I Changed My Mind!


Well-Known Member
Y'all please don't hate me for this. But... I'm not ready to go natural. I was trying to transition and parts of my hair are already natural (due to my last relaxer not getting some areas straight). I'm telling you it is toooo tight in the back, and the two textures are just driving me crazy! Not to mention that now I have to get up between 4:30 and 5:00 in the mornings. My hair is becoming too time consuming. But... washing it more frequently (2-3 times a week) seems to really work well in combatting breakage. So, what I've decided to do is keep relaxing, but I'm stretching my relaxers out to 3 months at a time, and I'm getting a short bob cut this week. I'm going to let it grow out to shoulder length. Right now it's grazing my shoulders and has a lot of layers. My daughter has her hair cut in a short bob and all she does is keep it moisturized, wrap and go. No fuss! She started off with an above the ear length bob two months ago, and now it's to her cheek, almost chin length now.

I appreciate everyone's support before, but I'm just frustrated with my hair. I'm always on the go! I need something easier.
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It's okay! We still love you! :kiss:

Transitioning is a hard process. Especially if your two textures are extremely different like mine were. That's why I went on and wacked it off.

Be blessed! And happy hair growing! ;)
Poohbear said:
It's okay! We still love you! :kiss:

Transitioning is a hard process. Especially if your two textures are extremely different like mine were. That's why I went on and wacked it off.

Be blessed! And happy hair growing! ;)

What she said
I agree with Pooh, we still love ya. This actually is my second time transitioning so please don't feel bad now just isn't the time for you. Everyone has to make the best decision for themselves and their hair. Right now this is the best decision for you. Who knows in the future you might change your mind but we'll be here with support, advice, or whatever you need. Happy hair growing.
Awww Stormy it's okay girl. You do what's best for you. The other day I was wearing braids covered by a scarf and I was thinking how lucky I was to have the time to fool with my hair and not have to worry about figuring out styles that work for me and a job. I'm a homemaker and I have lots of flexibility. When and if it's the right time, you'll know it. Good luck.:)
We're all family here so if you change your mind we'll still love ya! Ok so maybe transitioning isn't for you now. That's ok too.
cincybrownsugar said:
What she said

double ditto. This is EXACTLY why I went ahead and did the chop this past September. If you ask me, the people that can transition for long periods of time are the brave ones.
girl its ok i think most people have tried to transition or be natural more than once
When you're ready your natural hair will still be waiting on you. :) The important thing is that your hair is healthy, relaxed or natural. :)
mytialpn said:
I hate to say this but I've also decided to go back to relaxing.:sad:

Thats ok, going natural isnt for everyone. A lot of folx transistion or BC more than once. This is my second time. There is nothing wrong with having relaxed hair if that is what you want to have. I may even go back to relaxing eventually but I want to experience my natural hair and explore its potential. I feel better now with natural hair than I did with my hair relaxed, even tho many would say my relaxed hair looked better, but for right now this is the choice that is right for me. If that changes and relaxed is a better choice I will go back to it. Do what is best for you and your lifestyle at the moment. Nothing stays the same forever. Being human it is wise to adapt and change when your circumstances call for it.
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msportugal said:
girl its ok i think most people have tried to transition or be natural more than once

Very true. I gave up after three months the first time around. I just wasn't ready.
Hey it's no big deal. It's your hair and you do what make you feel good. As long as you are taking good care of your hair, it's all good.
Girl, don't nobody hate you!! That's your head and only you can decide if you are ready to go natural.
As you can see, you'll get nothing and I mean nothing but support from the ladies here!

Cosigning with Enchantmt.

I just want to give my natural hair a chance since I haven't worn it natural (unpressed) in my life! If I hate it, I already have a plan A, B, and C.
At least I won't have to envy the natural heads and wonder, dag, I wonder if my hair would look cute like that!
Hey Stormy :wave:

I didn't realize u were transitioning!!

I'm just happy that ur happy with ur decision... that's what truly matters!
I agree with everyone. I always praised people on their hair not so much because of it how it was done, but because they were happy with their hair and it showed. As long as you are happy with the decision, its okay with me. I'm transitioning, but there are so many options out there that you dont have to follow a cookie cutter method of doing things.
It is quite alright Stormy. Transitioning is difficult especially if you have a tightly curled texture. I transitioned for 8 months then relaxed again. I immediately started transitioning again. After a year, I cut off the relaxed ends. If I were to do it all over again, I wouldn't transition. I would just cut my hair.

Good luck on your healthy hair growth journey!
