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I did the bc on August 31, 2004... It was sorta planned and unplanned.... I had a sew-in weave all summer long because I was interning in Thousand Oaks, CA and the city didnt seem black hair friendly and I'm not great at doing my own hair... Well basically when I finally took out the weave, the good news was my hair had GROWN ( I hadn't had a relaxer since february 2004) and the bad; it was all matted up and untangling it between my bf and I was making my head hurt too much. So I handed him a pair of scissors and told him to start cutting...I wound up with about less than .2" after shrinkage. and maybe 0.8" stretched...but I haven't looked back.

He had been telling me my hair would be much stronger and healthier if I went natural. I had been kinda skeptical but I'm really glad I did. My hair has not been this healthy and strong to the best of my knowledge. I doubt I'll ever relax again...

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I bc-ed on 7/30/04 and like you monister, a braider did me in. She had hair from different rows intertwined. I should take some of the blame too for doing my weekly wash with the sew-in weave. I'm never letting anyone touch my hair.

Anyway, it's low maintenance ville @ 3" (length of my middle finger :eek:) )
Regimen = modified version of growafrohairlong.com i.e customized single box braids that I rinse often or steam up in the shower. Daily application of leave in conditioner (sulfur 8 spray or african pride + infusium) to ends of braids by soaking them in a cap containing a portion of the leave for use. Redo my braids weekly or every 2 wks and when going out, put on my wig. Oh, I shampoo once a month. Use to condition wash weekly but it kept causing braids to unravel.
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I b/c 1/8/05 due to horribe relaxer incident. I have 1 and 1/2" of hair on my head. I was upset about it at first, but now I found a dynamite way to style my hair. CW, surge, and ORS carrot oil as leave in. Silk scarf overnite airdry and bangin' waves in the am! whoo hoo! I am on a 3 month no relaxer challenge. I'm gonna make it thanx to u guys!
I did the BC at the end of January 2004, with about 2 1/2 inches of natural hair. At years end, I was at 6 1/4 inches.
Hello All:
I'm a member of the LHCF and I usually just lurk. But since I saw this thread I thought, finally, something I can respond to (smile). So, I BC on Jan. 14th all by my little lonesome self. Felt a sense of relief. I have about an inch of very coarse 4W hair (yes 4W because this stuff right here is wayyyy beyond 4b). So, I'm in micros now until the spring time as that was the original plan. I just couldn't stand seeing the string permed ends any longer. So wish me luck in my naptural journey. Ciao!
SNyeema said:
Hello All:
. I have about an inch of very coarse 4W hair (yes 4W because this stuff right here is wayyyy beyond 4b). So, I'm in micros now until the spring time as that was the original plan. I just couldn't stand seeing the string permed ends any longer. So wish me luck in my naptural journey. Ciao!

Welcome to the posting world of LHCF!! :bouncy: I bet your hair is some of the happiest 4W ;) hair in the world. Great job on your BC and being natural :clap:.
jainygirl said:
Welcome to the posting world of LHCF!! :bouncy: I bet your hair is some of the happiest 4W ;) hair in the world. Great job on your BC and being natural :clap:.

Thanks Jainygirl! Aw, I feel so welcome (sniff). I'll be continuing to "lurk" until I can find the right product for my very spongy dry hair. I won't tell you that I "attempted" to put on a head band with my lil' bit o'hair. A little eager. But happy to be nappy!
i did the b/c 1/8/05, and I'll probably be getting another one 4/13/05. :ohwell: I need all the tips I can get. :lol:
BC/Big Trim in April, and it's growing too fast for me already, going to get another inch or 2 cut off next month so my 'fro looks more even :antlers:
WOW!!! Good to see so many that are not afraid of a good trim and those who are taking that last step before naturaldom!!

Congrats to you all.
I'm not a natural, but the BC (4") to rid myself of the damaged ends was the most empowering thing I did to my hair. Why hold onto damaged unhealthy hair if your trying to attain a goal. For me, even though I want my length back, I would prefer to start with healthy hair and then achieving my length goals. But then again I've always been scissor happy lol :)
virtuasis said:
I did the BC at the end of January 2004, with about 2 1/2 inches of natural hair. At years end, I was at 6 1/4 inches.

Okay, this is off topic but your cat is DARLING!!!