I don't have anyone to do my hair


Well-Known Member
My mini-vent
It is relaxer time and I've been doing my own hair for years. Since I have been on a healthy hair journey, I have even cut out my periodic trips to a professional. I just came to the realization today that I don't have ANYONE whom I trust to put this relaxer in my hair. I just don't feel like doing it myself. I want a relaxer and rollerset and I know that will take hours and it is a scary thought that there is NOONE to help a sista out. We need a regional hair management team thread or something. I would trust someone from the boards to do my hair before I would trust someone who doesn't know the truth about hair. I have to make it to the next Charlotte area meetup because I need some hair backup. Let me put in my resume now just incase this gets taken seriously.

I can do twist sets, braidouts, and relaxers. uhm. I can whip a flat iron pretty well too.
I totally understand where you are coming from. Someone offered to pay for a salon visit and I refused. I don't think I can ever trust my hair to be done by a "professional" stylist. I have too many rules (don't do this, don't do that) and I have too much knowledge to put my hair in someone else's hands.

By the way, never do your relaxer on a day that you feel "blah." Do your hair when you feel good about yourself. Trust me, it'll look and feel better.
you can go to a dominican salon. you tell them exactly what you want and they will do what you say. they are usually cheaper and you can just get a doobi which would be no direct heat if you want.
there is only one person i trust with my hair and i still dont go to her as often anymore because of the heat she uses. so when i dont feel like doing it myself i just go to the domincans and bring my own deep conditioner.
I totally understand where you are coming from. Someone offered to pay for a salon visit and I refused. I don't think I can ever trust my hair to be done by a "professional" stylist. I have too many rules (don't do this, don't do that) and I have too much knowledge to put my hair in someone else's hands.

By the way, never do your relaxer on a day that you feel "blah." Do your hair when you feel good about yourself. Trust me, it'll look and feel better.

Same thing happened to me, my older cousin offer treat me to a salon day when i was going to visit her and I had to let her know that I don't trust salons with my hair.

If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself.
This is actually one of the reasons I went natural. I do my hair myself now (except the rare occasion I flat iron--I still need help then).
I wish I had a dominican salon near me, but even still, I'd be all iffy about having someone in my head. Angelicus, I know what you mean about doing your hair in a blah mood. I did a relaxer and a set one night at about 12:30-1:00 and my head looked a mess. it wasn't fully processed, I had nappy newgrowth, straight edges, some burning. plus the set ended up in a pony