i can't get staight hair to save my life! :sad:


Active Member
i was meeting a friend today so i decided to flat iron my hair, just cause. I co washed my hair with aussie 3 minutes miracle then i blow dried it with the cool shot button and used fantasia ic hair straightening heat protectant spray. I then proceeded to flat iron my hair with the croc 2 (no infrared). At the end i was pleased with the results (even though the very very roots in the crown area weren't straight you couldn't see them. I am 2 months post and have about .5 to almost 3/4 inches of new growth. I am extremely tightly coiled 4b meaning i have super duper tiny cork screw curls about 2mm in diameter NOT radius)
i moisturized the ends with qb brbc then sealed with hot 6 oil. soo i get to my friends house and after a while she goes "are you still relaxed?" :nono: i was so mad :wallbash: i mean geez i AM relaxed and i just spent a long a$$ time flat ironing this darn hair...blahh i was soo through :cry2:
are any of you like this too? What's up with my hair man? Fyi: i did use the comb chase method
I am having the same problem. I was just complaining about this in the other thread. I'm using the same method that I always used to use that got my hair straight but now that I'm 3 months post, it's not working. I don't get it. Hopefully we get some answers...
i don't think you used NEARLY enough moisture in your regimen. all you did was cowash, and you didn't use any kind of moisturizing leave-in before blow drying. then on top of that, you used a water-based moisturizer on your hair AFTER flat ironing it.
i was meeting a friend today so i decided to flat iron my hair, just cause. I co washed my hair with aussie 3 minutes miracle then i blow dried it with the cool shot button and used fantasia ic hair straightening heat protectant spray. I then proceeded to flat iron my hair with the croc 2 (no infrared). At the end i was pleased with the results (even though the very very roots in the crown area weren't straight you couldn't see them. I am 2 months post and have about .5 to almost 3/4 inches of new growth. I am extremely tightly coiled 4b meaning i have super duper tiny cork screw curls about 2mm in diameter NOT radius)
i moisturized the ends with qb brbc then sealed with hot 6 oil. soo i get to my friends house and after a while she goes "are you still relaxed?" :nono: i was so mad :wallbash: i mean geez i AM relaxed and i just spent a long a$$ time flat ironing this darn hair...blahh i was soo through :cry2:
are any of you like this too? What's up with my hair man? Fyi: i did use the comb chase method

Nothing is wrong with your hair, it's not meant to be straight.
my hair wa dry prior to flat ironing. It felt a little better after flat iron prior to moisturize. It was ok after i moisturized.
i didn't dc i co washed with aussie 3 min (even though the label says deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep :lachen: conditioner i don't consider it such)
i actually did use a leave in prior to blow drying, i didn't mention it cause i don't think it did anything in regards to moisture. It was the soft n beautiful hair tonic. Also i guess the water based moisturizer afterwards didn't help but i haven't found anything to help moisturize my hair other than qbbrbc and hs14n1. Any suggestions?
also i am not ready to go natural as of now so i gotta do what i can with what i got =)
not everyone can get naturally kinky-coily-nappy hair straight with heat. if your technique is poor,then your hair will never get straight regardless of the products you use.

you may have to find someone at a salon who knows what they're doing.
my hair wa dry prior to flat ironing. It felt a little better after flat iron prior to moisturize. It was ok after i moisturized.
i didn't dc i co washed with aussie 3 min (even though the label says deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep :lachen: conditioner i don't consider it such)

Have u seen the thread about getting "Perm-Straight" hair?
It's something you have to get used to doing, flat ironing, straightening... Making sure to do it regularly & touch ups are a must. Make sure to use a good ceramic flat iron with tourmoline & ions in it going up to 400 degrees.

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Try shampooing to remove build-up and a good long moisturizing DC next time, I'm sure it will make a difference. Don't get discouraged!
It's something you have to get used to doing, flat ironing, straightening... Making sure to do it regularly & touch ups are a must. Make sure to use a good ceramic flat iron with tourmoline & ions in it going up to 400 degrees.

100% silk & satin pillowcases, hair wraps, silk du rags & more...

Plenty of naturals/stretchers who straighten their hair a few times per year and use lower temp settings achieve silky straight results.
Seems to me it was the regimen that did it. You have to wash and DC before flat-ironing especially when you've got new growth and to get the nice swing to your hair. A good heat protectant's good but really it's the wash and DC...