I CONFESS.......

I confess that going back to my Softee Coconut Oil with the mineral oil in it was one of the best things I ever did for my natural hair.

I confess that a relaxer sounds sexy right now because I miss straight hair, and my natural hair doesn't seem to like to be straightened.

I confess that heat training has popped up as a viable option for me to avoid a relaxer and still get the straight hair.

I confess that even though I made those last two confessions, I'm still stuck in limbo because I like my curls too. :rofl:

Oh...and the scratching my head before/during/after thing? Yeah, son...me too. My scalp feels dirty to me if I don't.
I confess that I prefer to read and take advice from blogs that promote natural hair even though im relaxed.
I confess that evne though on the few occasions that I straightened, my hair looked limp and lifeless to me, there is still part of me that wants to go back to a relaxer.

I confess that another thing keeping me from relaxing (other than limp lifeless hair) is that I have a couin who recently went natural, and another who is contemplating it, and I want to be some sort of inspiration. I don't want them to think heck if she can't manage to stay natural with her her curls, I can I expect to have success with my kinks.

I confess that my mom is taking great care of my younger son's hair, using all the wrong products, so I'm thinking I should go back to the products too. Heck, maybe my hair can reach midback length, like his, when stretched.
I confess... I don't always detangle with a wide tooth comb... in fact even when I use a wide tooth comb I follow it up with a small tooth comb and even a rattail comb. I just can't stand the idea of my hair not being fully detangled.
I confess.........

I never stopped using grease on my scalp, it works for me. So since its not broke, I'm not fixing it.
I confess that I am not obsessed with my hair any more.

And let the church say :amen:!!!!

I know this how?

Well I'm glad I asked:grin:.

I used to update my fotki hair album like every month to 3 months and now I rarely even open it up:nono:.

I put my hair in extension braids just so I don't have to do anything to it except spray moisturizing braid spray on it a few time a week.

I wash it once week to every 2 weeks instead 2-3 times in a single week like I did a year ago.

I am just so over this whole hair obsession thing:rolleyes:.

That is my hair confession.
What a great topic! It is very cathartic...

Ok, here goes...

I confess that I don't wrap my hair at night - don't know how to do a decent looking wrap, and I almost never tie my hair to sleep - it is loose. It doesn't seem to break from that and I am skimming APL.

I confess that I still have trouble understanding this protein thing - I just occasionally will use protein conditioner.

I confess that I don't do pre-poo at all, and I don't deep condition regularly. I shampoo every time I wash instead of just co-washing . I don't do many steps at all - just shampoo, condition, leave in and oil seal. (But I wash 1-2x a week and I try to use really good conditioners).
I must confess....... I love using my cheap but great shampoo and conditioner. I have attempted using the expensive stuff but it didnt work for me....... :look:
-I transitioned for a year and wore my hair straight the entire time via weekly blow dry and flat iron done at the salon

-I just bought some Miss Jessies' Baby Buttercreme and I like the way it made my hair feel. Even tho it has petrolatum and mineral oil high on the ingredients list

-One of my favorite moisturizers on straight hair is Keracare Jojoba oil moisturizer. It has mineral oil, petrolatum, and cones in it

-I use sulfate based shampoos and conditioners with cones

-I like getting my hair professionally trimmed. I'm in love with blunt healthy ends and plan to keep trimming at least every 4 months