I did it!! I did the BC!!


Well-Known Member
I am finally all natural!!! I was reading the "sure is a lot of BC'ing" thread" and stated I would be BC'in in a month (my one year transitioning anniversary). So i'm at home and i'm thinking why am I waiting till next month? What am I gonna gain? If anything i'll be more frustrated with the two textures and concerned i'm harming my natural hair. So I got up went to the bathroom and started chopping. I thought I was gonna be anxious or hesitant but I felt calm and relieved. I absolutely love my hair and i've never felt better about anything. I put a couple pics in my july-sept album for everyone to see. I also just wanted to say thanks to everyone on this site for always offering helpful advice and inspiration. Poohbear, girl you really are my inspiration. Thinking about your BC really gave me the courage to do mine, thank you :kiss: . Hope you guys enjoy the pics.
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No way!!! You beat me to it! Your hair looks fantastic! I am so happy for you. I will be joining you on Wednesday. (I'm starting to look forward to it now!!!) Let us know how your very first all natural twistout...turns out. :)
chocolate01 said:
Poohbear, girl you really are my inspiration. Thinking about your BC really gave me the courage to do mine, thank you :kiss: .
You are very welcome! You're so sweet! :grin:

I just checked out your pics and you look beautiful! I think you look better with short natural hair than when you had long relaxed hair! This cut fits your face really well! :yep:

I'm glad you did the BC...so proud of you! LET FREEDOM RING! :clap:
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Your BC looks sooooooo good!!!! How did you manage to transition for 11 months? That's a long time! Details please, I am considering doing the same.
Your hair looks great, relaxed, transitioning, and natural! Congrats on your big chop!
Poohbear said:
You are very welcome! You're so sweet! :grin:

I just checked out your pics and you look beautiful! I think you look better with short natural hair than when you had long relaxed hair! This cut fits your face really well! :yep:

I'm glad you did the BC...so proud of you! LET FREEDOM RING! :clap:

Thanks for the compliment Pooh. I was worried about what I would look like, but when I got done I fluffled my hair out a bit, man you couldn't tell me anything.
Cincysweetie said:
Your BC looks sooooooo good!!!! How did you manage to transition for 11 months? That's a long time! Details please, I am considering doing the same.

Thanks so much for the compliment! 11 months is a long time. I tried not to think about my hair to much. The beginning was really easy for me. I usually got touch ups around 3-4 months so until then I styled my hair as usual. Months 5-7 I wore a flexi rod set every single week. My set lasted about a week until my next wash so I didn't have to do anything to it except moisturize, and fluff it in the morning. I kept my wash routine pretty much the same up until this point. I would wash, deep condition, all that jazz just once a week. Months 9-11 I shampooed on the weekend and CW most days of the week. The last few months I either wore my hair in a braidout, twistout, or a ponytail like you saw in my before pic. I think patience and reminding myself why I wanted to do this also helped a lot. It was an experience but I loved every minute of it, especially when I cut my hair :grin: .
Cichelle said:
No way!!! You beat me to it! Your hair looks fantastic! I am so happy for you. I will be joining you on Wednesday. (I'm starting to look forward to it now!!!) Let us know how your very first all natural twistout...turns out. :)

Thanks Cichelle!! Trust me by Wed you are gonna be so excited and you won't regret it. I'll be updating my pics today.
Thanks Shatani, Daisy's Hair, Gtgirl, MissJ, Pink flower, and Rhonda123, your compliments really mean a lot to me!!
Congrats on your BC!!!! Your twists look awesome :). You are gonna love playing in all that hair :D. Congrats girl ;) -- jainygirl
congrats!!! your length reminds me of mine when I had chopped, and it looks great! I sent you a PM since I didn't read this thread yet!
ALRIGHT!! :yay:

I've always admired your hair chocolate01. :) Congratulations, it is very becoming. You look very pretty. :rosebud:
sugaplum said:
ALRIGHT!! :yay:

I've always admired your hair chocolate01. :) Congratulations, it is very becoming. You look very pretty. :rosebud:

Wow that really made my day and almost bought a tear to my eye. I come here everyday and admire everyone else's hair and never thought anyone did the same to me!! Thanks so much, to you and everyone else.