I Could Go To Africa or India--But Which Is Better for My HAIR?


formerly nicola.kirwan
So, I have the opportunity to go to India or Africa this summer and was trying to decide between the two. Was leaning toward Uganda or Rwanda, but then I thought "With the heat and the dryness, and the spotty running water (in the places I'd be going), what will I do for my hair?"

I should be ashamed of myself for becoming so high maintenence--but I did remember, "Hey, India has some great hair going on over there." :look:

But in seriousness, and just out of curiosity, do any of you all know of genuinely African products that work well?
I lot of people swear by pure shea butter, mowrah butter, and jojoba oil. Jojoba oil has always worked great for me.
Remember that not ALL places in Africa have problems with running water:nono:!
If you're in rural areas it may be a problem but in cities and towns its usually more than ok.

African products that work well? There are many simple and powerful ones eg Shea Butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter, etc All these are great for hair AND skin.

And usually there is a good supply also of imported products. Not all brands but some well known brands.

.... But I am sure India would be great too :-)
I am biased ofcourse :grin:because I am African and I think its an amazing place to experience!:yep:
well, i made a trip to india this year for a friend's wedding. they pride the strength of their hair on the use of oils. coconut oil and the amla oil. i have been using these products on the recommendation of a really good indian girlfriend.

interesting place, india...
Wow, how can one choose from two hair mecca's like that? Africa or India? I'm leaning more toward Africa because their hair type is the most similar to ours and a lot of African's have lovely hair so they'd probably have more advice to give, but India would probably have bulk things (like henna, rose water, coconut oil, amla oil, etc...) for cheap. So if you are looking forward to products I guess India would be the best choice, in my opinion. I'd want to go to Africa more for hair accessories and clothes. I love the pretty head garbs they wear :yep:. But India has beautiful, colorful clothes and garbs as well. It's a hard decision to make.
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Africa has Indians too so they would probably sell their products but if I had to choose I'd choose India. Nothing against Africa I just love Indian food and want to see the Taj Mahal.
Remember that not ALL places in Africa have problems with running water:nono:!
If you're in rural areas it may be a problem but in cities and towns its usually more than ok.

African products that work well? There are many simple and powerful ones eg Shea Butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter, etc All these are great for hair AND skin.

And usually there is a good supply also of imported products. Not all brands but some well known brands.

.... But I am sure India would be great too :-)
I am biased ofcourse :grin:because I am African and I think its an amazing place to experience!:yep:

Right, I mentioned in the post that I would be in rural areas since I know some African cities are rather metropolitan. But no, that wouldn't be it...I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have access to any kind of BSS. Oh well, I should just get over it.

Thanks for the heads up about the butters and oils, and I'll keep in mind your vote for Africa!
Think you'd better choose India. The Rawanda region has too much political turmoil and warring factions right now. Even the Peace Corps have pulled out because it is too dangerous. India is a safe bet right now. Check out more news on CNN online.
i would go to India. isnt there some war in Rwanda or Uganda? Or you could go to a different African country.

Actually, Rwanda and Uganda are my two main options. I think I'm going to post in OT to get people's opinions about the (non-hair-related) choice.
OP you are so funny! You are making your decision based on your hair.....What parts of India or Africa do you plan on going to?

I know, it's so bad. Pre-LHCF I could've cared less. But I guess that's why my hair never got anywhere. Really, I wouldn't let the decision come down to that, but you know, every factor counts!

In Africa the options are Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia. In India the options are Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, and Mumbai (Bombay).

Either way, I'm sure it'll be great!

ETA: You really do have to be mindful when you're traveling, though. I spent 3 months in southern Oregon and by the end of it I had lost 2-3 inches just from breakage because the air was so completely dry and there were like, 2 black people in the entire town, so no beauty salons or black hair care products were available. It was sad.:nono:
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I lived in Rwanda for three years. Rwanda is the bomb. I loved it, nice weather, safe. It was completely different than other African countries, Kigali is well developed but can be expensive. They have a Starbucks (yep) and a mall in Kigali that has several name brand hair care products so, don't worry about that. And also, when you go to Rwanda you will get the drool factor, many of the women have extremely long hair when relaxed and I mean long like past the shoulders and mid back and they never wear protective styles. And many women also do the natural thing so those women are big into their hair don't worry about the hair salons!!!!!!! On a side note, the men are extraordinary to look at, extremely tall and beautiful faces.

Uganda is also not bad but it is extremely hot climate wise compared to Rwanda that has good weather all year round.

Almond Eyes
Something like this has been on my mind too, OP.

I am considering studying in Ghana for a semester next year. I'm ashamed to admit the biggest thing I've been worried about is my hair, but that's been taking the backseat to other considerations.

I haven't been on the other side of the Atlantic at all, so I can't really weigh in effectively. If it were me, I would probably choose Rwanda, but I can't really advise you on where to go.
You can put your hair in braids for less maintenance. I think you should choose a country base on its opportunities and experience. Then figure out what you will do there once you go. I would pick Africa because of the possibilities I could learn about the people from the land where I originated.
In Africa the options are Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia. In India the options are Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, and Mumbai (Bombay).

I would also evaluate the political climate of where you are going. I would have thought Kenya okay, too, but recently even they've been having some strife. I hear they're starting a Truth and Reconciliation committee there, too (like in S. Africa). And what time of year do you plan to go, did I miss that? If you are going soon, I'd say Zambia. Of course I might just be saying that because that's the only place of those that I've been to. But since it is southern hemisphere, as we are coming upon winter, they are coming upon summer. Late spring, early summer, the weather should be good. If it's like Zimbabwe which is pretty close, it might get a little rainy. I had a good time my few days in Lusaka.

I'll be in Durban, South Africa in a couple of weeks and am staying for a month. I can't wait!
I also wanted to add in Rwanda you can visit the genocide memorials. They speak both English and French. And they have many great restaurants. Besides Botswana, Rwanda is also known as Africa's little gem. They have come a long way since the genocide and many African countries who have not had civil war should look at how developed the capital city of Kigali is.
Though at the moment with the fighting across the border in Goma, Eastern DRC you might be discouraged from going but I would not worry, the chance of that spilling to Rwanda and into the capital city would be nil. And the capital city is far from the border anyhow, I should know I also was living in Goma, DRC (just recently) after having lived in Rwanda and it was a stark difference between the two countries.

Almond Eyes
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You all are making my decision more difficult! Bringing up good things about both places. Since the work that I'd be doing is humanitarian work, safety is kind of a factor, but going into the more desperate regions is sort of the point. I was really impressed to learn that Rwanda has one of the most well-developed civil societies on the continent after the genocide that happened only 15 years ago.

I would also love to see African women with very long hair, since busting up stereotypes is always a good thing.

I travel to South Africa last year to Capetown , South Africa and other rural areas with several ladies , many of us had protective styles in our hair , braids, buns and pony tails. The ones who hair was straight , start off with straight and end up with dry hair in a pony tail. The water was very hard and limited, I never felt clean, so i would not trust the water for my hair. The best thing to do is to where protective style , not sure of the area you are going , but the water is hard and limited. As for the ones who live in Africa , they had protective styles , natural and perms, I not sure of the products they used , I never saw any BSS , I not saying it was not there , just never was in that area. I not sure if you going to study or do mission work, but for mission my focus was the people , and I was informed before I left if you want high maintenance then you should not travel. So we had to prepare our self and hair. I had tree braids that was pull back daily , I never had any makeup on , it was so hot doing the day and cool doing the night. One thing I would not wear is a wig or full head of weave. But remember my experience was mission work, I think it would have been different it I was traveling for an vacation. I hope this help , and good luck with your journey.