I bought some horsetail tea


With Love & Silk
for my hair. I drank it 2 days in a row and noticed on the 3rd day that my skin was quite oily. Do any of you experience this from taking horsetail or silica? Is this a side effect?
Hi Supergirl /images/graemlins/wave.gif

Actually the oiliness in your skin is quite normal and you should have nothing to concern yourself with. Horsetail is excellent for collagen formation which prevents wrinkles. Most people with oily skin usually age gracefully because their skin stays moisturized...if having oily skin has caused breakouts for you in the past, then you may want to consider the tea as the culprit. I don't think you should have any problems with breakouts though because most hair, skin and nail formulas include Horsetail as a primary ingredient. You may find yourself going to the little girls room a little more because Horsetail acts as a natural diuretic so make sure you drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated even though drinking water will make you go, you don't want to become dehydrated from losing too much water either. HTH
I recently got some horsetail tea also. I try to drink it right before I go to bed (it does not cantain caffeine). I got mine from Whole Foods for about$3.79.
I use a little honey but to be honest it taste like plain ole tea. It does not have any strong taste to it.