I did the BIG CHOP last night!!!


Dr. Naptrl :)
On my sister-In-Law!!! She had damaged hair from a relaxer and we just cut it all off to about 1/4-1/2 an inch!!! EEEEKKK!!! I can't believe I'm choppin other people now!! haha I'll post pics in my album later! Off to convert another relaxed head to natural!!...:)
Wow! :shocked: How does she feel? Was she thinking about going natural before you chopped it off???
Poohbear said:
Wow! :shocked: How does she feel? Was she thinking about going natural before you chopped it off???
She wasn't really thinking about it seriously. But she had been peepin my natural look for a while! She always said she had "bad" hair, so she never wanted to do it. But, her hair was sooo broken from the relaxer that she was almost forced to do it! She was really "feelin" it when I got through!
Tell her congrats!!! Tell her about us so she can start out heathly and with support from a bunch of other naturals. :)
naptrl said:
She wasn't really thinking about it seriously. But she had been peepin my natural look for a while! She always said she had "bad" hair, so she never wanted to do it. But, her hair was sooo broken from the relaxer that she was almost forced to do it! She was really "feelin" it when I got through!

That's so cool! Tell her congrats for me!
jainygirl said:
Congrats to your SIL :clap: I know you had fun just snip, sniping over there :D . -- jainygirl
Yes, it was soo much fun!! And to se how cute she was when I got done!! She went to church last night and she was given sooo many compliments!!! She's lovin it!
I've been thinking about going natural for months now! Everytime my new growth gets going, I chicken out and throw a perm in.

Some of you ladies are very inspiring to me. I'm almost 7 1/2 weeks post relaxer now and almost every day I battle with whether to perm or not.
Do I have to chop off my relaxed ends to transition better?