
New Member
Trying to be cute I blow dried my hair twice in a row and went in th ocean and didnt wash i out! My hair is done :( it doesn't even curl up at all! Is their anyway i can get my curls back or do i have to start all over again?
Try a strong protein treatment...and then do a series of deep conditioning with a light protein/moisture conditioner like AO GBP or ORS hair Mayo a few times....that should help it out. If your curl pattern doesnt come back within 1-2 weeks you may have to cut :ohwell:
:( Man i use my blow dryer on the highiest one and didnt use any heat protectic or anything (I know i know , im mad at myself to) :( I know better and i didnt even do it and now my hair look lik a puff ball of drieness,
I think your curls will snap back. I would add in a deep penetrating moisturizing treatment to help with elasticity.

The good news is that your new growth will come in curly, so I think it'll work out. I hope your write back with happy results soon.
If you hair is truly burnt then you do have to cut it off and try again. If you have washed and condiitoned and your curl pattern didn't return then your hair is fried.
I am so sorry to hear about your woes. I would try to strong protein treatment (I use aphogee when I got married and my hair dresser didn't use a heat protectant to straighten my hair) and then a deep conditioning. Now my hair always snaps back after using heat, protectant or not but after I got married for some reason my hair smelt burnt so I was worried about its health. If that doesn't work then you might have to cut it or let it grow out and see if it doesn't heal over time. Don't cut it just yet, try some things and give them time to work and then make a consciencious decision from there.
Thanks everyone! When i woke up this morning I had blow dried my hair into a big fro for my SO to see it because he has a big fro also and has been begging me to show off my length and well.... I got carless and blew didnt use any heat protect and my hair just looked a ghetto messs afterwords!

I Deep condtioned it and my hair just laughed at me!:( Only the back curls up and the rest was kinnda wavey but no curl whatso ever! I'm putting in EQ along with two strade twists today while i run errend around the house before tonight (I'm going to use the heavy protain treatment tonight my my hair! Oh lord I pray my hair curls back up:(
I agree deep conditioning. Maybe try keraphix or aphogee and moisturize moisturize moisturize. It may take a month or so. If its not back by 4 months, it ain't coming back.
Hidden_Angel said:
Thanks everyone! When i woke up this morning I had blow dried my hair into a big fro for my SO to see it because he has a big fro also and has been begging me to show off my length and well.... I got carless and blew didnt use any heat protect and my hair just looked a ghetto messs afterwords!

I Deep condtioned it and my hair just laughed at me!:( Only the back curls up and the rest was kinnda wavey but no curl whatso ever! I'm putting in EQ along with two strade twists today while i run errend around the house before tonight (I'm going to use the heavy protain treatment tonight my my hair! Oh lord I pray my hair curls back up:(

Keep doing it for like a week or so. Maybe longer. Is it your whole head?
bmoreflyygirl said:
Keep doing it for like a week or so. Maybe longer. Is it your whole head?

No, just in the front which i bascily blew the crap out of, my back its already starting to curl back up :D i can feel it I'm kinnda happy maybe it isnt fully damged yet!
Hidden_Angel said:
No, just in the front which i bascily blew the crap out of, my back its already starting to curl back up :D i can feel it I'm kinnda happy maybe it isnt fully damged yet!

No more blowdrying without heat protectant!!! LOL But give it some time and work with it....the girls might take a minute to bounce back
Hidden_Angel said:
:( Man i use my blow dryer on the highiest one and didnt use any heat protectic or anything (I know i know , im mad at myself to) :( I know better and i didnt even do it and now my hair look lik a puff ball of drieness,

Now that's outta da way

Before you jump off into the DC and aphogee, clarify first. Your hair could still be coated with styling products.

IF you go through the motions and your hair still doesn't revert then just fake texture by doing a braid out until you feel comfortable cutting, IF you feel comfy cutting.

I know that 'traditional wisdom' is that a few stray straight hairs is the worse thing to ever happen to nappy hair, but I'm like whatever - that's getting pulled back into a bun with the rest of the hair.
JCoily said:

Now that's outta da way

Before you jump off into the DC and aphogee, clarify first. Your hair could still be coated with styling products.

IF you go through the motions and your hair still doesn't revert then just fake texture by doing a braid out until you feel comfortable cutting, IF you feel comfy cutting.

I know that 'traditional wisdom' is that a few stray straight hairs is the worse thing to ever happen to nappy hair, but I'm like whatever - that's getting pulled back into a bun with the rest of the hair.

I agree with JCoily. Everybody acts like you have to be drastic and chop all your hair off just for a few heat damaged strands. It really ain't that serious. Think about how many people were hanging onto a whole head of damaged hair when they came to this board? I know I was. They certainly weren't thinking about cutting it all off then right? Why now?
Well I put EQ in my hair and put it in two strades with a plastic bag over my head and under my wig and I'm starting to see it curl up a lil.........

:) ! but i went and got to Aghoop anyways I'm sure ill have to atleast to cut mayb 2 inchs but my hair neded trimming always.....

Thanks everyone...

and Jcoily you know i like it when you spank me :grin:bawha.......

*Sigh* sad thing is i had Coster oil in my room..dangit! why didnt i get it so i wont hve to be dealing with dried up hair.....
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