I Big Chopped (Pics)


New Member
Hello to all the lovely ladies on LHCF! I hope you ladies are all blessed and that each and every one of you is on your way to reaching your goals in caring for your hair, whether it's length-related, or just overall health-related. I haven't posted in awhile but I had the urge to post today so here goes.

I big chopped a little over three weeks ago. My goal was originally to transition for 15-18 months but at 10 months post relaxer I said enough is enough and decided I couldn't go on much longer with my transition :nono:. I continued for about two more months before cutting the relaxed ends off one Friday night early this month. I believe I was only about a week shy of being exactly 12 months post relaxer.

The transition went fairly smooth. As quite a few ladies on here have admitted in the past, my transition began accidentally. I originally had only planned to stretch my relaxer. My last relaxer was May 15 2009 and I intended to stretch until school started in September because I planned to do some hardcore exercise and didn't want to sweat my relaxer out. A month after my last relaxer I started lurking on here and by the time I was two months post I decided I was going to attempt to transition to natural.

From the 2nd month of my transition to the 11th month I mostly wet bunned, with the exception of an occasional blow dry and flat iron every 6-8 weeks. I did get a blow-out at the Dominican salon near my school in my 8th month of transitioning. I think I suffered some heat damage following that visit because my hair stayed stick-straight for two weeks and two sections of hair in my crown area have never reverted since then. As a result I am terribly afraid of heat now and I think I will stay far away from Dominican Salons for a very long time.

Anyways. My transition's over and I have about 6 inches of natural hair. The ends touch my shoulders when stretched. I'm guessing my hair grows at a pretty consistent rate of .5 inches per month so if I'm not mistaken I think I should be at APL when stretched by Thanksgiving. That's my first goal. I'm not exactly sure what my hair type is but I'm thinking it's 4A. If anyone wants to take a shot at figuring that out for me, please be my guest. I've attached some pics: the first one is of a recent twist-out (I know it's not the greatest but I've only been doing this for about a month so cut me some slack lol), the second pic is of my first wash n go as a natural, and the 3rd pic is a shot of my texture while wet with leave-in conditioner at a little over 11 months post.

I want to thank each and every one of you ladies on here for inspiring me to go on with my transition even when I felt like giving up. Whether you're relaxed, natural, or transitioning, everyone has had at least one post that has helped me with my journey. So thank you, everyone!


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Ladies...Thank you for your responses = ) I gotta admit I wasn't expecting anything like this. I haven't received many positive comments about my hair since I started transitioning so this is all kinda new to me. I hope you're not all just being nice but then again who am I kidding the women of LHCF are known for their warmth!

Also some of you, I have lurked in your profiles and fokti's and I thought your hair was to DIE for! So to have you complimenting me really means so much. Thank ya'll