I Curled My Hair!

*Happily Me*

Well-Known Member
I decided to blow dry and curl my hair today! I am transitioning and grew a little tired of the ponytail.

I washed with Suave Clarifying shampoo, conditioned with cholesterol, pulled hair back into a ponytail, air dryed with a satin scarf, then blew out with comb attachment. I curled the ends under with an iron.

I'm hitting the town tonight with my best friend. :grin:
You did a beautiful job!! You look as if you just had a relaxer!! Are you sure you are transitionin?? I may have to come and let you do my hair.
I never in a million years thought I could not perm my hair. I'm glad to know that it's quite possible to transition and maybe I could do this thing.

Thanks for the lovely compliments. I would have never dared transitioning without the support and info from this forum. All of you are great! :)