I confess, I can't _______ to save my life!!!

I can't French Braid to save my life. I always start off good, but it ultimately ends up as one big cornrow. My hands are just programed to do cornrows. Any instructions for doing this or online tutorials/videos?
I can't grow my hair to save my life. I've been on this forum since 2004 and I am no where near armpit length. I've been natural, tex-laxed and relaxed with no results. Oh well..... :(
Hey, Nelli711,

I can't cornrow to save my life; are there any tutorials (free) :) out there?
I can't french braid to save my life!

Fun thread! :)
I'm ashamed to say that I can't flat twist or braid my hair at all. I know, I know...I don't feel like a true black girl as a result.:grin: I would love to be able to flat twist my hair while wet, sit under the dryer, then undo the set for a beautiful twist out. My sister used to do it for me, but she lives in another state and can't do it. I got complements all the time.:(
I can't cornrow my own hair, self-relax, or rollerset. I've tried all three and I just don't have the patience for it.
Well, I can rollerset - been doing that since I was a teenager. Can't sleep on the darn things without a huge headache, but they don't come out and the hair is good. I can also self-relax and press...:grin:


not only can I not cornrow, I don't know the difference between a cornrow and a french braid so I'm not sure which one I actually can do. :eek: Even at that, I can't actually do it to myself, only to others.

I can't blow dry, much less blow dry and brush at the same time. I end up looking like a scarecrow on a bad hair day. :lachen:

I can't wrap. I did not even know what that was until about a year ago.

I can't keep a scarf in my head while I sleep no matter what. :perplexed

Once I actually have a hair style, I have never been able to recreate it after the first wash - never - I've been wearing my hair the same since I was a teenager. I should be Oprah and have a hair dresser to follow me around and do my hair everyday.:look: I think the personal hairdresser is like my maid - I keep losing them.

I tried using a flat iron once - what a disaster.

I predict long and straight with curled ends or curled end on straight and long hair in my future. :grin:

So tell, how do you ladies keep those scarves on your hair at night anyway? :confused:
I can't part my hair straight, cornrow, french braid, flat twist, rollerset, or blowdry without ripping out handfuls of hair. My platting skills are questionable as well, although I know the basic concept.

I can flat iron my hair, thank god, or else I would not be able to style my own hair any way except a bun or ponytail. I can also self relax.
I can't braid, part, do a great afro, finger coil, bun, bantu knot or flat twist to save my life.

I even have a mannequin head and the braided hair never comes out tight.
My natural hair is thick and I just can't seem to pull it back enough for a bun.

My afros always look bad and end up tangling and knotting. I just recently chopped up to two inches in some places after wearing my hair out for a day and don't get me started on detangling.

Basically all I can do is twist.
I can't be seen in public with my hair in a pony tail to save my life.....I also can't go one day without touching my new growth all day and picking at my split ends:(......probably why i can't retain length. Really considering braids right now:cool:
I like this thread!!!:dance7:

I Can't ....

1. Bun (or Protective Style other than Braids)
2. Rollerset (I just have 2 have a 'lil' patience)
3. Relax (Don't want 2 learn how)
4. Trim (I need 2 learn, tired of being butchered)

2 Save My Life!:lol:
I can't cornrow, or braid to save my life
i can't rollerset to save my life
There are a whole lot of things I can't do!! A lot of them I don't really care about. The ones I wish I could do....

1. Rollerset
2. blowdry
3. master the whole protein/moisture thing
4. self-relax (I tried once, I blame the relaxer, but it might have been me)
5. get a smooth bun or pony
1. I can't part my hair straight to save my life.
2. I can't hot curl my hair worth a damn no matter how hard I try.
3. I cant spin on my skates and come out of it gracefully like the ice skaters do. It's driving me insane!!!
I cant:
1) Stop cutting/trimming every 6 weeks (I haven't since mid Feb...YAAAYYY me!) It's hard though :(
2) Stop not wrapping my hair up at night (I've been doing it since March 8...longest time ever!).
3) Figure out the right amount of braids or where to put them, for a braid out...LOL!
4) Wanting to cut my hair.
5) Wanting to cut my hair.
6) Did I say wanting to cut my hair???
I cant self-relax..........

I cant flat iron............

I cant sit under a dryer to DC for more than 15 minutes (way to impatient).........

And I cant make a cute, protective french roll to save my life!!!!! :lol:
I like this thread - I usually feel like people here are such haircare superstars and I am the only one who's inept. Glad to know I have company!

I cannot . . .
- flat iron
- stretch my relaxer more than 10 weeks
- pincurl (I tried, it was awful)
- wear my hair in a bob (because it's too thick and poofy :()
Hmmm...I lost my rollersetting abilities! I stopped about a year ago due to laziness and then my dryer broke and now I can't do them at all!

I can't cornroll either.... well...I can but they look a hot mess! :)

Edit to ask is it cornroll or cornrow!??? I've always called it cornroll! Maybe I should go back to lurking. LOL!
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