I cant see...HELP!!

london honey

New Member
all my smilies,avatars and icons are coming up as text, no graphics. i thought it was a problem with the forum at first but it was ok when i logged on from work.

does anyone have any suggestions on how to correct this. It makes it harder to go through the posts...no colour just dull :(

thanks in advance
i havent got norton...and i use another forum which has a similar design to this one without any problems

anyone else have any ideas...or mods? tech support?

Blossssom said:
Get rid of Norton Anti-Virus and go with your DSL provider's "on line" protection.

That's what I did!
london honey said:
i havent got norton...and i use another forum which has a similar design to this one without any problems

anyone else have any ideas...or mods? tech support?

That's all I know, London... I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

I had Norton and after I got rid of it, I could see everything here, too!

I have also been to websites with the same format and they were fine. Norton or no Norton.

Check out your firewall system as well...
thanks blossssom.

i guess i'll have to try a few more things. its always been ok, problem started last weekend dont know why because i havent installed any new protections on my pc.

Blossssom said:
That's all I know, London... I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

I had Norton and after I got rid of it, I could see everything here, too!

I have also been to websites with the same format and they were fine. Norton or no Norton.

Check out your firewall system as well...