I did the BC and cried...


New Member
and I cried and cried.

I wasn't having a good night. As usual, my mother kept mummbling about my nappy head needing a relaxer. So i went back to my apartment, took the scissors, and chopped away. There was a lot of hair to chop off...i just...feel like i've made a mistake. I don't like weaves and braids hurt my head (which is why transitioning was hard) I then realized that this was it. So, i told myself to "suck it up, stop acting pathetic and "make sure it looks decent" lol.

So now...i'm me. I just need to get used to it? :P

The first one is all the hair i chopped
The second is with conditioner
and the third is dry...or semi dry...

I'm sure when i go to back to class on Tuesday, my peers will say crap.
I guess i just wanted to tell someone that was, at least, supportive. Yes, i know that i need to have more of a back bone, but this was so major for me.


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Awww. It will be okay OP. I think many naturals had cutters' remorse after the BC. I got those comments too. Transitioning mostly a mental process. After a while those comments will roll right off your back.

I kept mine pressed and got kinky twists extensions. It took 2.5 months before I was comfortable wearing my TWA.
Congrats! I think ur very brave for just chopping on impulse. I think natural hair is beautiful and if I were to ever go natural I don't think I'd transition. Just go for it! Like you said, its just a matter of getting use to it.
I'm glad that you decided to come on over to the nappy side of things, and also glad to see that you decided after much thought to go on ahead and suck it up! You may feel some remorse now, but in the long run you'll be glad you did it!:grin:
First off, congratulations on your big chop. A tough decision, but def. worth it IMO.

Your hair looks very cute to me, so wear it up! Don't let other's opinions define who you are and how you feel about yourself: there will always people telling you to go left, and still others saying to go right. Just do you, walk proud, and everything is gonna be alright!

BTW, did I mention how cute your curls are? They're adorable!
congrats! You have to embrace that you are a beautiful woman no matter what length and texture your hair is! Just think of it as an excuse to show off your face...if it were me I'd go out and buy new eyeshadow and lipgloss and WORK THE LOOK!

And, I'm sure your mom is a nice lady who means well but learn to ignore her...thats what I do with mine when necessary
Im sure you're not the first person who had that post reaction to their BC. Read up on past threads for advice and for people who were also in your shoes. It will be ok. *hugs*
Take a deep breath and breathe! It will be okay. Like yourself, I was very wary of my twa and it didn't help with my mom implying that I looked gay or how nappy it was. That was 4 years ago and I went from hair being the shortest it has ever been to the longest.

I was a hat/wig/scarf girl in the beginning but eventually I gained more confidence and you will, too.

You're curls look great, btw. Own it!
Thanks ladies :) I really appreciate it! It lifted my spirits :) some of my friends are going to be shocked! I just have ta rock it...
first and foremost, congrats on your chop!!! you're VERY brave!!

and your hair is beautiful. think about it like this. today (unless you do another BC in the future) is the SHORTEST your hair will ever be! a month from now, it'll be longer & healthier & fuller than it is today! & even more so 2 months from now, & 3 months from now, & so on.

if anyone has anything negative to say, don't let it get to you! it's YOUR hair, not theirs! don't let a single negative word bring you down. & a few months down the road when you're rocking HUGE healthy hair, they won't be able to say anything to bring you down!

congrats again missy!
Yep, those little curls you've got goin' on are adorable! I BC'd 4 weeks ago at 8.5 months. I couldn't stop thinking about it and chopped it at 2am. I was okay at first and then the next morning I wanted to cry. I put on a hat so noone would see my hair but took it off for my two year old son. He told me to put it back on.:nono: I went to the BSS and bought a lacefront wig and wore it for 3 days, then began wearing my TWA on Christmas Eve. When I went back to work I got sooo many compliments. I've been experimenting with defining the curls and either wear it out or with a headband. I wear big earrings too which helps. Just play it up with makeup and earrings and ROCK IT! If you don't feel comfortable cover it up, just do what makes you feel good! And remember, it will grow back!
Congrats on the big chop! I know how hard it is to cross that line... once you do it's natural to feel a bit scared or remorseful.

One thing you can do to cut down on the commentary from the peanut gallery is to just wear a wig when you go out. It may be a while before you feel comfortable styling your TWA in a way that you'd want to wear out and about. A cute little wig can make your day smoother. Looking back, I wish I had gotten a wig that resembled my relaxed hair before I BCed and worn that. It would have cut down on the BS comments from people and I could have enjoyed playing in my new natural locks more.
Hun your hair will be back within 6-8 mths.... I was so ashamed lol i only took one pic of my whole head after bc. I also were braids with extension(professionally done), most of the length I've retained was when i protective styled my natural hair, with out extensions, so to speak. HHJ :)
congratulations on ur chop!!!!!!! i love it- look at ur curls, girl! I had remorse when i first cut too; never did get those tears, tho- i guess i was just kind of ready. the next day i had to decide to wear a wig or wear it out and i wore it out. when i went to pump gas and saw myself in the window of my truck, it hit me-- this was it. girl i was cheesing big time and while we all react differently, TRUST it will grow on you and you're gonna love it! i think it looks very nice already and to say that you cut it yourself you gave it some shape. just experiment with products and you'll be good. good luck, chica!

ps: don't worry about those comments; they're just mad cause they can't dare to be you!
Don't worry about it this too shall pass just take good care of your hair and in one year you mother is going to be mumbling OH you got that GOOODD hair that is why it grew so nicely

Never fails
HEY, you BCed around the same time i did last year, my hair was the same length too.

I didnt cry but thats because i had already lost half of my hair to a relaxer, so i was fine!
My mom was sort of supportive, she diddnt like that i cut all my hair off, and still made those comments months later! All i do is take a deep breath and tell her "I needed it":meditate:
Now that my hair has grown(1yr post), she sees the health and tells me i really did need the cut:rolleyes: She even says my hair looks much healthier then when i was relaxed'!!!
:congrats: on your BC .

Your hair is beautiful! :grin:
It'll grow back before you know it. :yep:
I shaved my head from SL so I understand.
This is a fresh start for your hair.
If you're not comfortable you can always wear a wig. :grin: HHG
Aww, I'm sorry it made you sad. But that's not that odd especially when you cut off that much. It's very drastic. Also you did it as a reflex, not necessarily because you were ready.

First: your curls look great. I hope you'll be able to enjoy them soon.
Second: you'll get a whole new set of mixed comments now so prepare yourself for that. It may take a while for your mom to come around. She just seems to prefer relaxed hair so she may always comment about you needing to relax and nappy this or nappy that.
Lastly: Don't feed-in to the negative. It's easier said than done but you can do it.

If you're feeling a bit shocked still, accessorize. Earrings, & headbands scarves, hair flowers. These can help you build confidence in your new look.

Stalk some fotki albums and see other people's progress. Like that pic that PearlyCurly just posted...often looking at what is in store will benefit your mental state greatly.

And lean on all of us for support.
Bunk the haters!!! Your hair is fabulous...as are you!
Aw, you're curls are cute! :yep: Keep your head up *** people and their comments. (Not your mom, but the people in class. :lachen: ) Seriously, how you are feeling is very understandable, and don't worry, it's not the end of the world! Best case scenario, you get used to it and love it (which will probably happen). Worst case scenario: it grows and you have a head full of cute curls. ***shrug*** :lol:
I think your curls are so pretty. And I truly admire your bravery and am sure you'll love it soon enough.
(((Huggs))) It will be ok. Don't worry about what others will say, I've come to realize that no matter what you do in life, there will always be somebody waiting in the wings to rain on your parade. Go purchase some hair accessories, they always make me feel better.
Girl you can rock that twa and your curlies in the 3rd pic look great. You're going to fall more in love with your hair the more you get to know it. Be encouraged and I congratulate you on the BC.
Please let the ladies on the forum be testament of how lovely your hair can grow after the BC!
These ladies have gave me much needed inspiration. I recently BC'd around last week.
It was very ermotional. I had mixed emotions.

Your curl pattern is GORGEOUS! Honey just wear some nice eyeshadow, and beautiful chandelier earrings. As a previous poster mentioned let this be an excuse to show off the beauty of your face.

I applaud your bravery. Happy growing!
As women sometimes we have relationships with our hair much like the relationships we have with men. It's damaged, unhealthy, won't grow, and yet we still refuse to cut it loose. But everyone women comes to the point where we just have to let it go. Unfortunately, when we finally do, we feel like a part of us is missing. Dont worry. That will pass.

In no time you will look back at this and be so happy with yourself. Because you are now in happy, healthy relationship with your hair and it's growing.:grin:

Chin up!