I Did It -- I did the BC!! (pics forthcoming)



I did it ladies! After almost 9 months of transitioning, I did the big chop last Sunday, 10/11. I'd been wanting to do it for awhile, but holding off for various reasons (never EVER had short hair; face too fat?; what will bosses think?). I finally gave in to my urges and asked my mom to do it for me!

My initial reaction after the first go-round was OMG, I look like Don King! I need to go buy a wig!! :nono: But after the 2nd and 3rd, I rinsed with cool water and added my HE LTR Leave-in, some shea butter, and EcoStyler gel, and I felt MUCH better. :yep:

I'm so EXCITED! Every day I've been cowashing, then using the LTR leave-in and Ecostyler gel. I do a little angled side part and brush the front sides down a little. My camera isn't working, but my mom took some pics so as soon as she emails them to me I will post. I know, I know, "this post is worthless without pics!" LOL!
lol, very funny..."this post is worthless w/o pics," I'm happy for you! congrats zazzi. let us know what your coworkers/boss thinks. if it's negative feedback, who cares, i'm sure you look fabulous.
lol, very funny..."this post is worthless w/o pics," I'm happy for you! congrats zazzi. let us know what your coworkers/boss thinks. if it's negative feedback, who cares, i'm sure you look fabulous.


It's a split at work. I could tell the people who genuinely like it (one boss and his wife included) versus those that just said "wow, you cut your hair! why? but it looks nice..." knowing full well they don't really. :ohwell: I'm not concerned though, I love it! :) My SO does not like it -- he actually didn't have much to say to me for a day or two. LOL! My kids are fine with it, but when I took my DD to preschool the first two days, she said "I don't want anyone to see your hair like that." :confused:
Awww sorry to hear abotu your SO and DD!!! They will come around and realize ur have beautiful healthy hair and that it isnt always about length!!
Awww sorry to hear abotu your SO and DD!!! They will come around and realize ur have beautiful healthy hair and that it isnt always about length!!


I think it's partly b/c it's such a drastic change -- from long and straight to short and curly. I'm always telling my DD how beautiful her hair is, and I told her 'now my hair is like yours'. SO has only ever known me with long hair so for him it's a big adjustment. Like you said, they'll come around. They don't have a choice! :lachen:

It's a split at work. I could tell the people who genuinely like it (one boss and his wife included) versus those that just said "wow, you cut your hair! why? but it looks nice..." knowing full well they don't really. :ohwell: I'm not concerned though, I love it! :) My SO does not like it -- he actually didn't have much to say to me for a day or two. LOL! My kids are fine with it, but when I took my DD to preschool the first two days, she said "I don't want anyone to see your hair like that." :confused:

Don't worry about those other people! It takes everyone awhile to get used to it. And my DH was the worst, but now he is starting to come around.

Congrats and I can't wait to see the pics!
Congrats! Don't worry about those that don't like it. They will come around. I had a ton of folks asking WHY?, but now love my natural hair. It's a shock at first, but after about 3 months, the reality of it sets in and it's hard to remember it looking different. It also took me three months to calm down and stop trying every technique and buying every product out there :lol:

Now I have settled in a nice routine and it feels......natural

Congrats again! Can't wait to see pics!
Hi Ladies! I'm late, I know... I still don't have a camera. Here's a pic I took with my phone a couple days after my BC, along with a couple texture shots from before. I will post more from the BC as soon as I get them! :look:


ZazziB4 (2).jpg


(I hope you can see the pics clearly enough... they are a bit small IMO, but that's the size LHCF said they need to be.)
^^^ Pretty curls and congrats!!! Doesnt it feel great. Dont worry about others girl do you!! YOU will have a lot of people running it but as long as your happy and confident in your decision...pluck them!!!! Have fun learning about your hair!!! U learn something new everyday
Thanks Bablou! It does feel great!! For someone who has NEVER had hair shorter than SL, I'm surprised at how much I'm luvin' it ... so much that I am completely unconcerned with what anyone else thinks!