I dont care what anybody says I love Mixed Silk Leave-in!


New Member
Ok. So I know that there was a loooong thread about this product already, but I just had to put my input in. Most of the reviews I saw on this product in that thread was that this product was not whats hot for most people, but I cant get enough of it! I know most people will probably just over look my review because I'm not waist length and swangin' but I could not let another day pass without letting the masses know! I've been using this stuff for about 3 weeks now and every time I use it I get nice moisturized hair. It doesnt leave flakes in my hair, it doesnt make it crunchy and it doesnt dry my hair out by the end of the day. It detangles my year post transitioning hair without me even having to use a brush or comb. I just apply it in sections to my freshly washed hair and seal with coconut oil. It leaves my hair shiny and moisturized for a full week and by then its wash day again anyway.

I was really nervous about doing a review on this and raving about it because most people who didnt like it were BSL and beyond and it seems once they say they dont like it, the product becomes LHCF banned. :lachen:I even tried to give a review in the thread about how it worked for me but people just kind of ignored my review or gave me the side-eye. (i guess its because I'm not waist length and swangin' :lol:) And trust me, I wanted to hate this product so bad because everybody else was giving it the thumbs down but I just couldnt. :lol: I love it and my hair REALLY loves it. I guess it just goes to show you what doesnt work for you may work for me. I guess what I'm trying to say with this long post is dont knock something before you try it. :drunk:

That is all :)

Oh btw - I don't dislike the Mixed Silk Leave-In...I actually like it. I do think it could be more moisturizing but that is easily mitigated by using something moisturizing on the top or bottom. My only thing about it is it STINKS (to me, I hate those super perfume-like cheapy smells), has a cone (potential build up, even if I clarify weekly b/c I do my hair almost everyday), and has wheat protein (can easily get protein overload) so I can't use it everyday if I wanted to. I definitely think it's worth a try though.
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Yay, I agree with ellie I have the DC on the side of my bed and PU it smells something aweful, Smells a little like ashy feet dipped in cheap perfume, makes me wrinkle my nose.

Yet I can't wait to try it. If I don't like it, I will mix it in my Henna for added moisture :)

And who cares what anyone else says as long as it works for you.
i did not like that stuff. the deep conditioner was ok but like Elle said, that stuff stinks.
the scent does fade hallelujer but i cant even front, that stuff wasnt bad on my hair at all. it felt rather nice, i couldnt stop touching it.
Here is a picture I just took right now. I'm not sure what type of pics you guys were looking for but I tried... I DC'd over night and rinsed out this morning. Applied the leave in and coconut oil.

My hair is about 70% dry in this pic


This next picture is right after I applied the leave in and coconut oil. I didnt use a brush to detangle. And even when I do use a brush to detangle its NEVER fully detangled like this. I always have some weird tangles going on at the line of demarcation. I think this is when I fell in love with this stuff.


I'm doing my hair in a updo later today. I'll add some more pics of the final product later today.
Ah I see, pretty! Yes, it did have a lot of slip for me and it was easy for me to run my fingers through my hair when applying. Glad you had good results.
Wheat protein is a moisture binding protein it does not contribute to protein overload. I wish more people knew this so they could reap the benefits of it.
Wheat protein is a moisture binding protein it does not contribute to protein overload. I wish more people knew this so they could reap the benefits of it.
I expericenced breakage with Wheat protein. My hair refuses to get along with any type of protein unless its the one thats in eco styler lol. Oh and Silk protein, that stuff doesnt bother my hair either.
Wheat protein is a moisture binding protein it does not contribute to protein overload. I wish more people knew this so they could reap the benefits of it.

Wheat protein also strengthens, and is a stronger protein. As someone who is protein sensitive, I cannot use products that contain a high amount of wheat protein on a regular basis or my hair goes crazy. The main proteins my hair can take are silk and collagen.
I expericenced breakage with Wheat protein. My hair refuses to get along with any type of protein unless its the one thats in eco styler lol. Oh and Silk protein, that stuff doesnt bother my hair either.

There is wheat protein in Eco Styler, which is why I can't use that on a regular basis either. lol
hmmm I wonder why that doesn't bother me but, the care free curl with wheat protein does. Maybe b/c i used them together and my hair didnt like that. What gels do u use?
hmmm I wonder why that doesn't bother me but, the care free curl with wheat protein does. Maybe b/c i used them together and my hair didnt like that. What gels do u use?

Mostly aloe vera or aloe vera based gels. Long Aid, the blue one not the green one, also does not contain protein.

Can you show me where you found this info on wheat protein; that it is a strengthening protein.

I would really appreciate it.

This is from Ingredients to Die For, but I think I first saw it here on the thread someone started about the different kinds of protein. I always knew I had issues with it, and thought it was strange that I never did with collagen, but the breakdown on LHCF explained why for me -

::What are the benefits of Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein?::

HAIR CARE- Wheat Protein is well hailed for its strengthening properties. Penetrating the cortex, it provides replenishment by adding Cystine to hair weakened by chemical treatments and regular hair maintenance. This makes it an ideal choice for hair waving systems, post-perm conditioners and products for damaged hair.

I even tried to give a review in the thread about how it worked for me but people just kind of ignored my review or gave me the side-eye. (i guess its because I'm not waist length and swangin' :lol:)

Yeah this is something I dislike but don't worry be brave and give a bold review anyway — like you just did — since there will always be someone willing to give your review consideration regardless of hair length. :rolleyes: :yep:

I give my reviews anyway when I see the opportunity and I don't care. If people want to ignore it, they're missing out. :look:
i really like it too...its a great leave-in and curl refresher/frizz tamer for me...i thought i wouldnt really like it because its so light/liquidy but it works...i've even gotten used to the smell so that doesnt bother me as much anymore...i like the shampoo and DC also.
I didn't even know there was a leave-in. I have the Mixed Silk DC. It stinks, but it works ok. I'm still in search of a good leave-in, so I might give it a try, despite the smell. :yep:
Great review, OP.

So back to this wheat protein thing? Clarification anyone? Can or can't it protein overload you?
I just got this leave-in today as a gift and was already leery because of the not-so-favorable reviews. Tomorrow is my wash day so I'll be trying it out. Thanks for the review OP! :grin:
For clarification...is Mixed Silk the Mixed Chicks knock off brand? Cause if so, I might need to pic some up, I love Mixed Chicks.