I don't get men, they are crazy


Well-Known Member
There is this guy at work who seemed like a nice person. He seemed to have interest in me. We sat on occasion together and chatted and we got along great. He seemed mature and smart.

So I was hoping to become friends with this individual...that is right not date or anything just friends. I admit I thought he looked cute but that was it.

Well, I sat with him in hope of striking a friendship and get to know who the heck he was. Well that was the biggest mistake of my life. We talked a little while working and then he also talked to his buddies. He was talking about the women he picked up and how they were crazy( EX: how he got picked up by a gogo dancer that spoke like a fortune cookie):nono:

I also noticed this female co worker wouldn't stop grabbing him everywhere ( grabbing and rubbing his back, the hair...sista was dead wrong). This dude told me that he thought that she was possibly prostituting herself.

Anyways, I kind got put off by the whole thing and starting reading my book and kept to myself. I spoke to him a little bit in between calls. When my shift was done I said goodbye and he said bye and winked at me. I simply smiled and went on my way.

As I was leaving he came to the elevator..He usually don't leave the floor at the same time as I do . The elevator was crowded and the door was about shut in his face. He just stood there for some reason holding his dinner(he was on his way to the cafeteria) so I stretched out my leg to open the elevator door.Now that I think of it my foot might have been slightly tilt up. He didn't even say thank you or anything. The man never spoke to me since.:spinning: He is Persian and I heard it is an insult to lift your foot/shoe show at somebody in their culture(I.e heard about this by CNN and the ex prez bush and the show throwing incident)...I don't know if that is what I just did or not.

Then heck how the heck would I know I'm not even middle eastern , I'm just a plain black girl. People are funky...At this time, I'm stepping away from foreign ( non canadian or non american) men. Just too much drama over slightest little things.:spinning: I like men that are drama free.
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Girl leave crazy in his place you don't need it.Now if you think you offended him or culture and it is bothering you approach him and offer a simple apology.After that leave him alone.
There was this Persian guy in one of my classes who was really into me, he was fine. But he seemed too young and immature, plus his name was Aryan, and that's too awkward. :nono: