I dont care if my hair doesnt grow...

I really don't consider myself someone on a hair journey. I don't care to label myself as TeamNatural now that I no longer relax. I just keep it as healthy as I can as I do the rest of my body. I enjoy it, treat it well and in return it behaves but I do not obsess over it. I only buy products as needed and prefer for them to be something I can grab from the salon or locally. Routine wise, I keep it simple and my styles cute and fun. I love wearing my hair curly from roller setting, out, up, straight, braided etc and I definitely won't give up my salon visits. I do care if I retain length but I'm not checking everyday to determine it. lol
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My hair journey started a long time ago. I never thought I'd get to place where I thought I had plenty of hair and didn't need any more length. I had my goals (first bsl, then mbl), but since passing them I have different hair goals (for thickness). I think I stopped taking my hair vitamin about a year ago, because growing my hair fast wasn't a priority anymore. Whatever my natural growth speed was became fine with me.

But even with my new hair goals, I'm not as obsessive about it as I used to be about length. I still enjoy my hair and taking care of it, but now new length milestones creep up on me unexpectedly because I'm not thinking about them or checking for them.
... as long as my hair looks fly!:grin:

I really feel tired of the hair growing journey. I know what I like and me and my hair are just on cruise mode. Ive used salon products, cheapies, all natural products and now I am back in the BSS for some Xtreme gel and lustrasilk leave in! Don't even get me started on the cooking,broiling and sautéing on the stove to make my own homemade products.:lol:

I just dont care anymore.

I have at least $100 worth of rollers in my large collection and now i barely have the energy to roll my hair up. i just wear my hair in a high bun, wash n go or a curly puff. I think Im finally "over it". I just want my hair to look fresh and neat.

Anyone Else?

Hi Napp I can see what you're saying.... You are tired of the complicated regimens and simply want to be simple and let your hair do its thing. That is the best thing to do because that is when your hair truly grows and also, you stop watching grass grow and you will look up one day and see some great strides in hair growth. :yep:

I like to be simple too...I am waist length and eventually looking forward to my next goal of hip length.