I cant take my hair anymore...Im going to texlax my hair


New Member
I just cant do it anymore...this shrinkage, this dryness and other weirdness... mabye being natural just isnt for me...I am going to texlax my hair... I now know how to care for my hair much better..but I need more versatility than just braids, twists and fros...Im not caring much for my hair much right now..using heat jacks it up..too many chemicals mess it up too...I can have the best of both worlds....I will post pics of what it looks like afterwards...
I've been through this feeling a few times throughout my natural hair journey. You just have to find what works for you and what you and your hair can deal with. There are lots of TexLax women who I'm sure will give you some support ;-)
Why don't you give the idea of texlaxing a little more time, you should be sure it's what you want. Even texturized I had hair issues that I had to work out, It isn't a cure all. Now using different products and simplifying my regimen my hair has taken off.
Nooo.,....patience my friend. Is your hair long enough to try rollerseting or twist-outs? Or perhaps you just need more length. That can give you more options as well :yep:. I personally have 5 distinct textures throughout my entire head so I know how you feel, but I've made it work and its been the best for my hair. Good luck with your decision but make sure its what you want to do.
Winter is the hardest time to be natural or transition in my opinion. Your hair is dry, skin etc. I'd say wait until the weather get a little warmer. If you feel the same then make a change. It is frustrating. Try to remember why you decided to go natural. That helps sometimes.
Never make a hair decision (natural to straight or straight to natural, cut etc,) out of frustration. You have to make those decisions with a clear and stress free mind.
I just need my hair to be a little more manageable...detangling...mositurizing and all that takes FOREVER...i need to cut down on this time..and do something that I like looking at each day...Im going to apply a Just for Me Texture softner and wash it out in about 10 min...I still want my thickness with curl def. but more options...I dont care for this "wooly" look on me...Sorry guys
I just need my hair to be a little more manageable...detangling...mositurizing and all that takes FOREVER...i need to cut down on this time..and do something that I like looking at each day...Im going to apply a Just for Me Texture softner and wash it out in about 10 min...I still want my thickness with curl def. but more options...I dont care for this "wooly" look on me...Sorry guys

Be careful with that stuff, I tried that once for the time listed on it and ended up with straight hair :ohwell: . Anyway, what is your hair type and what are you using as a leave-in? I ask because I tried to texturize years ago and ended up cutting that off too. Sometimes the change is in the product, or the method, not the hair type.

I have VERY big hair, but I wouldn't trade it for anyone else's in the world. Maybe if you found your HG products, you would feel the same. Detangling shouldn't take forever. With the right products it should take under 10 minutes for shorter than BSL hair (mostly because you have to remember to go slowly and be gentle).

From reading your post, I get the impression that the issue isn't your hair, but maybe your length and maybe your products. Come on, sit on down, and let's talk it out. :grin: :yep:
I just need my hair to be a little more manageable...detangling...mositurizing and all that takes FOREVER...i need to cut down on this time..and do something that I like looking at each day...Im going to apply a Just for Me Texture softner and wash it out in about 10 min...I still want my thickness with curl def. but more options...I dont care for this "wooly" look on me...Sorry guys

You don't have anything to be sorry for :yep: Do whatever you feel is best :)
Please drop the textureizer! If you went through all the trouble to grow it out I think you should give it more time. If you feel the same way in a couple months then go ahead and do it. Have you tried going to a natural stylist to help you with your hair? Do you use heat, I find that blow drying or flat ironing my hair makes it much easier to manage and I retain length? What products are you using? The wrong products can definitely make the hair dry. Please think about this before you do it, you have beautiful curls :nono:

If you do go ahead and texturize test it out on a small amount of hair first because I know people who have been really disappointed with the results while others love it.
I just need my hair to be a little more manageable...detangling...mositurizing and all that takes FOREVER...i need to cut down on this time..and do something that I like looking at each day...Im going to apply a Just for Me Texture softner and wash it out in about 10 min...I still want my thickness with curl def. but more options...I dont care for this "wooly" look on me...Sorry guys

I feel you on the bolded section. I've been going through this for a few months now. My hair is APL stretched natural 4A. The longer it gets the more difficult it is to handle. I've come to the decision that I'm going to texlax. I made an appointment at the salon for Wednesday as a matter of fact. I've kept my hair natural for 2 and a half years now to keep my husband happy, but I'm not. He's going to have to accept my decision himself. At first I was excited about my natural hair, but in order for it to look as of it had grown I'd have to braid it or twist it. It takes too long to get the tangles out then to braid it or twist it, just takes forever. I know that I will be happier once I can style my hair. My hair thrived while relaxed and it is healthy natural as well, so I don't think I will have too much of a problem texlaxed... if I do, I'll just refer to the sisters on this board:yep:. Anyway, I'm sick of the puff! Sick of the braiding, detangling, KNOTS and everything in between. I posted a question a few months ago in this section asking the pro's and cons of texlaxing and a majority of the women said they have the best of both worlds. I look forward to that.

Edit: I hope you're happy with your hair either way. You know you can get alot of support on this board so do what makes you happy.
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Please drop the textureizer! If you went through all the trouble to grow it out I think you should give it more time. If you feel the same way in a couple months then go ahead and do it. Have you tried going to a natural stylist to help you with your hair? Do you use heat, I find that blow drying or flat ironing my hair makes it much easier to manage and I retain length? What products are you using? The wrong products can definitely make the hair dry. Please think about this before you do it, you have beautiful curls :nono:

If you do go ahead and texturize test it out on a small amount of hair first because I know people who have been really disappointed with the results while others love it.
Your hair is gorgeous:yep:
I ended up making the same decision. Only you know what's best for your hair. I agree not to make the decision out of frustration. However, if you do decide to texlax, make sure you either find someone who truly knows how to texlax so you don't end up too straight or make sure you take your time if you do it yourself. I am happy with my texlaxed hair and it is thriving. If you don't like texlax, you can transition again at a later date. Good luck whatever you decide
I have been there a few times now
it's really the weather that makes my hair an issue
in the summer I don't mind the daily conwashes
but winter:nono:

I am texted , it still looks pretty nappy though
I recommend you go to a salon and go get a press and trim.

I had this same feeling last week i was sooo ready to relax it. But i decided to get it pressed. Best decision i ever made. It came out better look and feeling than my relaxed hair ever used to feel. I went out clubbing last night and there is no frizz - yippee.

I also realised that my hair needed a serious trim - this was why i couldn't get a comb through my head - it wasn't my nappy hair, it was bad ends preventing a comb from getting through easily.

I've decided to get a press once a month so i can have that sleek look but also go back afro if i want - all without chemicals.

The length of your natural hair also makes a difference. If you can get it all into a ponytail then the issues your are having now won't seem so bad.
After 2 years i still thought i couldn't get it into a ponytail. It was only when my hairdresser blew it out and put it into one did i realise i could :ohwell:. I just can't do it wet like most of the ladies on her.
I did it...and IM SOOOOOOO HAPPY.... it came out great... its soft, my curls look 10X better...I am so happy with my decision... I used a Just For Me relaxer for coarse hair. Left it on for 5 min, and the results, were better than I expected.. no more poof, just thickness, length and definition...everything I wanted my hair to be....

I will post pics in my fotki later today...
I did it...and IM SOOOOOOO HAPPY.... it came out great... its soft, my curls look 10X better...I am so happy with my decision... I used a Just For Me relaxer for coarse hair. Left it on for 5 min, and the results, were better than I expected.. no more poof, just thickness, length and definition...everything I wanted my hair to be....

I will post pics in my fotki later today...

Another texlaxer signing on!

I am glad you like the results...I love having my hair texlax'd, I feel like I get the best of both worlds :yep:
Good for you! I'm so glad your hair turned out how you wanted it to. And you were so decisive, like I'm going to texlax and then bam a few hours later you are like it's done, lol, most of us around here go back and forth before making a decision. I can't wait to see the pics.
What more versatility do you want? Natural black hair is the world's most versatile hair! Or do you mean you don't want to wear it with any puffiness or frizz?

Okay, I'm no style guru, but I have been trying. I'm going to put my fotki in my siggy. With all the picture albums of all the different styles on natural hair, I honestly don't know what you mean about it not being versatile enough.

Okay, I see you've textlaxed. Best of luck.
OP: I'm glad you found something you are happy with

What more versatility do you want? Natural black hair is the world's most versatile hair! Or do you mean you don't want to wear it with any puffiness or frizz?

I never understood why people say that they can't do much with natural hair and use this as the main excuse when there are sooooooo many styles you can do. And then the same people that say this and then go and put chemicals in their hair wear the same hair style everyday.... striaght. Ok maybe they might put a curl at the end. Oh wait I forgot about the ponytail and bun...........
(I'm talking about people I know)
Good for you! I'm so glad your hair turned out how you wanted it to. And you were so decisive, like I'm going to texlax and then bam a few hours later you are like it's done, lol, most of us around here go back and forth before making a decision. I can't wait to see the pics.

While I am loathe to do anything undo-able, I agree with the above 100%. Transitioning is no easy process. Like clothes, your hair has to fit your lifestyle. Hope you consistently get the results you want. HHG!
I did it...and IM SOOOOOOO HAPPY.... it came out great... its soft, my curls look 10X better...I am so happy with my decision... I used a Just For Me relaxer for coarse hair. Left it on for 5 min, and the results, were better than I expected.. no more poof, just thickness, length and definition...everything I wanted my hair to be....

I will post pics in my fotki later today...

I am looking forward to seeing your pics. Can you be more specific about your texlaxing method?
its all up to you but i dont think putting chemicals on your hair will help with dryness it will probably make it worst
never mind i see you already did it lol
I just cant do it anymore...this shrinkage, this dryness and other weirdness... mabye being natural just isnt for me...I am going to texlax my hair... I now know how to care for my hair much better..but I need more versatility than just braids, twists and fros...Im not caring much for my hair much right now..using heat jacks it up..too many chemicals mess it up too...I can have the best of both worlds....I will post pics of what it looks like afterwards...

panamasown...........your hair may be trying to tell you it's to time change your products or it's time to find better ones (better not being more expensive products but products that are better addressing your hair's particular issues).

also remember, just because your hair looks and feels a certain way now does NOT mean it will stay that way once it starts gaining length.

i basically think you're suffering from the in between stage blues.......really.

At this stage of growth, say you relax, then what? it will still be short and your styling options will still be limited. you will still get bored and discouraged :ohwell: but now you will be forced to touch up your new growth more frequently because it will show more frequently and much more difficult to hide at it's present length. we all know the more you relax, the more chances of overlap so now you're looking at possible over processing (especially the ends) - over processed tex'd hair = full blown relaxed hair with a side order of burnt up ends :perplexed.

i can't tell you what to do, no one can but i can suggest that before you slap the chemical in your hair, give it time to grow some more and start finding more effective products that your hair can really benefit from, throw in some braids or kinky twists or something to keep your mind off your hair until the summer or something.

good luck with whatever you decide to do sis.
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Do what ya gotta do. If not relaxing was about a strong political stance for you or was from a deep cultural position I could see how these comments might be helpful. But, it was clearly about a style it seems..so I say make your hair do what you want it to do.

Rock it proudly!