I did something bad


Well-Known Member
Cool title huh? :grin:

So, a lot of things that have been happening in my life (ok my friends/family life) got me to thinking. A friend of mine was outed at his job for having an affair but he wasn't there to confirm or deny the accusation. I wasn't there, but he did admit to me that this affair happened long ago and that he has confessed his sins to God about it and has truly repented.

This got me to thinking was it right that his sin was expose to his workplace. He is the leader and this may have damage his reputation a bit but I was thinking was it fair for this to be admit it out in the open. As humans but also as Christians we make mistakes. We all have a monkey on our back, so to speak, that we just can't shake. There is usually 1 to 2 or more vices that we allow of flesh to have it's way with. Sometimes, this is forgotten and blind judgment can occur.

Romans 3:23 says "for all have sin and come short of the glory of God"

1 John 1:9 says "if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"

So, what type of vices/sin in your life that is constantly keeping you in slave mode to it? That you constantly have to confess it before the Lord. My friend, admitted to me that lusting was one of his vices that he was ashamed of. Lets take this opportunity among one another to admit our vices to each other.

I'll go first,

My vices are
-cussing (I have been doing this a lot lately but it's been more out there)
-gluttony (I'm an emotional eater, so I can over do it when stressed)
-worrying (I'm a worry wart)
-Lusting (I look and sometimes my thoughts and mind go further, and when I have a storyline - oh wow, it can be x-rated...oh and I masturbate - I'm actually ashamed to admit that)
-I have various addictions (games, spending/shopping, tv, internet)
-I can hold grudges
-I have a temper
-I can be selfish at times
-I can be a hypocritical
-I used to be a hardcore liar but I still have some problems with it

Oh there is a lot more....and yes, I have gone to the Lord plenty of times to confess and to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in turning away from these sins. I'm obviously not a saint in the flesh but only through the saving power through the blood of Christ upon Salvation that I am.

It's really easy to judge someone as humans and probably as Christians but lets take this time to re-examine ourselves and share with one another you're vices.
Cool title huh? :grin:

So, a lot of things that have been happening in my life (ok my friends/family life) got me to thinking. A friend of mine was outed at his job for having an affair but he wasn't there to confirm or deny the accusation. I wasn't there, but he did admit to me that this affair happened long ago and that he has confessed his sins to God about it and has truly repented.

This got me to thinking was it right that his sin was expose to his workplace. He is the leader and this may have damage his reputation a bit but I was thinking was it fair for this to be admit it out in the open.

:lachen::lachen:There is a time and season for all darkness to be brought to the light, I guess. I think it was because of the nature of the wrongdoing. Adultery is that type of thing that people cannot forget. He must have enemies.
Exposing the sin is the first step to healing and God's forgiveness. From wise advice that I received some time ago, I always say, no one can tell your story like you can, so you tell it. Expose it so the enemy, the devil, can't use it against you. You won't be able to remain in bondage under the devil's yoke once you expose your own sin, repent of it (turn away from it and do it no more) and then move on, move forward. Allow God to forgive you and be able forgive yourself.
Kudos makeupgirl for exposing your vices/sins/wrongdoings. Break the devil's yoke right off your neck!!:yep:
Thats the thing about sin...it doesnt stay hidden! We can't control it and there is always a possibility that it will have greater consequences than we expect. Im sure that one politician did not think his twitter pics would cost him his career!

As for sins, I have a problem with self-righteousness. Its always easier to see other peoples sins and mine are "not that bad" in comparison. And I always want to be "right" which is a good thing if Im learning something but bad when Im dealing with other people.