I Don't KNow If I Can Do This Anymore

Said it before say it again. Philip kingsley elasticizer. Slather it on go to sleep in 6-8 chunky twists. Wake up and DC with heat and those bad boyz should detangle like butter.

You told me this before but I couldn't get through the link because it wasn't working. Thank you again!
I have an Hercules wide tooth and I rarely use it because it doesn't detangle as well as the Denman and it doesn't remove all of the shed hair. It used to take hours to detangle before I bought the brush.

You can always remove a few rows of the brush if you want to.
I think you should definitely try a brush. I don't do it every week but at least every 3 weeks I detangle with a brush to get out the tangles that finger detangling and a wide tooth comb don't always catch. Another good brush you might want to check out is the Goody Styling Therapy Jojoba Paddle Brush. It has flexible bristles so I'm a lot less cautious about how gentle I am when using it versus when I use a denman(leading to faster detangling) and yet it still manages to get all the shed hair out.
I think it's your styling practices that create so many tangles. As others have stated, if you really want to cut the time of your detangling sessions, the most effective way seems to be having less tangles in the first place. There are no magic combs/brushes that gently get through tangles quicker.

When I wore puffs and 'fros in the beginning my hair stayed a tangly mess. Now, this time around, I wear twists and wash hair one section at a time and am still awe-struck by how few tangles I have now (I really didn't think this was possible).

If you can't give up puffs, maybe you could do braid-outs with straw-set ends. (I had some success with that style but it still got tangled by the end of the night. I could tell a major difference from my usual 16-20 twists style.)
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Most time I wear my hair in a puff. I wash my hair in four sections and then let it dry to about 60-70 % and then a take down the sections and put it in a puff.

Does this mean that you wash, partially air dry and then put it in a puff? You have to detangle everytime your hair gets wet. IDK if that's what you meant, but if it is this is probably a huge source of your tangles.

there was no water in my hair apart from the water I mexed with my conditioner.

You have to detangle on wet hair, the wetter the better. I'm relaxed and the first thing I do when I step out of the shower is towel blot my hair and then detangle. When I was natural I was even more strict about this, I wouldn't wait until your hair is partially dry to detangle.

And absolutely never detangle your hair as a natural when it's dry, even if it's doused in conditioner it has to be wetted in the shower beforehand.

You said that you don't have a shower, so I'm guessing that you're washing your hair bent over the tub or sink, that's another way that your hair will tangle and make it more difficult to detangle.
I haven't tried any of them yet because I just DCed a couple days ago. So next detangling session I will try these out I figured out a routine which I am going to try.

-I will pre-poo with EVOO overnight

-Shampoo my hair with Herbal Essenses Beautiful Ends

-Then lightly finger detangle my hair with EVOO still in my hair

-Then wash the EVOO out so my hair is wet

-Apply some conditioner to my hair

-Then still using my fingers detangle my hair, only using the brush once in a while.

Can I just say that it seems to me, from some of the responses, that I am not going to be able to wear some of the hairstyles that encouraged me to go natural in the first place, like wash and go's or ponypuffs, which is a little discouraging. I want to be able to enjoy my hair but it looks like I might have to restrict myself, sorry if i'm coming across as ignorant. It's just that During my transition to natural I looked at a lot of threads and fotkis, where there were pictures of various styles where the hair was out, and this inspired me to go natural. I find that I am contradicting myself right now, because I don't want detangling sessions to be 3-4 hours, but I also want to wear a variety of styles :( . Anyways we will see how it goes.

BTW It is 17 months of natural growth including my transition so that's a big YAAAAY !!! :D
I think you can still wear puffs but they have to be in a stretched state like blow dried, twistouts, braidouts, or banded. Wash and gos will cause too much shrinkage and tangling for you.

Eta: and it might be good for you to finger comb nightly while you rebraid to get rid of shed hair (when you are wearing puffs)
Thank You LFN ! When you say stretched state would that be like say I had washed my hair in braids let it dry then put it in the style I wanted ?
Also, if you don't have a shower you can pour water over your head with a pitcher so you aren't dunking in a sink or tub.
Ladies I my detangling sesssion to 50 MINUTES !!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOO HAPPY !!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH TO ALL YOU LADIES FOR YOUR ADVICE!!!!
This is what I did:
-I prepooed my hair with EVOO - I think I might have to stop this though because I got spots on my scalp :(
-I finger detangled my hair with the EVOO still in my hair
-Washed my hair with Herbal Essences Beautiful Ends shampoo then washed it out
-Coated my hair thoroughly with my DC - still contemplating on whether to change this though
-My hair was in 6 sections and each section was split into smaller sections
-I smoothed each small section with my hands, just running down the hair so that it was all going on in one direction
-Starting from the end I worked my comb through my hair until it was tangle free.
-Re-twisted the section back up

Also thank you LaFemmeNatural, because now detangling at night has also greatly helped reduce tangles !!!!

You ladies are great !!!!

TY and HHG Ladies !!!!!!!
i think you have been given good advice so far. i just wanted to share wtih you that i had this same issue when i switched from relaxing to texlaxing.....my hair was so hard to detangle. i just sat on the floor and cried. it took me about two months of trying different shampoos and conditioners and products before i found something that worked. meanwhile, i litereally detangled one section of hair in the morning and one section at night. put my hair in a ponytail and didn't touch it again til wash day. i couldn't stand to touch it, so i didn't. once i found something that helped me detangle, i was much happier.

what worked for me was using a little bit of a serum with silicones (i use garnier fructis serum) after i deep conditioned and applied my leave in conditioner. i know silicones are taboo, but it kept me from ripping all my hair out.

whatever you decide, try to relax and enjoy the learning process. it can be difficult and make you a little crazy. just want you to know you are not alone. :)
YAY I'm glad you were able to get it down to 50 minutes. Some people may think that's a long time but I think it's pretty good. A better conditioner may be able to get the time down some more but if you're happy with the 50 mins, no need to change.
Some of your ladies may remember me saying that it took me 4 hours to detangle my hair. And with that you ladies offered me some great advice on how to detangle my hair. I also watched videos on You Tube on how detangle my hair. So after all this advice, I was feeling confident that I would be able to detangle my hair in the maximum time of an hour. So I bought a new wide tooth comb today and mixed some water in my conditioner to make it more slippery. The bottom right of my hair seemed to be going well,and the bottom left not so bad. However when I asked my brother what time it was he said 11 'o' clock. I had failed my attempt to detangle my hair within an hour because I started at 9:07. So I said let me do it in at least 2 hours. Then I continued to detangle my hair, getting more and more fustrated, but still managing to be somewhat gentle. Then I went to the living room where my mum had fallen asleep ( She didn't know I was still awake. My mum doesn't sleep untill everyone else is asleep so she can check up on them) and then she woke up to find me standing there with my hand in my hair crying. Yes I was crying !!! Not because it hurt, but because once again I had failed to do such a simple task as to detangle my hair ! I was and still am soooo annoyed with myself. I don't know what I am doing wrong but this is just not funny anymore. I finished detangling my hair at 12:40, 3 hours and thirty minutes after I had started! At least I had cut down half an hour. I hope you can hear my sarcasm. I feel like such a retard, because everyone else seems to be able to detangle their hair in no more than an hour and their hair is much longer than mine, I'm only grazing APL.
I love my hair, like REALLY love my hair, but if I can't do this, then I'm not gonna put myself through stress when I have university, job and life in general to worry about. Where I live, there are hardly, if any natural heads and so I wanted to be the one to show women and people in general that natural hair is just as beautiful. But how can I do that when I can barely handle my own hair ! And just to add insult to injury,I found about 10 broken hairs in the sink ......... I really wanted to slap myself at this point!
Does anyone know of any hair stylists that can actually teach me how to detangle my hair, or any advice or someone who can show me how they detangle?
Anyways ladies I'm out

TIA and HHG.

It takes me 3+ hours to detangle my hair too. Maybe with more practice your time will decrease.
I know, some women can get detangling done in like half an hour !!! But I'm very happy with how much it's reduced !!! It can only get better !!! One thing though I did experience some breakage but I get breakage all the time. Is that normal ? I shedded so little though about 30 hair for 5 days !!
YAY I'm glad you were able to get it down to 50 minutes. Some people may think that's a long time but I think it's pretty good. A better conditioner may be able to get the time down some more but if you're happy with the 50 mins, no need to change.

Just saw this post, didn't read whole thread. Glad you got it down to 50 min. :-)
One thing though I did experience some breakage but I get breakage all the time. Is that normal ? I shedded so little though about 30 hair for 5 days !!
as for breakage, i would continue low manipulation on "off" wash days and i would not co wash so much so that your overall tangling is reduced. then your breakage should diminish as well. especially since you have mastered your detangling routine.
:woot: glad you were able to cut down on your detangling time and I'm glad that started detangling BEFORE washing. I agree with you, it will only get better from here. Just keep learning about your hair and listening to what it wants and likes. :yep:
Hello ladies ! Just thought I do a little update ! So my detangling sessions are still much quicker than 4 hours, most of the time it's an hour and a half, which is an increase from 50 mins but I'm still very happy :yep: :) :yep: Now instead of me doing my hair in 8 sections I actually have to do them in like 12 :yep: it's more than the average but I find that I'm able to get more grip on my hair and therefore detangle more thoroughly :) I think the more sections are actually why it's a bit longer than the 50 minutes I did it in last time, but overall I'm extremely happy !!! And also I'm not getting much breakage, maybe a few hairs here there, but I guess that a part of doing hair :D
Once again ladies thank you very much !!!

HHG Ladies !!!
If you dont have a shower, get the ones you attach to the bath and get someone to hold it over your head while you detangle. Wash your hair in 10 braisd or so to being with and detangle in sections. Porosity control conditioner is great for this, I detangle whilst it it still in my hair under running water. It cut say 2 hours off of my regimen. Try it!
I don't have a shower so what I normally do is put my DC in and detangle like that.

I worked in 4 sections which I then slit each in half to make it easier but then I got scared that I would break my hair so I did it in even smaller sections. I wide tooth comb is about 0.5cm spaced between each tooth. And I added about 3 tablespoons of water to 250g of my DC.

I'm so sorry but I'm so desperate can you please help me.

at the bolded....you need more sections!!! :yep: If I only used 4 sections I would have a nightmare on my hands.

I use 8 sections now 10-12 when my hair was shorter. I split those in the middle of my hair where it is thicker and this makes detangling a breeze! and I keep each section strecthed by forming bantu knot with it. I work one section at a time. I finger detangle then use a wide tooth comb then I roll the hair back into a bantu knot

I spend maybe 30 mins maybe detangling and I have 4a crown and a 4b center. I manage this because my hair never gets the opportunity to shrink.

ETA! I see you worked it out :grin: the sections are key for kinkier hair types
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A shower would hep a lot, but if you put your head under the bath faucet it might suffice. ALso use a really slippy condition. Maybe try cowashing first and then using a cholesteral condish like lekair or maybe some condisher with a lot of silicones.

BUT if you had a shower it would be easier.
I just started using Hemp oil daily and it cut down even more on my detangling time. The tangles just melted right out. Also have you tried letting the water from the tub spout run through your hair to act like a shower. You have to kneel but that water will def help cut throught the hair.