I Colored My Hair!

Priss Pot

Makeup + Bench Pressing
Yeah, so I went ahead and colored my hair last Friday. I do like it. The bad thing is that I had to do it twice to get the color I wanted.

First, I used Texture & Tones Hair Color in Cherrywood. I love that color, but it didn't come out as light as I wanted it since I was doing it on black hair. So I went to the BSS (same day) and got the new Dark & Lovely Hair Color in Soft Auburn. In the past, I didn't really care for Dark & Lovely Color due to the could-be harshness (and strong smell), but I went ahead and tried it since they reformulated it.

I must say that I love it!

I haven't noticed any texture change or breakage at all from the double process.

I actually think I may keep it up. I just hope that when I touch up the color, that it comes out the same as the color it is now since I did a previous color before the final one.


You can't really see it that well with the flash, but in natural lighting (as above), it shows really well.

oh I love the color and your hair. I just wanted to touch it at the brunch. Between you, Country Gal and my daughter ya'll have the best natural hair.
It looks good TSU!! :up: I have an appt on Sept 6 to get my hair colored but I'm nervous. I've never had my hair dyed before. Did you find that it was harder to get the color to take than on your relaxed hair? I know some people's hair is just dark and hard to lift whether relaxed or natural.
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YEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Can you hear my "s"?

TSUPrincess - you are rocking that color, your ringlets are adorable AND you look good in green. Work it momma!!
It looks great with your skin tone. Very pretty.

I love how it looks with the green top and head-band.
That color looks very pretty on you. It looks natural, if I hadn't seen your hair pics before I would think that's your natural color, it goes beautifully with your skin tone.