I BC'ed! Link to pics in post (kind of long)


Active Member
Soooooo....I did it! Thank you to everyone for their support and inspiration! I feel exhilarated, kind of freaked out, totally giddy...thank god for scarves, lol. And thank you to my girlfriend who lives just down the street because when I was done, I sorely needed a shape up so that I could show my face at work tomorrow without people thinking I let one of my 5 year old clients go at my hair with a pair of kindergarten scissors. I'm still trying to figure out what works in my hair and hopefully I will get something going by the weekend. But it's done, and I don't have to obsess about it anymore...I was starting to have dreams about it at night, lol.

I love my new (well, it's really my old texture, right?) texture...thing is, I don't remember it being like that as a kid. I guess things are different when you are a kid running and screaming through the house when you see anyone even going for a comb after a wash...

Well, thanks for listening to my internal dialogue. Enjoy the pics!


password is hollygolightly
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You look so cute!
I don't think I can pull off the TWA like some of you guys!

I'm glad it's such a relief, especially if you've been dreaming of BCing!
:yay: :woohoo: :clap: :band2: Go you!! Nice job on your BC!! Love the curls. It sho' must be spring around dese here parts cause BC fever is alive!!:lachen:
Girl, I'm so happy for you because I can just feel your excitement through the screen.

Congrats! You're officially on the nappy side. :thumbsup:
Thank you so much everyone! I keep looking at myself in the mirror trying to figure out who the heck is looking back at me...it's sooooo different!!! I'm a bit nervous to debut it tomorrow...I know my co-workers are going to flip their lids because they LOVED my hair long and loved all the different styles I was able to do with it. I'm sure they'll love this too, but it'll throw them through a loop for a bit!
Congrats!! I wish I had the nerve :perplexed

Thanks! Girl, if I could do it, anyone can, lol:lachen:. I like to say that i'm scrappy, but i am the pansy-iest little behind you will ever meet!:wacky: I almost had to take a shot before my first cut, but then I figured that was a bad idea if I wanted the cut to be somewhat straight, heehee.