I dont care if my hair doesnt grow...


Ms. Nobody
... as long as my hair looks fly!:grin:

I really feel tired of the hair growing journey. I know what I like and me and my hair are just on cruise mode. Ive used salon products, cheapies, all natural products and now I am back in the BSS for some Xtreme gel and lustrasilk leave in! Don't even get me started on the cooking,broiling and sautéing on the stove to make my own homemade products.:lol:

I just dont care anymore.

I have at least $100 worth of rollers in my large collection and now i barely have the energy to roll my hair up. i just wear my hair in a high bun, wash n go or a curly puff. I think Im finally "over it". I just want my hair to look fresh and neat.

Anyone Else?
I am pretty free spirited and like to do what is minimal. As long as my hair is healthy, I feel good. :D
:look: nope, I needs mo' hurr, I just gots to have it!!!:lachen: My reggie is superlow maintanence & lazy though, so I could see you feeling the way you do, girlie:yep:
:look: nope, I needs mo' hurr, I just gots to have it!!!:lachen: My reggie is superlow maintanence & lazy though, so I could see you feeling the way you do, girlie:yep:

I think APL(full) hair is long though so it may just be me. I'm not even at apl yet and my hair feels long. I cant imagine what will it be like once my hair is longer.
I feel you. I'm kinda over the growing thing too. Now, I'm just focusing on keeping it healthy. I no longer do these hour or all day DC's. And surprising my hair still feels pretty healthy.

My longest layer is apl and at different points in time have been as long as mbl or bsl ( I have had setbacks if I take too long to trim, 3 months is my max even if I protective style) and I still feel bald:nono: I don't think I feel like I have some hurr till my hair's longest layer is somewhere btw waist or tailbone when straight. My main goal is helath before length but I have never in my life been longer than apl-ish so this is a big deal for me as I would love to see my hurr's potential:yep:

My longest layer is apl and at different points in time have been as long as mbl or bsl ( I have had setbacks if I take too long to trim, 3 months is my max even if I protective style) and I still feel bald:nono: I don't think I feel like I have some hurr till my hair's longest layer is somewhere btw waist or tailbone when straight. My main goal is helath before length but I have never in my life been longer than apl-ish so this is a big deal for me as I would love to see my hurr's potential:yep:

I never had my natural hair get to bsl in my life so maybe thats why i feel APL is long.
I kinda feel the same way. Been at this almost 6 years (Nearly 4 of those natural) and I'm passed the obsession mode.

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I think if you keep it simple the length will come whether you want it or not lol. That's even better when you're not begging for it!!! Find your staple products and styles. Stick to them if they aren't damaging your hair, your hair can only keep growing. All I do is cowash airdry bun on tues. wash airdry and rollerset with satin rollers on fri. (On dry hair....so much quicker and less fuss for me) Alternate ONE moisture dc with ONE protein dc for 30 mins. Repeat every week. Moisturize at nite. Clarify once every 2 months week before my retouch. Trim only if needed. So far so good.

Having a 16 month old to run after has made keeping it simple a permanent part of my life...and my hair is actually the better for it. I may get a sew in for a few months this summer to be even lower maintenance. I'm just enjoying life rite now and hair care doesn't need to take all day!
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I feel the same way...getting weary. Only thing, I don't feel my hair looks fly yet. I no longer like the look of wash-n-gos, plus it breaks when I washngo! short fros look great on me, but tired of short hair now.

When 50% of my hair is at SL and lookin fly, I'll be content. APL? Wow, that's a lot to me too. Me and my hair, we alright though ;)
I feel like that sometimes, but I just want long hair.

Even if it is just to prove to people I can get there.
Yes! When I went on this journey I had dreams of pretty curls and hair that grows. I got neither. I've just come to accept that I'll never have some of the hair I've seen on here. Just have to learn to be content with what I have. Makes me kinda sad though cause I really wanted my hair to be better than what I have achieved. I still try but at some point reality has to set in.
... as long as my hair looks fly!:grin:

I really feel tired of the hair growing journey. I know what I like and me and my hair are just on cruise mode. Ive used salon products, cheapies, all natural products and now I am back in the BSS for some Xtreme gel and lustrasilk leave in! Don't even get me started on the cooking,broiling and sautéing on the stove to make my own homemade products.:lol:

I just dont care anymore.

I have at least $100 worth of rollers in my large collection and now i barely have the energy to roll my hair up. i just wear my hair in a high bun, wash n go or a curly puff. I think Im finally "over it". I just want my hair to look fresh and neat.

Anyone Else?
Me too. I am so over it. But now I have a new obsession - my skin, lol.
I've been thinking the same exact thing Napp! While I'm not down for time intensive stuff like roller setting, I deep condition, apply a light protein and set my hair twice a week and my hair isn't even extremely long. I'd love to be waist length (mostly to prove it can be done) but if I'm already starting to get tired of my hair care routine...
I'm happy with my length and I've changed my focus to styling my hair without damaging it like I used to pre HHJ. I still want WL hair, but I'm not obsessed about it. I just follow my routine, which is pretty low key, and when I get there I'll get there.
I was there, too, and it was at a good length. I said forget it and I cut it into a bob:nono:. I should have let it be. Wearing my hair out more often would have suited me fine. So now I am back growing my hair out for another year to get to my "goal". Sigh. But yeah, if I had to do it over again, I would have let it be and not make a major swith up. A year worth of growth went down the drain.

I say all this to say, enjoy your hair, but now too much:look:
Hair is my hobby, it's more of my competitive/borderline obsessive attitude towards the things I want that's keeping me going.

Its like you read my mind. I'm pretty sure I'm inching past MBL and I really....REALLY want to chop it back to BSL and go about my life :look:. Its just hair to me at this point. I love it, but it just ain't the same :lachen:.
I feel you because this is the first time (sadly) that I've really taken care of my hair and it makes me neurotic sometimes. Watching it daily, hourly trying to see the growth.

On some days I'm like "If I can just get full shoulder length as in every piece of my hair is healthy and the same length all the way down to my shoulder/collarbones then I'm solid" as it always is short pieces are around my face.

I don't like layers natural or synthetic (made by scissors).
I'm semi-over it. I tend to my hair (of course). I'm just not obsessive about it like I was at the beginning of my HHJ. I keep it fresh and right and move on. But, then again, I like to focus on big hair. Granted, I am MBL and maybe my opinion is clouded due to its length.
I just told my sister this yesterday. I'm tired of being on a hair journey. I just want to shampoo, condition, and style my hair. I also want to trim & cut it without thinking about "length checks."

I have always taken care of my hair, but the time and attention needed for a "hair journey" or "length journey" is really too much at times. I remember when I used to to go to the salon and get my hair done (or style it at home), and then move on with my life.
When I was doing length challenges and trying a bunch of new styles and new products, it got to be too much. Since I figured out a simple regimen and found my staple products, I worry about my hair a lot less. It's growing nicely and I don't spend a lot of time on it, so I'm happy. Plus I'm at a good length already, so if it didn't get any longer that would be ok too.
I also got over length and just focused on my health, such as focusing on staying healthy on the inside and outside. I am a health junkie. one Staple I have is the Green Vibrant Health drink, it's very healthy and natural for our body including our hair. However, After I stopped focusing on my length that's when my hair really grew. I just do low-manipulation, a lot of co-washes and wash and go's. Now I ordered some curlformers to help me stretch until I am all natural. I dare not do a length check less then 3-4 months. That is average for me, any earlier then that and I prob be disappointed.
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I just told my sister this yesterday. I'm tired of being on a hair journey. I just want to shampoo, condition, and style my hair. I also want to trim & cut it without thinking about "length checks."

I have always taken care of my hair, but the time and attention needed for a "hair journey" or "length journey" is really too much at times. I remember when I used to to go to the salon and get my hair done (or style it at home), and then move on with my life.

Your hair is really beautiful though. That's what I'm missing...I just don't have pretty hair. :perplexed:nono:
I just told my sister this yesterday. I'm tired of being on a hair journey. I just want to shampoo, condition, and style my hair. I also want to trim & cut it without thinking about "length checks."

I have always taken care of my hair, but the time and attention needed for a "hair journey" or "length journey" is really too much at times. I remember when I used to to go to the salon and get my hair done (or style it at home), and then move on with my life.

YES! Those were happy hair times for me, lol!
I'm getting to the point where I'm over it. I've been at this for a long time. Now I'm just in cruise control. I'm not as obsessed about it. It's a nice place to be because my hair is growing and I feel like I put nothing into it. I just wash deep condition and go. I'm not worried about length checking all the time and things like that. I just let it do what it wants.
Your hair is really beautiful though. That's what I'm missing...I just don't have pretty hair. :perplexed:nono:

Aww, thank you. I don't know about your hair regimen, etc., but I'm sure you will reach your goals. It can get really tiring at times and I have had occasional setbacks.

YES! Those were happy hair times for me, lol!

Yes! Like, this morning, I thought about going to the salon, but I spend my life in fear of scissor-happy stylists. :nono:

My best friend IRL told me I'm overthinking this and I should just do whatever I want with my hair. If only it were that simple...