently a number of others hair still "reverts" after having been straight for a period of time. It makes no sense to you? It makes no sense to us either. Can we have a discussion w/o condescending remarks and insults?

Nah, we can't. B/c it's LHCF! We wouldn't have it any other way! Learned that one the hard way. I am, by all means, saying this in a light-hearted way. But seriously I've only been here for a 1 1/2 yrs. and this topic is like :deadhorse: If OP wanted an answer, she can refer back to her original thread that sounded JUST. LIKE. THIS. ONE. Almost verbatim.
Was this enough to get angry over? Good grief. The girl further up had a genuine question. I've seen sillier asked. Why volunteer "helpful" information with an attitude?
^^^ Lol I didn't know it was that serious to go and find the old post! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Ok, carry on. I guess I'll be snickering from the sidelines!
At summerof1990 and anyone else who believes this. If this were the case why would we have long-term transitioners. Wouldn't their relaxer just "wear-off" If yours could do it in a few days don't you think theirs would after years?
Yes, but I specifically said wet hair. That takes flat iron and heat out of the equation. Wet to dry---> that is, airdried hair appeared straight after relaxer; and then airdried hair appeared reverted after a couple weeks.

If its after a couple of weeks your relaxer is no longer fresh so it may appear to be reverted. If your hair looks as if you havent even relaxed it then you may need a stronger relaxer or to leave it on longer
I feel my new growth, not look. Because my hair does that, too. My new growth does start to show within a week, but its like a millimeter of silkier hair. It bends ever so slightly over my scalp.

Yes the bonds break, but when they link up again, who says its happening in a straight line. Just my perception.

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OP, your threads really leave me wondering about your age, education, background, etc. - not to be offensive but you've been around long enough to expel these misconceptions. :S
I'm not going to break out the regla ol butta popcorn..oh no..it's the holidays. I'm breaking out that big rass tin can of popcorn with caramel and pecans.

:lachen: The gift popcorn you swore you'd never open. :lachen:

Note to self: read the whole thread before responding to OP. Clearly, I'm still new. :nono: :spank:

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Oh give the op a break she already stated english was not her first language, maybe some things got lost in translation
Oh give the op a break she already stated english was not her first language, maybe some things got lost in translation

I'm not the OP. I just thought this thread could lead to a discussion further than what the article says. Debate opinions on those "rare cases" when people see curl again. Someone could know why this happens. Some people here actually read about hair care for hours a day (I'm one of them). This is just not the main hair forum I post, and the ones I do post don't discuss relaxers. I guess I'm just "too curious" for wanting to know things that don't even apply to my hair (I don't relax). I have a passion for hair that I can't even explain. But I guess I'll stick to my other boards, anyway.

I never said relaxers wore off.

I just had to comment again since I'm not the OP. Not knowing every single detail about something doesn't make someone a noobie either. Not even professionals seem to know why the hair curls back in some instances (according to the article), it seems. It just happens.

ETA: I relaxed my whole length every month for about 2 years just to keep the curls at bay/have slightly wavy hair when air dried (I washed everyday). I kept it shoulder length by choice at the time, so damage wasn't a problem.
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What's wrong with the answer you got? Someone quotes the Chemist from Keracare, the guy who formulated the relaxer and still it's not enough. Relaxer is a product marketed to the masses. It's not custom mixed to work the exact same on every persons hair. So even "super" or " coarse" relaxers arent going to break down everyone's hair the the same way. I know my hair reacts to all chemicals super fast and I can go bone straight with a mild relaxer if it's left on long enough. My daughter's hair would be on the floor before it was bone straight. The same way some of us can straighten with a 250 degree flat iron and others need 425 degrees to get the same result.

But saying that the actual relaxer just wore off...it's like saying fire can be undone. All wood doesn't burn at the same speed, temp, etc. some are harder and some softer. But that's not the same thing as saying well that tree didn't burn so the fire reverted. It's a permanent chemical reaction...period.

Very well stated!!
I'm not the OP. I just thought this thread could lead to a discussion further than what the article says. Debate opinions on those "rare cases" when people see curl again. Someone could know why this happens. Some people here actually read about hair care for hours a day (I'm one of them). This is just not the main hair forum I post, and the ones I do post don't discuss relaxers. I guess I'm just "too curious" for wanting to know things that don't even apply to my hair (I don't relax). I have a passion for hair that I can't even explain. But I guess I'll stick to my other boards, anyway.

I never said relaxers wore off.

I just had to comment again since I'm not the OP. Not knowing every single detail about something doesn't make someone a noobie either. Not even professionals seem to know why the hair curls back in some instances (according to the article), it seems. It just happens.

ETA: I relaxed my whole length every month for about 2 years just to keep the curls at bay/have slightly wavy hair when air dried (I washed everyday). I kept it shoulder length by choice at the time, so damage wasn't a problem.

This right here. This is what get gets people in trouble and threads shut down. Now it says that you've been here for practically a year, and if you study up on hair care for hours a day like you claim, then I'm sure that you know what happens when you "debate" such items in a hair forum. It gets a whole heap of black chicks up in arms and gifs start flying around! :lachen: But as lesedi said: ARCHIVE! Please utilize the SEARCH BUTTON! I know I sure do!
I'm sure that you know what happens when you "debate" such items in a hair forum.

Looking for new answers/perspectives doesn't shut down a thread. There was ONE opinion about it (being rare cases) and it was fine (the one from the article, and many agree with it), but we can't have more? What's the purpose of a forum then if not get different ideas? I don't disagree with the article, it just doesn't answer the question fully. Perhaps some don't believe the hair curls up again.

By the looks of this thread I'm pretty sure we won't have more though.

Rude responses/insults get threads shut down, not curiosity and information.

ETA: is there something specific you want me to search? I started posting here just to post my experience (my first post), then the curiosity grew. Is that a problem?
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Though someone made a "scientific" article, her hair, and apparently a number of others hair still "reverts" after having been straight for a period of time. It makes no sense to you? It makes no sense to us either. Can we have a discussion w/o condescending remarks and insults?

Did you read the article? The author is not even a woman. This is we're the condescending remarks come from... Your cant argue your point if you don't really read the article in its entirety. Dr. Ali Syed is a Master Chemist and President of Avalon Organics. He used to be a pretty frequent poster on the board when I first joined.
Looking for new answers/perspectives doesn't shut down a thread. There was ONE opinion about it (being rare cases) and it was fine (the one from the article, and many agree with it), but we can't have more? What's the purpose of a forum then if not get different ideas? I don't disagree with the article, it just doesn't answer the question fully. Perhaps some don't believe the hair curls up again.

By the looks of this thread I'm pretty sure we won't have more though.

Rude responses/insults get threads shut down, not curiosity and information.

ETA: is there something specific you want me to search? I started posting here just to post my experience (my first post), then the curiosity grew. Is that a problem?

*Makes me wanna holler and throw up both my hands* Ok. Well you have fun with your "debates." :lachen:
My hair doesnt get bone straight, it just relaxes the curl, but there is a difference.

How can you think new growth is a myth, how else do you explain your hair growing??
My hair doesnt get bone straight, it just relaxes the curl, but there is a difference.

How can you think new growth is a myth, how else do you explain your hair growing??

girl, don't be in here asking questions that make all kinds of sense. Hair growth is an urban myth. case closed.:lachen:
In all fairness to the OP, her question was about curls appearing too quickly, and wondering if it was reversion or NG. Within a week is what she said. Not 6 weeks later or even 3 weeks later. She didn't say that she didn't believe NG existed or that hair grew from the ends, etc.

*Microwave beeps* OK my second batch of popcorn is finished...going back to the sidelines to watch :popcorn:
so obviously i know once you are relaxed you have completely altered your hair (long term transitioner here) however i kind of thought your hair reverted. Maybe that's not the right word to use. I don't mean completely but like my hair wouldn't get as straight. Because at first it's bone straight for the first couple of weeks and then it was not.

Any who, op I think she's underprocessed or the relaxer just doesn't produce the same effects with her. I'm pretty sure that's not new growth. I think my hair did the same thing. Please don't relax her hair again though.
In all fairness to the OP, her question was about curls appearing too quickly, and wondering if it was reversion or NG. Within a week is what she said. Not 6 weeks later or even 3 weeks later. She didn't say that she didn't believe NG existed or that hair grew from the ends, etc.

*Microwave beeps* OK my second batch of popcorn is finished...going back to the sidelines to watch :popcorn:

You're right:yep:.... i was just being extra

You put too much salt on that last batch of popcorn and not enough butter....Do the right thing this time. You're not eating alone
In all fairness to the OP, her question was about curls appearing too quickly, and wondering if it was reversion or NG. Within a week is what she said. Not 6 weeks later or even 3 weeks later. She didn't say that she didn't believe NG existed or that hair grew from the ends, etc.

*Microwave beeps* OK my second batch of popcorn is finished...going back to the sidelines to watch :popcorn:


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