
New Member
Ya'll I did it TONITE! I told my husband and he was like
whatever you wanna do and he shaved it off not to bald because my hair is thin so let's say I shaved about 98% of
the relaxer out my hair,it feels like carpet and it sticks
up in spikes,I can't believe I did it,But I want to know my
hair texture,also I have had very sore scalp and bald spots
from time to time but I had ignored them but I think it was
the relaxer and I didn't stop when I should have,but I think
my husband enjoyed shaving it,he said look at all your hair.
but it was all uneven and had a bald spot in the crown and it was shedding like crazy and breaking,but I was convinced
that my natural hair is STRONGER!! so I hope I can last through this,it is not long enough to attach anything to it
but I have a wig and some scarves but I work from home so the only time I leave the house is to take my daughter to school and pick her up,so I have never had my hair this short,but I am GLAD to have the ragaedy stuff gone,but hey
I am ready,and I saved my hair in a bag,so what is next? How
do I take care of this? I am just to excited to get to know my hair,I just couldn't wait so I cut it!! wish me luck!!!
There's a lot of info om this board to assist you with your new look and haircare. If you plan to grow it long, I've seen others say their hair seemed to grow very quickly to shoulder length after their big chop, before it started slowing down.

The main thing you want to do is keep your hair moisturized at all times and keep yourself healthy with a good food and vitamin regime.
Congratulations Bleau! New beginnings are always so much fun coz now you can do everything right, handle your Are you going all natural now?

I'm not sure what your regimen is, but if you haven't tried it, I highly suggest you try wearing a plastic cap or Saran wrap on moisturized hair for the night. Your hair will be so soft and so much easier to comb into a TWA in the morning after the moisture fusion.
Softness may not be an issue now, because you still have your relaxed hair, but this trick will soften your growth and give your relaxed hair a wavy look like you get when you air-dry. And when it's a little longer, you might want to start putting it in square plaits before wearing the cap for the night. That way it'll be easier to comb in the morning.

I don't know if you've ever tried natural oils but when you wash your hair, if you apply jojoba oil while it's still wet and let it dry and then sleep in a plastic cap that night (no need to apply more) you'll be pleased with how your hair will feel in the morn.

Let us know in a few weeks how you're doing.

I know you did the right thing! I would take health over length any day and you made the concsious decision to take care of your natural texture. I know you'll be just fine, especially with all the knowledge on this board. Are you going to post pics? I think you should just so that we can help you keep up the progress. Good luck!
Wow Bleau,

Congrats on "THE BIG CHOP" I wish that I had the courage to do it when I first went natural. Going natural was the best decision I ever made for my hair. You gotta show some pics.
i dunno if you already have much experience w/ your natural hair but if you need any advice,your welcomed to pm me!(not to say im any expert,but this summer,i was in the same position as yourself,so ide like to believe that i have some insight,lol).
wow what a brave person u r!! i transitioned 4 a while b4 doin the big chop but i kno the feelin were u just want it all gone!! dont worry coz the best thing about short hair is that in a month it can double the length it had b4 which i kno is one of theb est feeling in the world. Wen i did my big chop i had about half an inch and the month after that i had an inch and coz thats double what i had b4 u have no idea how happy i was!!

happy hair growin and pm me if u need to talk, a boost of encouragement or whatever coz it helps to have some1 to give advice whose been there!!
Congrats! I know it's scary at first, but after a while you come to love the TWA and its simplicity.
I am so happy for you. Congratz. Pamper your hair as it grows. My quick suggestions would be:

1. Conditioner washes at least every other day unitl you get the softness you want.
2. Deep condition each week.
2.Find a good moisturizer to seal into moisture from the daily rinsing.
3. Take pictures, because before you know it, your hair will be so long, you will forget what it looked like when you took this big step.
4. Have fun with headbands, scarfs, and clips when the hair is long enough.

Maybe you could try going to www.nappturality.com I'm sure there are LOTS of ladies over there who have gone through the same thing you are going through now. I'll bet you could get a lot of good advice from people who have been in your position.
Thank You Ladies,I am feeling the love,and I feel great knowing my natural hair will be showing soon,so I am glad to
know that you all are here,I just couldn't wait but like I
said I had bald spots and it was all uneven and stuff so why
not cut it off,I have some nice little wigs and scarves until I grow enough to put a bun and clips in it,I mean this is short and I have a nice little TWA but I cut 98% of
that relaxer out,I cut it to the newgrowth because My hair seems to be real thin,but hey I am excited,and as long as I keep this new growth soft and take care of it like you ladies say then I will be alright,I washed it this morning and used too much shampoo LOL!! I tried to squeeze water out
but had nothing to squeeze LOL!! but I am ready and I will take pictures when mu husband comes home and keep up with it
thanks ladies for all your help!!!
congrtas bleau, that took alot of guts that i do not have. please keep us posted and please if you have time share pics with us. good luck.