I did the Big Chop!!!!!!!

Thank you Spa girl, and Tamala, I am sure my hair will grow long. Thanks spa girl for the sites, it's great.
I'm glad you're happy, Nessa. Your first goal should always be healthy hair, and you took the first step. Don't worry about your hair. I think sometimes we worry a little more than we should about it. You're a beautiful person and I know you'll reach your goals.
No, Thank you spa girl. Yes I am happy melodee. I know my goal is healthy hair. And I shouldn't worry about hair, cause I worry about it alot. I am a beautiful person and I should be able to reach my goals. Thank you

and God Bless you all
Nessa, I'm real proud of you. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to trim your hair and know why you did? To go through that and come out feeling happier and all set for a great adventure? I recently trimmed off 1/4 inch from every micro section as I redid it. And I felt SO GOOD you'd think someone had told me Mondays were cancelled for good and weekends were now officially 3 full days.
They should call that exhilirating feeling a "Touch of Mufasa/Denise" coz I swear it felt like I now had their hair. And I'm sure that's how you feel. Your hair is thicker, healthier, stronger...since you're probably left with a big chunk of hair that grew when you practiced all the right things. So now if you continue in the same way, you should see length in no time. And after your next planned trim, you probably won't need to trim it in a long time coz damage will be a thing of the past. Woo hoo! You grow girl!
Congrats on your chop sometimes it's just necessary. It will be back in no time - with good care by this time next year it will definately be back and longer. Best to you.
Yeah, it doesn't look all that healthy, I have more to cut. So where's the shears mom??? Lol
Congrats on the big chop! I did the big chop in early june and another one last thursdau to clean up the first big chop. My hair is only about 3 inches from scalp to ends but it will be at shoulder length at not time. the bottom of my hair is also 3 inches so i'll give it 6 moths before I'll make shoulder length too. Were on the same boat.
Good for you Nessa! You should be able to grow it back in no time. A word of caution though: make sure you read the ingredient listings of all your products to make sure you know what you're putting in your hair. One of my cousins had something called Vitamin E Hair Thickener too, but it turns out it was mainly just Petroleum and mineral oil which you know cloggs the pores and blocks out moisture. I hope what you're using isn't the same stuff.

Good luck