I Don't Think I Can Watch Primetime Tv Anymore....


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies... :wave:

I didn't quite know where to put this post, so I figured I would just put this in here since maybe some of you will understand and won't jump down my throat lol :look:

This week I've been watching the season premieres of many "hit shows" on Primetime TV (ie. Empire, Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, HTGAWM, etc.), and let me just say.... After last night I am truly flabbergasted. :nono: :nono:

As a Christian woman, I just don't feel like I can personally watch those shows any longer. :nono: They bother my conscience! I personally never was a watcher of HTGAWM, in fact, last night was my FIRST episode I've ever watched of that show. I figured, since Viola Davis got such critical acclaim for it at the Emmy's last Sunday, I might as well check it out to see what it's about.

Well.... needless to say, I was shocked. :nono: I just can't believe how much homosexuality and homosexual relationships/situations are portrayed on TV now days! :shocked: And Empire... ugh... I watched the first few episodes of the first season, and liked it until it got to be too ratchet and morally degrading. :nono: Even Scandal was getting to be a bit too much (although I admit, I really liked last night's episode...:look:).

But almost every SINGLE show I watched this week (Grey's, Empire, HTGAWM) had some type of homosexual theme/romance/kissing in it, and it is just making me a bit uncomfortable. Even watching heterosexual relationships on TV that are too risque bothers my conscience. Here I am a Christian woman, trying to remain chaste for marriage, and these images are on my TV screen. :nono:

I realized right then and there last night that I cannot have a steady diet of this type of "entertainment" if I want to remain "chaste" and clean in God's eyes. :ohwell: To me I feel like a hypocrite.

Is it just my imagination?? Or is the "gay theme" so prevalent these days?? BEfore anyone starts throwing e-darts, I am NEVER discriminatory of gays/lesbians or LBGT individuals. I believe that EVERYONE (no matter WHO you are) deserves respect. :yep: But the constant barrage of homosexual imagery is just so common these days. Almost like it's being made to seem more "normal". You know what they say, when you see something often enough, it starts to seem "normal" to you. #psychology101 Even the constant blatant violent imagery in some TV shows these days is just a bit much for me now.

These days...I don't know...... I just feel like these are all a tool from Satan. :nono:

Your thoughts??? :look:
I understand where you're coming from and felt the same way last night while I was watching TV.

What bothered me about Scandal is that Olivia, the main character, seemed to have no qualms about walking around the living quarters of the White House and sleeping in the same bed that he shared with his wife. She seemed so comfortable doing it. Where is the moral compass? That bothered me more than anything. I like the show better when the focus is her doing her job and not having an affair with the president. She has no qualms about disrespecting the First Lady. I remember during the first season of the show everyone loved the relationship between Fitz and Olivia and then a friend of mine posed this question: "If it was your husband having the affair would it still be romantic?"

Like you, I've only seen one episode of HTGAWM and that was from last season. I thought I would give it a try last night, but when it got to the two women making out I decided that I'd had enough.

I watched maybe three or four episodes of Empire last season and it was my plan to catch up over the summer, but I heard some bad things about the season finale so I never bothered. I saw a highlight on daytime TV the other day and decided that I wasn't going to watch that show either.
Hey Ladies... :wave:

I didn't quite know where to put this post, so I figured I would just put this in here since maybe some of you will understand and won't jump down my throat lol :look:

This week I've been watching the season premieres of many "hit shows" on Primetime TV (ie. Empire, Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, HTGAWM, etc.), and let me just say.... After last night I am truly flabbergasted. :nono: :nono:

As a Christian woman, I just don't feel like I can personally watch those shows any longer. :nono: They bother my conscience! I personally never was a watcher of HTGAWM, in fact, last night was my FIRST episode I've ever watched of that show. I figured, since Viola Davis got such critical acclaim for it at the Emmy's last Sunday, I might as well check it out to see what it's about.

Well.... needless to say, I was shocked. :nono: I just can't believe how much homosexuality and homosexual relationships/situations are portrayed on TV now days! :shocked: And Empire... ugh... I watched the first few episodes of the first season, and liked it until it got to be too ratchet and morally degrading. :nono: Even Scandal was getting to be a bit too much (although I admit, I really liked last night's episode...:look:).

But almost every SINGLE show I watched this week (Grey's, Empire, HTGAWM) had some type of homosexual theme/romance/kissing in it, and it is just making me a bit uncomfortable. Even watching heterosexual relationships on TV that are too risque bothers my conscience. Here I am a Christian woman, trying to remain chaste for marriage, and these images are on my TV screen. :nono:

I realized right then and there last night that I cannot have a steady diet of this type of "entertainment" if I want to remain "chaste" and clean in God's eyes. :ohwell: To me I feel like a hypocrite.

Is it just my imagination?? Or is the "gay theme" so prevalent these days?? BEfore anyone starts throwing e-darts, I am NEVER discriminatory of gays/lesbians or LBGT individuals. I believe that EVERYONE (no matter WHO you are) deserves respect. :yep: But the constant barrage of homosexual imagery is just so common these days. Almost like it's being made to seem more "normal". You know what they say, when you see something often enough, it starts to seem "normal" to you. #psychology101 Even the constant blatant violent imagery in some TV shows these days is just a bit much for me now.

These days...I don't know...... I just feel like these are all a tool from Satan. :nono:

Your thoughts??? :look:

Long post ahead, please bear with me. I praise God for you that you feel convicted - it's evidence of the Holy Spirit working in you. The Bible says that we should think on whatsoever things are pure, lovely and of good report. Not many tv shows fall into those categories, sadly.

You hit the nail on the head - it's definitely all a tool of the devil. The Bible says to guard your heart with all diligence. When we're watching tv, we tend to be relaxed and (in my opinion) more open to suggestions [side note - you notice how in scenes of hypnosis, the subject is always told to relax?]. It's not in your head - just last night, I checked Apple trailers, and I was disheartened at how many films are shoving this agenda down the throats of the masses. It's so, so bad.

As for the tv shows, I thank God that He convicted me quite a few years ago about the things I watch. I've never liked dramas, and so have managed to avoid a lot of unhealthy shows, but in the 'old days', I would probably have given Empire a chance. In fact, I was tempted, but when I heard that a) Lee Daniels (a homosexual) was at the helm, and b) one of the sons was gay, I knew no good would come of it. Back in the day, they'd wait for a season or two before someone 'came out', now it's all there from episode 1!

Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder, created by Shonda Rhimes, who created Grey's Anatomy - a show in which a married (separated from wife, but still married) man has a one-night stand with a woman who turns out to be his co-worker. When I saw that, I figured no good could come of it. As a result, I've avoided all her 'work' since then. Even if she hadn't been involved with Scandal, it really put me off that a) the 'heroine' is a mistress, b) the first time in so many years that a black woman fronts a show, she's a mistress! Double trouble, lol. I didn't even realise there any homosexual activity until about season 3!

Then HTGAWM - man, I saw the trailer for the pilot, and homosexual activity was present in the trailer! How much worse must the show be if they aren't even trying to conceal that? It's too bad - just trying to force people to accept perversity. And I don't just say that about the homosexual stuff - like I said, I avoided Grey's AND Scandal because of the adultery. I've also avoided Sleepy Hollow because of the witchcraft/twisting the Bible aspect. There's just too much immorality being disguised as 'drama'. It's all just poison.

I saw a quote that said something like 'entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy.' I don't know how true that is, but it challenged me. I need to spend more time in God's Word and presence than immersing myself in fiction. God help me. And I pray He helps you too and enables you to keep stay pure in every way. Please see 1 Corinthians 6:13, James 1:27 and Galatians 6:7-8. God bless you, and thank you so much for voicing the concerns of many.
Thank you so much ladies for your thoughts so far... :yep: :yep:

What bothered me about Scandal is that Olivia, the main character, seemed to have no qualms about walking around the living quarters of the White House and sleeping in the same bed that he shared with his wife. She seemed so comfortable doing it. Where is the moral compass? That bothered me more than anything. I like the show better when the focus is her doing her job and not having an affair with the president. She has no qualms about disrespecting the First Lady. I remember during the first season of the show everyone loved the relationship between Fitz and Olivia and then a friend of mine posed this question: "If it was your husband having the affair would it still be romantic?"

YES.... I noticed that too!!! It's interesting because when you are just passively watching TV, you tend to miss some of these things. But when you dig deep and REALLY think about what you're watching and feeding your mind, you start to realize that it really isn't good. :nono:

I'll be completely honest..... I actually enjoyed last night's Scandal episode because it didn't focus so much on the sex/relationship aspect of Fitz & Olivia. :hide: Tony and Kerry have REALLY good chemistry together, but I have to keep reminding myself that one of the reasons why I stopped watching the show over 2+ years ago was because they kept making the immoral love story a focal point of the show! :whyme: :nono: Not only that but also the gay theme w/Cyrus as well..... I gave the show a break, and honestly didn't miss it. But then, my curiousity got the best of me last night, so I decided to watch the season premireres of all 3 shows....(Grey's, Scandal, HTGAWM), and after 3 hours of that filth, I just became disgusted. :nono:

I mean....Scandal was probably the more tame of the two I guess.... If you can even say that. But HTGAWM was just WAY too much. :nono: WAY too much. So was Empire. :nono:

The fact that my conscience is bothering me tells me that I must not be TOO far gone yet lol! :lol:

I watched maybe three or four episodes of Empire last season and it was my plan to catch up over the summer, but I heard some bad things about the season finale so I never bothered. I saw a highlight on daytime TV the other day and decided that I wasn't going to watch that show either.

Trust me, you didn't miss a THING. It wasn't even well-written. :nono:

Thank you so much for your kind and true words @blessedandfavoured :yep: It's very VERY true. The devil always serves something up on a silver platter that looks all shiny and good, but in reality, the food on that platter is rotten... :nono: Your words remind me of that scripture in Philippians 4:8 that states: "Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well spoken of, whatever virtue there is and whatever praiseworthy thing there is, continue considering these things."

My goodness, if I were to really take that scripture to heart with regards my entertainment, I don't think I would be able to watch 85% of what's on TV! :shocked: :lol: It really is a shame.... :nono: Sometimes I imagine what I would be watching if Jesus were sitting right there on my couch watching with me lol. :lol: I definitely know that Empire and all of those other shows would NOT be my show of choice! :lachen:

It's not in your head - just last night, I checked Apple trailers, and I was disheartened at how many films are shoving this agenda down the throats of the masses. It's so, so bad.

Yea at first I thought it was just me! But thanks for helping me to see that it's not just in my head. :nono: It's true....the homosexual lifestyle is being made to seem more "normal" these days. It's almost as if they are going out of their WAY these days!

I've never liked dramas, and so have managed to avoid a lot of unhealthy shows, but in the 'old days', I would probably have given Empire a chance. In fact, I was tempted, but when I heard that a) Lee Daniels (a homosexual) was at the helm, and b) one of the sons was gay, I knew no good would come of it. Back in the day, they'd wait for a season or two before someone 'came out', now it's all there from episode 1!

So so true!!! Back in the day, it would take about 2 or 3 seasons, or maybe at least 10 episodes before you found out a character is gay. Now it's just there from jump. :nono: I heard HTGAWM was the same way.

See, I'm JUST now learning that Lee Daniels is gay! I don't know much about him honestly. I just knew that he directed the film "The Butler", and that he directs (or produces?) "Empire". I just recently found out that he is indeed a gay man. I had no idea. NOW it's making sense. I admit, I watched about 3 full episodes of Empire during the first season when it came out, but after the 3rd episode, I couldn't take it anymore. :nono: The immorality and ratchedness was just too much. :hand:

I decided to give it another chance since I figured hey...maybe the show has changed since I last saw it. Ha! NOPE! If anything, it's WORSE! :nono: The season premiere on Wednesday was all over the place, and (yet again) had homosexual themes in it (not JUST the gay son either!). It's like it was dripping w/homosexuality. :nono: You know it's bad when you see more HOMOSEXUAL kiss scenes than hetereo during an episode of a show! :nono: HTGAWM was that way as well! No hetero kiss scenes...only GAY ones. I just can't.... :nono: :hand:

Again, I don't believe ANYONE should be discriminated against, and I don't hate homosexuals. I'm not homophobic or whatever people wanna call it :rolleyes:, but the way the entertainment industry is going these days is just deplorable!

Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder, created by Shonda Rhimes, who created Grey's Anatomy - a show in which a married (separated from wife, but still married) man has a one-night stand with a woman who turns out to be his co-worker.

And see what really KILLS me is that I WANT to support more black males and females in the ET industry! I really do. And so I was trying to give these shows a chance. I'm happy for Shonda that she's making it so big in the industry....but part of me is asking..."at what price though??" :look:

*sigh* I like Kerry, Taraji, Lee Daniels, Viola, etc....and like I said, I WANT to support the black community because I know it's so hard out there in HW for them, but I am just shocked at how much of a downward spiral things have gone so quickly these days....and especially in the black community. Usually we're the ones who are more "religious" or preaching about God/bible....trying to uphold bible morals. But these days it's like all caution has been thrown to the wind. :nono:

I've also come to realize now days, that whenever something is popular...especially by the masses, by the world, by society in general...always be VERY cautious about it. The devil knows what he is doing. :ohwell:

I have come to the conclusion after last night that I will definitely not be feeding my mind w/those shows....ESPECIALLY not HTGAWM, Grey's, or Empire. :nono: I may give Scandal another episode chance just to see if they stick to her job as being the main focus as opposed the "affair". :look: If not, then off it goes as well. But I made a serious determination yesterday that I can't be watching these shows anymore. :nono: They are designed to get you hooked....but hooked into immorality and immoral ways of thinking. :nono: I don't need to feed my mind w/that stuff.
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Last night I watched the first episode of Rosewood with Morrison Chestnut and figured I'd enjoy the show. When I realized the woman playing his sister is a lesbian and marrying a woman I immediately got turned off. In fact, that's exactly why I never watched Scandal and Empire. Sexual anarchy is on the rise and people's constant viewing of these things is why they refuse to hear the Gospel and despise the Bible. I have considered getting my cable disconnected and keeping internet only, which I will likely be doing very soon. Those who are true believers need to have discernment in these times and understand what's going on spiritually. That's why we are learning to avoid these shows. You have some who say there is nothing wrong with watching these kinds of shows. But as Paul says, all things are lawful but all things do not edify. No believer can watch such things and it doesn't effect their spiritual life. In fact, to be able to watch them without the Holy Spirit convicting their heart is probably proof that some repentance is needed. The more I grown in Christ, the more grieved I am by TV today.
^^^I was going to watch my first episode of Empire today after that spoof I saw by Jimmie Fallon but I guess I'm going to pass. Never been interested. Plus, I don't like what's-his-face as he publicly lives...light eyes guy. I've never truly been interested and don't need it.
Seems like we're not the only ones who are thinking that TV has gone down the tubes....:look:

Keep in mind...this article was written in 2007. This is over 7 years ago!!! :shocked: (Gosh, that seems like ages ago lol)

Poll: Public says TV is getting worse
Posted 9/12/2007 5:46 PM

By David Bauder, AP Television Writer

NEW YORK — Terrie Williams doesn't know anything about what's coming up in this fall's new television season. And she's fine with that.

Williams, a mother of four from Richmond Park, Ill., is among the 62 percent of Americans who say that TV programs are getting worse, according to a poll by The Associated Press and AOL Television. Only 22 percent said they are getting better.
"They didn't curse on TV like they do now," said Williams, 38. "My daughter is 19 and I am still uncomfortable watching things with her. It's all about sex, sex, sex."
TV networks seem more interested in separating people to watch different sets around the house instead of bringing families together, said Williams, who has fond memories of watching "The Waltons" long ago.
The likelihood of people believing TV is getting worse increases with age, the poll found. Nearly three-quarters of people aged 65 and over believe that -- not surprising with most networks relentlessly chasing the youthful demographic that advertisers pay a premium to reach.
Television historian Tim Brooks cautioned that there may be a "good old days" effect at work in those poll results -- people who give a rosy tint to the past. Many critics believe that because there are so many channels now, there are a lot more good things to choose from.
"It's indicative of the love affair that people have with television," said Brooks, a Lifetime executive. "As with the people you're closest to, you're always complaining. Complaining in a loving way, of course."
That doesn't mean networks should dismiss these poll results, especially now that people have so many entertainment choices, he said.
Eugene King, a designer from Philadelphia, may typify what Brooks means. King, 51, agreed that television isn't what it used to be, yet can tick off all the things he likes to watch: "This Old House," "Masterpiece Theater," science fiction programs, even Jerry Springer ("You know it's a bunch of crap, you know it's coming, so you deal with it," he said).
He's aware enough to cite a specific new show -- NBC's "Journeyman" -- that he's eager to see. When pollsters asked which new shows people are most looking forward to seeing this fall, only 7 percent could name one.
King said he's tired of cop and forensics shows, can't stand game shows and is tired of constant envelope-pushing.
"They're trying to be as dirty as they can be, or as dirty as they can get away with," he said.
Midwesterners are most likely to think TV shows are getting worse, the poll found. And a startling 85 percent of white evangelical Christians who attend church at least once a week said TV is going downhill.
The poll found 71 percent of Americans believe there are too many reality shows on television, but that's actually an improvement from the 80 percent who said the same thing in an AP-TV Guide poll in 2005. And here's a caution for CBS: 9 percent of respondents spontaneously mentioned "Survivor" as the program they'd most like to see canceled.
"I'm not entertained by watching people eat spiders," said Jeanie Peterson, 59, of New Orleans.
Less than one American in 10 said they have watched a full-length television show over the Internet. For those under 30, it's 14 percent, the poll found.
The poll found 28 percent of Americans say they would like to see more news on television, compared to 17 percent in the 2005 survey.
The poll was conducted by Ipsos and involved interviews with 1,204 adults from Aug. 24-26. The margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3 percentage points.


Last night I watched the first episode of Rosewood with Morrison Chestnut and figured I'd enjoy the show. When I realized the woman playing his sister is a lesbian and marrying a woman I immediately got turned off. In fact, that's exactly why I never watched Scandal and Empire. Sexual anarchy is on the rise and people's constant viewing of these things is why they refuse to hear the Gospel and despise the Bible. I have considered getting my cable disconnected and keeping internet only, which I will likely be doing very soon. Those who are true believers need to have discernment in these times and understand what's going on spiritually. That's why we are learning to avoid these shows. You have some who say there is nothing wrong with watching these kinds of shows. But as Paul says, all things are lawful but all things do not edify. No believer can watch such things and it doesn't effect their spiritual life. In fact, to be able to watch them without the Holy Spirit convicting their heart is probably proof that some repentance is needed. The more I grown in Christ, the more grieved I am by TV today.

Yup.......that turned me off as well!!! :nono:

It's like, within the first 5-10 min of a new show these days, you will automatically know that 1) at least ONE character is gay 2) 2 people are engaged in some scandalous love affair 3) someone has murdered/maimed/killed/injured someone.....

I mean, I'm not a prude, but it's just getting to be a bit much.... :nono: :nono:

Yes, many will claim that there is nothing wrong w/watching these shows, but they're wrong. :nono: What you watch/read/look at/listen to on a regular basis DEEPLY affects you. :yep:

My friend and I were so excited to see "The Maze Runner 2: The Scorch Trials" last weekend, but halfway through the movie, we ended up walking out! :nono: The level of violence, horror and graphic zombie violence/nastiness was just awful! :nono: I felt like I was watching a horror film! I don't watch/do anything that borderlines on the occult, and I'm sorry, but my friend and I felt like what we were watching was very unnatural. We felt VERY uncomfortable. The people looked possessed. Smh... :nono: After 2 scenes of that nonsense, we left in the middle of the movie. I have no qualms walking out of a movie and wasting my money if it is something that bothers my conscience deeply. I don't play that. :nono: That will teach me to next time make sure I choose my movies more wisely. I was so shocked because NOWHERE in the trailers were those zombies shown. And the first movie was NOTHING like this one (Part 2). We felt so mislead. :nono:

I'm going to make this a matter of prayer, because the devil is crafty. He KNOWS how to make things seem appealing so that you keep on watching. But like it says in the bible, I have to not only love what God loves, but also HATE what he hates. I think it's the latter part that can be so challenging at times. :ohwell:
Seems like we're not the only ones who are thinking that TV has gone down the tubes....:look:

Keep in mind...this article was written in 2007. This is over 7 years ago!!! :shocked: (Gosh, that seems like ages ago lol)

Yup.......that turned me off as well!!! :nono:

It's like, within the first 5-10 min of a new show these days, you will automatically know that 1) at least ONE character is gay 2) 2 people are engaged in some scandalous love affair 3) someone has murdered/maimed/killed/injured someone.....

I mean, I'm not a prude, but it's just getting to be a bit much.... :nono: :nono:

Yes, many will claim that there is nothing wrong w/watching these shows, but they're wrong. :nono: What you watch/read/look at/listen to on a regular basis DEEPLY affects you. :yep:

My friend and I were so excited to see "The Maze Runner 2: The Scorch Trials" last weekend, but halfway through the movie, we ended up walking out! :nono: The level of violence, horror and graphic zombie violence/nastiness was just awful! :nono: I felt like I was watching a horror film! I don't watch/do anything that borderlines on the occult, and I'm sorry, but my friend and I felt like what we were watching was very unnatural. We felt VERY uncomfortable. The people looked possessed. Smh... :nono: After 2 scenes of that nonsense, we left in the middle of the movie. I have no qualms walking out of a movie and wasting my money if it is something that bothers my conscience deeply. I don't play that. :nono: That will teach me to next time make sure I choose my movies more wisely. I was so shocked because NOWHERE in the trailers were those zombies shown. And the first movie was NOTHING like this one (Part 2). We felt so mislead. :nono:

I'm going to make this a matter of prayer, because the devil is crafty. He KNOWS how to make things seem appealing so that you keep on watching. But like it says in the bible, I have to not only love what God loves, but also HATE what he hates. I think it's the latter part that can be so challenging at times. :ohwell:

The bolded is why I rarely go to the movies. I don't find going to the movies sinful but I can't be wasting my little coins lol.
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^^And girl, I don't even have cable right now (just an antennae), and I'm still seeing this type of stuff on Primetime TV!

What is so crazy is that growing up I remember how you pretty much had to have cable or Showtime /HBO in order to see raunchy shows like this! But now look.....you can see this type of licentious stuff right on Primetime TV 24/7. Smh.....my how times have changed so drastically :nono:
I so wanted to support Viola Davis. She has literally 'crawled' a long way and I wanted to celebrate the end of her struggle. However, what she is doing, I cannot support and it makes me very sad. I've never watch Empire but wanted our race to win. I've only seen a few episodes of Scandal and it too is a disappointment. I love Tyler Perry and now I find that he too, has fallen from grace with his drama series. I still have hope for him and I keep him in my prayers. God did not raise him up to stoop so low.

In essence, it's "Blackploitation" which has evolved in higher gear...carried on by more Black lives who have compromised and sold out.

These stars have dimmed their true light. They've sold their souls (literally) to the devil. To feed their hungry souls for fame and fortune, they've sold out. And it is he (satan) who is rewarding them, not God. It's so obvious that it is satan and not God, for they are receiving a reward for heralding sin.

Whatever happen to the Class Acts of Sidney Poitier? A self-taught man who did not begin with means of wealth nor even a clear dialect of English...yet he didn't disgrace the Black race. :nono: And this man propelled into greatness. Cicely Tyson, always a 'Lady'. And yes, I'll say it, 'The Cosby Show'. It was clean and this show did represent a wholesome family with the beauty of being 'Black' and without disgrace to our race.

One thing that I know is certain and will always be... it is that God will not be mocked. He has so patiently extended His loving grace and tender mercies. However, the earth is groaning from the heavy weight of outrageous sin and sin can never win. These gay displays have tipped the barrel over the water fall into waters of raging currents.

We already know what the 'wages of sin are'.... it is an utter end.

God's people are praying and God hears our prayers and He answers. Be assured that all of what we 'see' now, shall not prevail, for it cannot for it does not live and move and breath nor has it's being in God nor in the heart of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Hey Ladies... :wave:

I didn't quite know where to put this post, so I figured I would just put this in here since maybe some of you will understand and won't jump down my throat lol :look:

This week I've been watching the season premieres of many "hit shows" on Primetime TV (ie. Empire, Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, HTGAWM, etc.), and let me just say.... After last night I am truly flabbergasted. :nono: :nono:

As a Christian woman, I just don't feel like I can personally watch those shows any longer. :nono: They bother my conscience! I personally never was a watcher of HTGAWM, in fact, last night was my FIRST episode I've ever watched of that show. I figured, since Viola Davis got such critical acclaim for it at the Emmy's last Sunday, I might as well check it out to see what it's about.

Well.... needless to say, I was shocked. :nono: I just can't believe how much homosexuality and homosexual relationships/situations are portrayed on TV now days! :shocked: And Empire... ugh... I watched the first few episodes of the first season, and liked it until it got to be too ratchet and morally degrading. :nono: Even Scandal was getting to be a bit too much (although I admit, I really liked last night's episode...:look:).

But almost every SINGLE show I watched this week (Grey's, Empire, HTGAWM) had some type of homosexual theme/romance/kissing in it, and it is just making me a bit uncomfortable. Even watching heterosexual relationships on TV that are too risque bothers my conscience. Here I am a Christian woman, trying to remain chaste for marriage, and these images are on my TV screen. :nono:

I realized right then and there last night that I cannot have a steady diet of this type of "entertainment" if I want to remain "chaste" and clean in God's eyes. :ohwell: To me I feel like a hypocrite.

Is it just my imagination?? Or is the "gay theme" so prevalent these days?? BEfore anyone starts throwing e-darts, I am NEVER discriminatory of gays/lesbians or LBGT individuals. I believe that EVERYONE (no matter WHO you are) deserves respect. :yep: But the constant barrage of homosexual imagery is just so common these days. Almost like it's being made to seem more "normal". You know what they say, when you see something often enough, it starts to seem "normal" to you. #psychology101 Even the constant blatant violent imagery in some TV shows these days is just a bit much for me now.

These days...I don't know...... I just feel like these are all a tool from Satan. :nono:

Your thoughts??? :look:

I see your point and agree for regular TV even the Hetero romance scenes are just downright soft porn. Those scenes are partially violent there's no romance no love just impersonal rough sex.

And there's a reason why our society is so loose these days it's the constant barrage of sex and in your face sexuality.

I mean I liked HTGAWM because it is a smart show BUT seriously every week someone is killing someone else. I'm thinking the grand finale will be something out of hunger games, and then there were none type thing at the end.

That's also another thing. They were slick in the first season with the gay guys and the silhouetted sex scene and the autopsy/sex scene- very creepy and gross :barf: once they didn't get a barrage of cancel that filth, or close down the station they went full steam ahead. that's getting to be too much for regular TV IMO. It's only this season we find out Anneliesse is Bi too but I suspected something because IMO no truly Hetero-feminine woman acts like her I don't care how many skirts she wears.

It's either extreme violence or gratuitous sex. Can't people write anymore without the whoring for ratings by one upping the filth factor?

If people want that it's easily available and it's called cable and you know what your getting yourself into. (I've had to block certain channels from displaying because the company won't take them off the menu even if I'm not subscribed) :(

I cringe at the thought that some kid might have a tv on their room and Turn it on after 8PM out of curiosity.

Actually now that you've brought it up these shows in particular break all the 10 commandments on a regular basis and some shows they get away with it. Now some shows (rest are just inappropriate period). can be used as teaching tools (but must be watched w supervision) with young adults 18-19 so they don't go blind into the world but without context and wholesome balances it can be setting oneself up to fail. JMO
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That's also another thing. They were slick in the first season with the gay guys and the silhouetted sex scene and the autopsy/sex scene- very creepy and gross :barf: once they didn't get a barrage of cancel that filth, or close down the station they went full steam ahead. that's getting to be too much for regular TV IMO.

WHAT????!?!!??? :shocked: :shocked:

You've GOT to be kidding me! How on earth did they work this into the storyline? Eeww.... :nono: I shudder to think what the plot was for that episode smh.... :ohwell:
WHAT????!?!!??? :shocked: :shocked:

You've GOT to be kidding me! How on earth did they work this into the storyline? Eeww.... :nono: I shudder to think what the plot was for that episode smh.... :ohwell:


I can't make this up.
It was graphic and sick like something out of Dexter they started with a Hetero couple then they cut pun intended back and forth between the autopsy of a dead girl the ex-BF of girl in the hetero sex scene.
I advise you not to seek it out or watch it WILL turn your stomach. I was DONE with Htgawm after that. Besides Anneliesse is having an affair her husband had an affair with his student who was a virgin and they were married etc....
Actually it was 2nd to when Bruce Jenner accepting his Arthur Ashe award dressed as a woman while the voice of a manly man came out of what appeared to be a woman. But that's another thread.
I'm careful what I watch so I don't watch tons of TV or whatever's on I look at certain shows or what I choose on Netflix I read books,me ven too much news is not good for ones morale.
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I too am "disgusted" with all the gratuitous and "questionable" sex that's shown on the popular programs. Like you I tuned into those two shows and was flabbergasted with what I saw.

I understand that Sex Sells, but sex should not be THE SELLING point of the shows, it's like the writers fear the show will be vapid without those scenes [so frequently] weaved in.

Religious affiliations aside, this volume of sexploitation is very unnerving and unsettling; and one does not have to be pruddish to agree.
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I too am "disgusted" with all the gratuitous and "questionable" sex that's shown on the popular programs. Like you I tuned into those two shows and was flabbergasted with what I saw.

I understand that Sex Sells, but sex should not be THE SELLING point of the shows, i
t's like the writers fear the show will be vapid without those scenes [so frequently] weaved.

Religious affiliations aside, this volume of sexploitation is very unnerving and unsettling; and one does not have to be pruddish to agree.

ITA where's all the witty and smart writing? Why is it that most episodes are pretty slow going so they throw a sex scene in to spice it up. I've been watching the old Colombo shows guess what no sex at all not even a hint of it and it was a hit show so much they brought it back for a second run. Murder yes he's a homicide detective but he's not glorifying it so much as he's showing that you will always get caught. JMO

IMO The sexploitation is always worse for the woman it's always focused on the woman when men are put out there it's not to this degree like the woman are they always show more of the woman than the man. Like how many scenes are there where the man is fully clothed and the woman is naked ? Too many to count.
I don't feel the obligation to support a show artist celeb writer public figure just cause their black and/or a person of color if they're portraying too much filth or their image is all about vulgarity pornography in your face sexuality and just getting naked to shock and get attention...ahem Rihanna now Beyonce now (cause they werent like that before when hey started) Nikki Minaj The Kardashians all these people and more I have stopped supporting for this very reason.

If you want my dollars then show me some real talent some real originality and entertain on that not just get naked get attention and pretend that you actually are talented and expect us all to buy it. You know playing the Sexually liberated in your face chick has been done many times from Marlene Dietrich, Mae West Marylyn Monroe to Madonna and frankly, they did it better. Ok done ranting.
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Last night I watched the first episode of Rosewood with Morrison Chestnut and figured I'd enjoy the show. When I realized the woman playing his sister is a lesbian and marrying a woman I immediately got turned off. In fact, that's exactly why I never watched Scandal and Empire. Sexual anarchy is on the rise and people's constant viewing of these things is why they refuse to hear the Gospel and despise the Bible. I have considered getting my cable disconnected and keeping internet only, which I will likely be doing very soon. Those who are true believers need to have discernment in these times and understand what's going on spiritually. That's why we are learning to avoid these shows. You have some who say there is nothing wrong with watching these kinds of shows. But as Paul says, all things are lawful but all things do not edify. No believer can watch such things and it doesn't effect their spiritual life. In fact, to be able to watch them without the Holy Spirit convicting their heart is probably proof that some repentance is needed. The more I grown in Christ, the more grieved I am by TV today.

Say it's not so. My DVR was set to record that show... I might as well go ahead and delete it now.
Last night I watched the first episode of Rosewood with Morrison Chestnut and figured I'd enjoy the show. When I realized the woman playing his sister is a lesbian and marrying a woman I immediately got turned off. In fact, that's exactly why I never watched Scandal and Empire. Sexual anarchy is on the rise and people's constant viewing of these things is why they refuse to hear the Gospel and despise the Bible. I have considered getting my cable disconnected and keeping internet only, which I will likely be doing very soon. Those who are true believers need to have discernment in these times and understand what's going on spiritually. That's why we are learning to avoid these shows. You have some who say there is nothing wrong with watching these kinds of shows. But as Paul says, all things are lawful but all things do not edify. No believer can watch such things and it doesn't effect their spiritual life. In fact, to be able to watch them without the Holy Spirit convicting their heart is probably proof that some repentance is needed. The more I grown in Christ, the more grieved I am by TV today.

Me too keep Internet and Netflix which I can control it would save me a good amount per year too mmmm.....:boredwrk:
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I refuse to eat Chobani yogurt... ever!

They had a commercial of a woman sitting up in bed devouring a cup of their yogurt and it went 'extra' with licking the spoon, the cup, etc. Then she turns and tickles the feet of another woman that was in bed with her.

Really? Did it take all of that to sell yogurt? Of course not. What they were selling was same sex relationships. It was totally unnecessary and underlying porn. Absolutely sneaky and just plain nasty. I haven't seen it since and pray it never shows again. These vendors are out of their minds.

I also joined One Million Moms and have no regrets. I have no problem letting these vendors know that they will not get my money for their support of sin.

Ladies , I so feel you. It's gotten to where when I have time I watch HGTV or the cooking channel. Now there are a couple of reality shows I watch. But for the most part the primetime dramas are not for me.

I enjoy watching HGTV. The home shows are my favorites.

However.... they are 'easing' in gay couples among the 'searching' home buyers. It seems that no TV station is sacred anymore nor safe from displaying this lifestyle as normal. :nono:

So far, they haven't 'hit' the Hallmark channels (2 of them). Nor the UP Network station which focuses on family and Christian oriented movies and shows.

It breaks my heart to see so many of our Black options have sold out to so much exploitation. There is far more integrity and value to our culture which deserves to be honored and not hidden. The Black community does not deserve to be displayed with so much impropriety.
^^^ oh, my so true! We used to love to watch "House Hunters" & "House Hunters Int'l" and they slowly started slipping in gay couples... it got weird. Why do I want to watch two men gush about their prospective bedroom while looking for a 'nest' in Paris? So we don't watch those shows as much now.. I'm mostly watch public broadcasting, the last frontier.. LOL
^^^ oh, my so true! We used to love to watch "House Hunters" & "House Hunters Int'l" and they slowly started slipping in gay couples... it got weird. Why do I want to watch two men gush about their prospective bedroom while looking for a 'nest' in Paris? So we don't watch those shows as much now.. I'm mostly watch public broadcasting, the last frontier.. LOL

If you ever notice in the TV descriptions, they are described as a "power couple" who is seeking for a home in the city or.............." They won't use the word 'gay'. :nono:

Last week, two policemen were featured. I was hoping they were brothers as they didn't have that 'gay vibe' , however when the host said, " and here is your 'master bedroom'... I was clued in. :nono:
If you ever notice in the TV descriptions, they are described as a "power couple" who is seeking for a home in the city or.............." They won't use the word 'gay'. :nono:

Last week, two policemen were featured. I was hoping they were brothers as they didn't have that 'gay vibe' , however when the host said, " and here is your 'master bedroom'... I was clued in. :nono:
I think I'm almost done with TLC I only like say yes to the dress but they slipped in a gay couple too and now they have a brace yourselves transgender teen (I am Jazz) to replace the Duggars So disappointed/disgusted in the whole situation with their son.
I like HGTV too They are very careful not to use the G word or couple or show any PDA they're also careful not to bring up if a hetero couple is shaked up if the people say it themselves they don't emphasize it if the couple doesn't say it neither do they.
If they're not brothers or sisters or roommates and they say we met etc once I see that's a gay couple I change the channel right away. They will say these brothers or whatever but within the first coupe minutes you know If they're a gay couple or not. I have seen less of these episodes though so maybe they're getting the point. I have no problem with the other shows or the rest of their shows.