I Can't French Braid Properly ? *cry*


Well-Known Member
I like to do braidouts with two french braids except my french braids always come out awkwardly. For some reason i cannot seem to braid across the top portion of my head properly so that the braids lead down my head in back but. Instead the braids end up slanting down further and further.
I should take a pic to show what they look like because I have a feeling this isn't a very good description.:lol:

Feel free to laugh :rofl: This is what happens when i try to french braid. I can't seem to braid across, only downwards...
Picture 15.jpg

I REALLY want to master this. Please share all the tips you have. Thanks. I've looked at tutorials on YT and I can't get it :drunk:
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I know how but I just suck at doing it on myself. I'm all thumbs. I need to practice but I always feel like I'm ripping my hair. I want to rock two French braids as a style so bad.
How I learned was feeling when my mom braided my hair. No joke.

It's weird but for a while I could only do cornrows while she did french braiding. Because from feeling her braid I learned backwards. I had to teach myself how to french braid.

I did youtube and this step by step ehow I believe. And practice practice! And how you braid on your ownnhair is totally different when you braid on someone else's hair.
I didn't understand cornrows and French braids until google took me to a site called chocolatehairvanillacare.com. She teaches you with different color yarn so that helps if you are a visual learner.
I know how you feel. I was never a gifted braider. I can twist though. It takes a lot of practice and invested time pretty much. It helps it your hair is in a detangled wet/stretched state.
Girl you ain't alone I cant french braid, corn row or nothing. Only braids I know how to do are the ones you see in a little girl's head. At least you actually were able to get a braid out of your attempt
Try parting the hair through the middle of the section you are braiding. Use the part as your guide for where the braid itself will lay and pull pieces from each section as you braid. Keep your fingers close to the root and kind of separate each section with each turn as you go...

I hope that makes sense. Trying to describe it the best I can. Parting it just came to me since you said you have an issue with keeping the braid in position.. :look:

But practice make perfect!! No matter what you are doing! :yep: