
New Member
I have been experiencing breakage at the nape..some parts of it only have 1/2 to a 1 inch of hair. I started my nape challenge on 5/2/08..I just felt my hair at the nape and it feels very DRY....I moisturized today(i do this twice a day) so why is this happening....what else can I do? bring nourish and shine to work.....UGRR:wallbash:
Try using a little garlic in your condish. I cut up a clove, pour a couple of teaspoons of distilled water over it and nuke in microwave for 15 seconds. Then I add this to my condish and DC. I don't have much of a problem with shedding but I hear this works. I use it every now and then just for safe measure. That's the natural way, maybe others have a product you can use.
I have been experiencing breakage at the nape..some parts of it only have 1/2 to a 1 inch of hair. I started my nape challenge on 5/2/08..I just felt my hair at the nape and it feels very DRY....I moisturized today(i do this twice a day) so why is this happening....what else can I do? bring nourish and shine to work.....UGRR:wallbash:

I'm sorry you're dealling with this problem. Here's what I would do:

1) If you are relaxed, I would make sure that the relaxer is being thoroughly rinsed out, and the hair is neutralized properly. Better yet, I would relax that area last and maybe every other touchup.

2) I would clarify my hair of all buildup so that the nape (and the rest of the hair) is able to absorb the moisture that you're applying.

3) I would make sure nothing is rubbing my nape, causing breakage, like turtlenecks or collars, elastic band from satin bonnets, excessive combing or brushing, etc.

Hope this helps!
have u tried putting your nape in 2 or 3 braids then adding a moisturizer over the braid. i find braiding helps to grow it out.
have u tried putting your nape in 2 or 3 braids then adding a moisturizer over the braid. i find braiding helps to grow it out.

I have tried that, but only when I wear it out...right now it is in a loose ponytail....i am so frustrated and i am not even a week into my challenge....
I'm sorry you're dealling with this problem. Here's what I would do:

1) If you are relaxed, I would make sure that the relaxer is being thoroughly rinsed out, and the hair is neutralized properly. Better yet, I would relax that area last and maybe every other touchup.

2) I would clarify my hair of all buildup so that the nape (and the rest of the hair) is able to absorb the moisture that you're applying.

3) I would make sure nothing is rubbing my nape, causing breakage, like turtlenecks or collars, elastic band from satin bonnets, excessive combing or brushing, etc.

Hope this helps!

My last relaxer was 3/21/08 and I am doing Motion 32 day hair receipe to stop breakage...which is co-wash with motions CPR for 15 mins.
i would try gettin rid of the pony tail and making a large 2 strand twist and just keep it pinned up. thats how i managed to grow out my hair. i never do ponys, not even loose ones, just too scared too have something wrapped around my hair rubbin on it all day.

I have tried that, but only when I wear it out...right now it is in a loose ponytail....i am so frustrated and i am not even a week into my challenge....
Is your nape area overprocessed? How often do you stretch relaxers? (I agree with relaxing the area last.) What moisturizer have you been using? How often do you DC? Do you focus on the area while DC-ing?

I used to have major nape problems for years ... maybe you can check out my fotki for more tips if you're interested. (It's under my "Hair Challenges" folder.)
Is your nape area overprocessed? What moisturizer have you been using? How often do you DC? Do you focus on the area while DC-ing?

I used to have major nape problems for years ... maybe you can check out my fotki for more tips if you're interested. (It's under my "Hair Challenges" folder.)

I have no idea...all i know is that the left side of my nape broke off...some parts are very short...

I have been using Nourish and Shine...along with BB castor oil.

Since starting my challenge this month...I have been focusing on that area while DC...I DC twich a week....
I have been experiencing breakage at the nape..some parts of it only have 1/2 to a 1 inch of hair. I started my nape challenge on 5/2/08..I just felt my hair at the nape and it feels very DRY....I moisturized today(i do this twice a day) so why is this happening....what else can I do? bring nourish and shine to work.....UGRR:wallbash:
it could be many of things.1[if your hair is damaged in anyway........no matter what product you use,you wont see the full benefits.......so i guess my question would be is the hair relaxed/that causes dryness especially when using the wrong relaxer and over or underprosseing the hair.......lye relaxer is best...............from what i hear from people i know with extrmly long hair..................2/get the hair in as best condition as possible.just to name a few.................also.....massage your scalp daily with an oil .this seems to work pretty well.its up to you,but thats my advice.good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
I have no idea...all i know is that the left side of my nape broke off...some parts are very short...

I have been using Nourish and Shine...along with BB castor oil.

Since starting my challenge this month...I have been focusing on that area while DC...I DC twich a week....

It sounds like your nape is overprocessed to me. In my opinion, it's going to take time before you see progress (even in moisture level). You started your challenge only several days ago ... it can take 1, 2, 3, or more months. Just hang in there!

Keep moisturizing 2x a day (that's what I did as well). Keep DC-ing. Relax the nape area last OR stretch relaxers in that area. Continue giving it TLC. Here are some pics to give you hope ... Keep up with your challenge, Kiki!!

February 2007:

December 2007:
if you wear a satin scarf to bed, it might be the knot of the scarf rubbing against, tugging, wearing out your nape :ohwell:
My nape was overprocessed at one point, and I found moisture was what really helped it recover. If I'm not mistaken, Motions CPR is a protein Con - so you may want to do that once a week, and then a moisturizing DC the other.

Also, most moisturizing combo I've found it mixing Aloe Vera Gelly or liquid with vegetable glycerine. I add a little SAA and filtered water and put it all in a spray bottle. Spritz that on, then use your leave in, and seal with something thick and nourishing like castor oil mixed with a few drops of a light oil - like jojoba or coconut to help it spread. Since you're wearing your halr up, you don't have to worry about it killing your style.
Kiki, we're not even one week in. Whatever techniques you're using, give it time to work. The breakage will stop. I'm doing the same thing you're doing and it seems to be working. I've decided to do a weekly treatment to that area only, in conjuction with the moisturizing, etc. It will be ok, you see what I'm working with.
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Kiki, we're no even one week in. Whatever techiques you're using, give it time to work. The breakage will stop. I'm doing the same thing you're doing and it seems to be working. I've decided to do a weekly treatment to that area only, in conjuction with the moisturizing, etc. It will be ok, you see what I'm working with.

I know quest...but i was a little upet that when i felt my hair it felt so DRY..like i didn't put anything there at all...i will keep it up though
It sounds like your nape is overprocessed to me. In my opinion, it's going to take time before you see progress (even in moisture level). You started your challenge only several days ago ... it can take 1, 2, 3, or more months. Just hang in there!

Keep moisturizing 2x a day (that's what I did as well). Keep DC-ing. Relax the nape area last OR stretch relaxers in that area. Continue giving it TLC. Here are some pics to give you hope ... Keep up with your challenge, Kiki!!

February 2007:

December 2007:

WOW...your nape looks awesome....thanks for posting this ..I really needed to see this...very inspirational....
My nape was overprocessed at one point, and I found moisture was what really helped it recover. If I'm not mistaken, Motions CPR is a protein Con - so you may want to do that once a week, and then a moisturizing DC the other.

Also, most moisturizing combo I've found it mixing Aloe Vera Gelly or liquid with vegetable glycerine. I add a little SAA and filtered water and put it all in a spray bottle. Spritz that on, then use your leave in, and seal with something thick and nourishing like castor oil mixed with a few drops of a light oil - like jojoba or coconut to help it spread. Since you're wearing your halr up, you don't have to worry about it killing your style.

I was going to post the same thing. Actually, I would not use the Motions CPR on the nape at all, I would focus on moisture. I found the continual use of Motions to be drying. I also would not over manipulate the nape area. Are you conditioner washing it daily? If so, I think that is way too much for a fragile area. I grew out my nape with s-curl, a heavy, creamy leave in, lots of oil, and leaving it alone as much as possible.
I feel your pain, my nape is the one area that I feel I need to REALLY pay close attention to. It's not that bad actually, it's just shorter than the rest of my hair and I want to give attention to it before I look around and realize there's MAJOR trouble back there.

What I'm finding with me is that it's the DRIEST part of my hair and it's very delicate too. So the advice to use a good true moisturizing DC is important. I'm finding also that overall for my hair (but PARTICULARLY for the nape) switching to a low cone/cone free conditioner has proven to be the best move. So now my hair is truly getting the moisture from the product instead of being masked by silicone sitting on my hair and giving the appearance of being moisturized when in actuality the problems are only being covered like a band-aid.

The next best thing for me to not obsess over that area and give it a much needed break was to add 2 tracks back there. At first the idea kinda freaked me out because since coming out of my 2 year obsession of wearing constant sewn in weaves (which did wonders for my hair) I had vowed to not rely on them for length etc. But I realized now that this is an actual helpful thing, my hair is getting a break, I'm preventing breakage in that way and keeping it moisturized at the same time, and in due time it will be as great as the rest of my hair. I think from now on for the winter months I will continue to add the 2 tracks to the back so I won't have to worry about things rubbing against the area and causing drama. I also agree that you should watch out with what's going on when that area gets relaxed. If you're not doing it yourself, you've got to watch and make sure that only the NG is getting the relaxer back there. It's so easy to get the whole hair shaft from root to tip (especially if you're dealing with a stylist). And I'm not sure, but I think that may have happened with my stylist... You best believe that I am sooooo paying closer attention to the relaxer application back there. Oh yes, and apply it to that area last...

Hang in there!
I'm sorry you're dealling with this problem. Here's what I would do:

1) If you are relaxed, I would make sure that the relaxer is being thoroughly rinsed out, and the hair is neutralized properly. Better yet, I would relax that area last and maybe every other touchup.

2) I would clarify my hair of all buildup so that the nape (and the rest of the hair) is able to absorb the moisture that you're applying.

3) I would make sure nothing is rubbing my nape, causing breakage, like turtlenecks or collars, elastic band from satin bonnets, excessive combing or brushing, etc.

Hope this helps!

I completely agree with this.

If your hair is all of a sudden broken off to 1/2 inch it's most likely due to not rinsing out or neutralizing the relaxer properly.

This has happened to me numerous times. I'm going through this right now. I was a stylist hoe:rolleyes:

I think you should massage your scalp, and give that area a break from relaxing. Relax like every other touch up or relax it last.
It sounds like your nape is overprocessed to me. In my opinion, it's going to take time before you see progress (even in moisture level). You started your challenge only several days ago ... it can take 1, 2, 3, or more months. Just hang in there!

Keep moisturizing 2x a day (that's what I did as well). Keep DC-ing. Relax the nape area last OR stretch relaxers in that area. Continue giving it TLC. Here are some pics to give you hope ... Keep up with your challenge, Kiki!!

February 2007:

December 2007:

Wow! Excellent results. That is amazing. Keep up the good work!:yep:
I have been experiencing breakage at the nape..some parts of it only have 1/2 to a 1 inch of hair. I started my nape challenge on 5/2/08..I just felt my hair at the nape and it feels very DRY....I moisturized today(i do this twice a day) so why is this happening....what else can I do? bring nourish and shine to work.....UGRR:wallbash:

Hmm I don't think anyone touched on sleeping. How are you sleeping? On your side or your back. If you sleep on your back, that can keep the nape from growing. I don't know if you are a hard sleeper but I wake up often to change my sleeping position to make sure one side isn't constantly smothered.