I BC'ed!!!!


New Member
I BC\'ed!!!!

Yes! I did the big chop!
Now, I can care for my natural hair...and let it grow and grow and grow....and by that time I should be able to sit on it! (shout out to pookelou) lol...
Re: I BC\'ed!!!!

Re: I BC\'ed!!!!

looking good girl
congrats on your bc
btw, your hair is very pretty and a nice length also. you already get to play with styles
i know you cant keep your hands out of it.
Re: I BC\'ed!!!!

christina said:
Yoo Hoo! I'm happy for you.

Btw, that pooch is just adorable!

[/ QUOTE ]

Re: I BC\'ed!!!!

I put a comment on your site, but, I do want to say you look great with the cut and I hope I can get the nerve to do the BC oneday too. BTW, your doggie is soooooo cute!
Re: I BC\'ed!!!!

Cuuuute! is the first thought that came to mind when I saw your BC. It certainly looks like a hopeless case of HIH Disease. I know I'd never recover if that was my head.
Congratulations! Enjoy it while it lasts. (So nice of your BF to help. Mine hates the idea of scissors near a woman's head so I'd get no help in that department. Asking him to help with a trim just about gives him a conniption.
) And yes, your Oliver is darling!
Re: I BC\'ed!!!!

man, you all are really making my day...as of yet, i havent showed anyone but my natural friend and she liked it....but with all these wonderful comments im getting here, i dont worry about what anyone else has to say!!!
Re: I BC\'ed!!!!

Wonderful!!! Welcome to the nappy side. You have a WHOLE LOTTA length there too!!! Gorgeous!
Re: I BC\'ed!!!!

I just looked at your pics, that is NOT a BC, you've got a HEAD FULL OF CURLS!!! I am so jealous, your hair looks WUNDERBAR!
Re: I BC\'ed!!!!

i feel love...so much love...im still quite excited over it...no dumb comments today from anyone....alot of stares, but no crazy comments....too bad my debut is almost over...