I did it, I self-relaxed after a 19 week stretch!!!!!! No more stylists for me :)


New Member
Hi Ladies!

I finally did it I self-relaxed yesterday for the first time!!!!!! I'm so happy! I have finally completely eliminated hair dressers! I think the only time I'll have to go back to one is just to style my hair for my wedding (whenever that is ).

The only issue I had was time. It took me a total of 35 minutes from putting the relaxer to washing it out :eek: :eek: . I know, I know but my hair is fine. I used Affirm Mild relaxer. I also applied Protecto to all of my hair which I'm sure helped to protect it. I didn't burn at all. I used Affirm 5 in 1 after rinsing out the relaxer for 5 minutes. I then shampooed with the neutralizing shampoo about 7 or 8 times. I let it sit on my hair 2x for about 5 minutes each to make sure it got down to the core of the shaft. The shampoo never turned pink (and it had the color indicator in it). I thought that was strange but I kept shampooing anyway.

My hair has grown a good amount after this long stretch. I am definitely well on my way to APL. I need to trim off my thin bone straight ends but I'm going to wait until the end of the year. I took pics but I can't show them because we're not supposed to show pics until the end of the Hide UR Hair til Xmas challenge.

Thanks for all of your posts about self-relaxing. I'm glad I took the plunge. I still need some more practice to get the application perfect (some parts of my hair could be straighter, but at least none of it is over-processed).
Re: I did it, I self-relaxed after a 19 week stretch!!!!!! No more stylists for me :

Congrats Rabia!!! Did you texlax, or moreso relax? Also, way to go on that long stretch girl!
Contrats!! on your stretch and successful self relaxing.
I also apply a cond. to my hair after rinsing out the relaxer and notice that myself or my clients never have th epink suds when lathering w/the neutralizing poo afterward, I think that 2nd step does something w/helping remove the relaxer. But I still leave it on for 5 min. each wash.
Give yourself a big pat on the back:lachen: :lachen: It is a wonderful feeling to self relax and get good results. I only finished an 11 wk stretch. I'm going to next relax 12/30:eek:
You have a lot of courage moreso, IMO, for the 19 week stretch than the self-relax. Wow! Congrats on your good experience.
RabiaElaine said:
Hi Ladies!

I finally did it I self-relaxed yesterday for the first time!!!!!! I'm so happy! I have finally completely eliminated hair dressers! I think the only time I'll have to go back to one is just to style my hair for my wedding (whenever that is ).

The only issue I had was time. It took me a total of 35 minutes from putting the relaxer to washing it out :eek: :eek: . I know, I know but my hair is fine. I used Affirm Mild relaxer. I also applied Protecto to all of my hair which I'm sure helped to protect it. I didn't burn at all. I used Affirm 5 in 1 after rinsing out the relaxer for 5 minutes. I then shampooed with the neutralizing shampoo about 7 or 8 times. I let it sit on my hair 2x for about 5 minutes each to make sure it got down to the core of the shaft. The shampoo never turned pink (and it had the color indicator in it). I thought that was strange but I kept shampooing anyway.

My hair has grown a good amount after this long stretch. I am definitely well on my way to APL. I need to trim off my thin bone straight ends but I'm going to wait until the end of the year. I took pics but I can't show them because we're not supposed to show pics until the end of the Hide UR Hair til Xmas challenge.

Thanks for all of your posts about self-relaxing. I'm glad I took the plunge. I still need some more practice to get the application perfect (some parts of my hair could be straighter, but at least none of it is over-processed).

35 minutes ain't bad girl!!! That's just about how long it takes me. But congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you!
RabiaElaine said:
Hi Ladies!

I finally did it I self-relaxed yesterday for the first time!!!!!! I'm so happy! I have finally completely eliminated hair dressers! I think the only time I'll have to go back to one is just to style my hair for my wedding (whenever that is ).

The only issue I had was time. It took me a total of 35 minutes from putting the relaxer to washing it out :eek: :eek: . I know, I know but my hair is fine. I used Affirm Mild relaxer. I also applied Protecto to all of my hair which I'm sure helped to protect it. I didn't burn at all. I used Affirm 5 in 1 after rinsing out the relaxer for 5 minutes. I then shampooed with the neutralizing shampoo about 7 or 8 times. I let it sit on my hair 2x for about 5 minutes each to make sure it got down to the core of the shaft. The shampoo never turned pink (and it had the color indicator in it). I thought that was strange but I kept shampooing anyway.

My hair has grown a good amount after this long stretch. I am definitely well on my way to APL. I need to trim off my thin bone straight ends but I'm going to wait until the end of the year. I took pics but I can't show them because we're not supposed to show pics until the end of the Hide UR Hair til Xmas challenge.

Thanks for all of your posts about self-relaxing. I'm glad I took the plunge. I still need some more practice to get the application perfect (some parts of my hair could be straighter, but at least none of it is over-processed).

oooh I wish I could see your hair...I am currently trying to stretch to 12 weeks may not sound like a long time but I never stretched past 10 weeks....eventually I will stretch longer and longer each time...I guess if I wore braids or something, I could do it but I am so scared to put braids in my hair since it is healthy. I don't know why because braids grow the heck out of my hair...

You better post a pic before I hurt you and all the other 'hide your hair till christmas' cult members. I'm not playing with you.
Re: I did it, I self-relaxed after a 19 week stretch!!!!!! No more stylists for me :

Can you buy Affirm relaxer or is that a professional relaxer that you have a license to buy. If so where did you get your relaxer from?
MizaniMami said:
35 minutes ain't bad girl!!! That's just about how long it takes me. But congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes that long. It's a good thing I'm using a mild relaxer. I may add oil to the relaxer for the sections I apply relaxer to first, that was a tip from Sisterslick that I should have tried. Luckily my hair is still very healthy.
zora said:

You better post a pic before I hurt you and all the other 'hide your hair till christmas' cult members. I'm not playing with you.

Lol! I'm gonna have a very nice present for you come Christmas time. I'll put it in a frame and fedex to you for christmas morning:D .

I was tempted to post the pics that I took, but I can't promised the challengers I wouldn't...Christmas isn't that far away.
Re: I did it, I self-relaxed after a 19 week stretch!!!!!! No more stylists for me :

Shiloh said:
Can you buy Affirm relaxer or is that a professional relaxer that you have a license to buy. If so where did you get your relaxer from?

Sorry I'm so late in responding...I've been so busy lately I've been off of the forum.

I bought it in a beauty supply store in Manhattan. If you live in NY I can tell you where I got mine. I think there are a few online stores that sell it, unfortunately I don't know which ones since I purchase mine in a local BSS.