I did the Big Chop!!!!!!!


New Member
Hey Yall,

Well I did it I used to have chin length hair but you know I had so many split ends. So, I took my mom's shears, and I just brushed my hair down in all ways, and cut those split ends, and now my hair is just a little below ear length. I still have some split ends. But that is all for now. I just want my hair to be braided at all times. And wash my hair every two weeks, when my hair is in cornrows. And apply this hair thickner. Called Vitamin E hair food hair thickner. and that grows my hair thick. And I will continue braiding my hair and using that oil/grease. And I will have to mositure it. I do miss my hair, but you know, it wasn't going to grow further, too many split ends. Well I have started my hair journey all over again. So now, I hope good luck to me. Well I hope my hair grows long, well at least to shoulder length. I want to have shoulder length hair in my life. And If I can acheive further than shoulder legth I will be so happy, and not that obbsesive.
Good for you Nessa! With the damage gone and your regime you should be shoulder length in a year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you...just be sure to keep your hair moisturized...
Yup I guess it will take a year, but it is worth it. I just, like you said, have to keep on mosturizing it, and my hair will grow just like a beautiful flower.
Okay, thank you for the support. I should have shoulder length hair by August 2004. I hope. My hair grows slow though.
Well Nessa, this is a wonderful beginning for u. The ladies have already given u the best advice... keep it moisturized!
U have my warmest wishes luv
Thank you peactree, I feel so blessed and all. I just have a question though:See I am trying to braid my hair right. And you know before school I am trying to get cornrows. So right now, my hair is really thick. And this lady said she said it is hard to braid my hair cause it's too thick. And another person i told this to said, that she is just damn, lazy. So that's why I was sayin that. Should I wet my hair before it's braided?
Nessa you should not wet your hair before braiding. It will just make it harder to handle. Do you know anyone else who is more willing to work with it?
yes there are some people, but they are far away, I don't know, something will work out.
thank you DatJerseydyme and Cutejanbangirl, I will be at my goal in no time. Thanks for the support.
Way to go Nessa. You were being proactive and cut your own hair....very brave. Now you are healthy and on your way again!
nessa, i wish i could give you a big hug!

you are such a trooper. i know it's hard right now because you're missing your hair, but i'm sure that you'll have much success now that you have the right tools and a good regime. i wish you much success!
Girl all I can say iz that u really showed some courage by chopping off that ahir. I know it had to be hard but soon ur hair will be flourishing. Good luck n CONGRATS!!!
Thanks lunalight7, Adrienne0914,CaramelKiss, Mocha105,zoyaJ. Thank You for the sopport. Yes I just went ahead, and cut that chin length hair, and now, it's below my ear. I miss my hair very dearly. But I am sure it shall grow. And yes the best way is to mosturize my hair and it shall grow. Thank you all. I still have split ends, but As it grows I will cut 1 fourth of my hair. And My hair shall certainly grow.
Good for you Nessa!

Keeping up a good routine will help you get healthy, shoulder length hair right on time for all the senior high school socials! Get ready, girl!
Good for you Nessa!

Keeping up a good routine will help you get healthy, shoulder length hair right on time for all the senior high school socials! Get ready, girl!

[/ QUOTE ]

Good Luck to you, Nessa! You did the right thing by getting rid of all of the split ends. You'll have shoulder lenght hair in no time!
If you need some extra styling ideals or extra tips on styling product, care, etc. check out the How To's and the Hair Tips threads. You might find somethings there that might help as well. Good luck!
Nessa, that was probably the best thing for your hair. cut off all the damage, and start fresh. I am sure you learned so much from this broad that you will implement. Before you know it, you wil have beautiful, thick, shoulder length, and bra strap length hair
Thank you. I need to cut off some more. I have more split ends, back to cutting now. But you know, I hope my hair grows.