I Don't Think It Is Meant For Me To Have Long Hair


Active Member
I am new to this forum and it is very encouraging to see black women growing healthy long hair. However after getting my first major style cut in 6 years about 6 weeks ago and a maintenance trim 1 wk ago w/relaxer touch up, I realized on thing: I am not meant to have long hair.
I have worn my hair in various lengths and textures over the years however the longest it ever was was shoulder length and that made me look like some medivel character. When I got my short layed cuts and graduated bobs I got second looks and compliments. As time wore on and I grew my hair out,no matter how nice it was done it did not generate nearly half the compliments. I have thin textured hair by heredity and medically through thyroid problems and as it grows it looks even thinner.No matter what I even looked at my pictures w/longer hair and it aged me considerably and dragged my facial features down. Don't get me wrong though,there are some people who look fabulous in long hair, I am just not one of them. Anyone feel the same?
You know...you can't worry about stuff like that. I have a best friend that can't grow her hair pas her chin, BUT she has the most beautiful, healthy head of hair with the cutest hair cut/style I've seen in a long while. So don't sweat the small stuff (i've over here panicking because in addition to a head full of hair i've got hairy toes from the hair growth supplements i'm taking). You know it's all good that we seek to better ourselves but i'd be cautious of getting to the point where we obsess over it, when it starts consuming our every thought, our every desire, the last dime in the bottom of my purse.

In the gracious words of India Arie,
I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am not your expectations
I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am the soul that lives within

Does the way I wear my hair make me a better person
Does the way I wear my hair make me a better friend
Does the way I wear my hair determine my integrity
Expressing my creativity

Breast cancer and chemotherapy
Took away her crown and glory
She promised God if she was to survive
She would enjoy everyday of her life
On national television her diamond eyes are sparkling
Baldheaded like a full moon shining
Singing out to the whole wide world like hey

I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am not your expectations
I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am the soul that lives within

Welcome to the forum. I understand about the aged look during the grow out phase. I had to learn how to do cute up-do's to make me look my age. How did you take care of your hair once at your shoulders. Were you using excessive heat, regular deep conditioners, etc..? I know once it hits the shoulders you have to take extremely care of the ends since they tend to brush up on the clothes. I was wearing my hair in buns alot during that phase. HTH!
saratess said:

Welcome to the forum. I understand about the aged look during the grow out phase. I had to learn how to do cute up-do's to make me look my age. How did you take care of your hair once at your shoulders. Were you using excessive heat, regular deep conditioners, etc..? I know once it hits the shoulders you have to take extremely care of the ends since they tend to brush up on the clothes. I was wearing my hair in buns alot during that phase. HTH!

Sorry to hijack...Saratess...LOVING THE CUT!
yeah some people just look better with short hair like halle berry in my opinion. i don't think short hair is for me or long hair. i think average length would be best for me. i wouldn't ever want BSL that's way to long for me. sometimes i think APL is too long for me sometimes. if i got to shoulder length i'd be happy.
Renaylor said:
I am new to this forum and it is very encouraging to see black women growing healthy long hair. However after getting my first major style cut in 6 years about 6 weeks ago and a maintenance trim 1 wk ago w/relaxer touch up, I realized on thing: I am not meant to have long hair.
I have worn my hair in various lengths and textures over the years however the longest it ever was was shoulder length and that made me look like some medivel character. When I got my short layed cuts and graduated bobs I got second looks and compliments. As time wore on and I grew my hair out,no matter how nice it was done it did not generate nearly half the compliments. I have thin textured hair by heredity and medically through thyroid problems and as it grows it looks even thinner.No matter what I even looked at my pictures w/longer hair and it aged me considerably and dragged my facial features down. Don't get me wrong though,there are some people who look fabulous in long hair, I am just not one of them. Anyone feel the same?

If you're concerned about your hair looking thin as it grows... I've got good news. You can have thicker looking hair. I can think of about 3 ways to help that :) .

#1 you can increase the number of B vitamin's your taking. Both Biotin and B-5 help with thickness.

#2 you might consider asking your stylist to not perm your hair so straight... so go for a texturized look rather than relaxed.

#3 go natural :) .

In any rate, I wouldn't let long hair worry you. I agree with the ladies above, some people do look better with short hair. Halle Berry does look so much better with her short locks. You have to wear what looks best on you :) if that's shorter hair...then rock it...I'm willing to bet that part of why you got second looks with your bob is that you had a confidence about you and people picked up on that. Everyone is attracted to healthy hair whatever the length :) .
Thanks ladies:) I in regards to my hair care and supplements. I have gotten my hair degree relaxed(texturized) for years so when it dries it is full and thick. I tried going natural w/precision cuts years ago but I did not want to blow my hair out everytime I wanted a straight style so I had it texturized for volume and prevent blow dry damage. Also I have strictly followed a hair care regimen that involves no heat and regular conditioning w/moisture humectant products w/protein treatments monthly. I also baby my ends and hairline. I airdry wrap(I have cut this down to weekly because of thinning hair to one side(right side)-I am inept at wrapping to the left:lol:), I flatiron only at the salon at the time of my touchup only and I use Caruso Molecular Hairsetter thereafter. I wrap my hair w/satin or silk like scarfs,and sleep on satin pillowcases if I don't scarf wrap my hair. I did thin the hair out at the hairline due to pulling it back so much so the new cut has alleviated that problem and it is in the process of growing back.I also take a tsp of cod liver oil daily.
However the things I can't change and can only control are :my age= I am nearing 40 and my hormones are changing which has led to hair and skin breakout issues,hypothyroidism=my doctor is trying to find the right dose of synthroid for me-thyroid problems run on both sides of my family and I have been plagued w/it for years, and eczema-it plagues me every year so I arm myself early(all year in fact) to prepare for preventing spring/summer breakouts that plague even my hairline(nape). I even rid myself of 2 hair products that contributed to hair itching and aggravated my eczema.
I will have to try the biotin and B5 which would help with the growth and thinning. At this point all I am aiming for at this point until my health straigthens out is short but definitely healthy hair.
And Comke-this is for you girl-I am the poster child for hairy legs,arms,knuckles and toes-I was born with this issue. I never thought much of it until I was a teen so I armed myself w/a womans razor and nair and proceeded to demolish the problem because I can't stand hairy anything. So believe me I understand:)
what works for one person may not work for another, we all have to know what's best for us, I know I look better with long hair but it can't all be in my face.
Girl you and me both i found that out kind of hard last year when i joined LHCF...i mean i think i look great with different lengths of hair..but right now im doing the short hair cut....i chose to do it this way because i was so much focused(almost obsessed) .. i tried anything and everything last year trying to obtain long hair...and wasnt getting anywhere with it but causing more damage....so this year i decided to just to cut it and find a good hairstylist to go to on a regular basis which i never have done before and continue going to...and just be all about trying to get healthy hair...you can have healthy hair and it be short your hair doesnt have to be down to your butt to have healthy full hair....and instead of realizing what i did before i came across the LHCF i was able to grow my hair just as well and it worked and sticking with it and just picking up some tips when i joined LHCF ...i went all the way out and changed everything i did and changed products and wasted alot i mean alot of $$$$....everything is not meant to work on everyone...