I cut off my hair!! (Accidentally)


Well-Known Member
I was cutting my tree braids out last night and w henI was inadvertently cutting off the ends, I was cutting my hair too. I was not being careful and I cut the braids in the back and sides evidently. So, right now I MAY have 2" in the back and my sides have lost about 2-3" as well. :cry: I'm sooo frustrated. I've been on the hair journey for a LONG time and keep having major setbacks. Maybe I just need to keep it short then, I don't know. I had planned on transitioning, now it looks like I'm gonna have to BC. I'm soo upset, but I'm trying not to be. I can't bring it back :nono:

BTW, I was about SL...now I'm CL
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:bighug: I'm so sorry girl! Hopefully it will be back before you know it, just stay focused on your journey.....
OMG I'm so sorry
This happened to me once back in 1998 when I let my mom help me take out my braids. She started to snip them off and cut a patch of hair in the front.

The good news is that you can start over again *big hug*
I have done that before, put your hair back in braids and don't look at it for 3 months

I set my hair on fire once. I slapped some braids it, when I took them down 3 months later the damage was gone

so sorry to here about this happened to you
This might have been a blessing in disguise. It made up your mind for you.

Now you have to BC. Just what you really wanted anyway. Right?
Well, I BC'd (actually I went to DSD (Dontspeakdefeat) to have my hair BC'd) and I had more NG than I thought...unfortunately I don't have any pics. Sorry guys. I'll take some next time. I got my hair cornrowed and wearing a wig for the next year or so and maybe some weaves. But I'll be sure to take some pics at the next length check. I have about 3-4" NG...so I'm ok with it now...just gotta keep going :ohwell:
Thanks! I appreciate the support from the board, b/c IRL, my friends were like, "Don't do it!" But it had to be done...I'm fine with it now
That happened to me before and I got a weave until I was comfortable enough to cut it! Every thing will work out ((((HUGS))))
Congrats on the BC!!! ::shaking fist at you for no pix::

I'm glad you're happy with your decision, that's the most important thing!
I'm so sorry that this happened to you. Hang in there. Your hair will grow back and your setback will be a distant and funny memory soon.