"I BCed and it wasn't pretty" (BC horror stories)


Well-Known Member
I will more than likely do my own BC when I decide to end my transition. There's just not a stylist I think I trust to do it correctly. BUT when I think of cutting my own hair alot more things can go wrong. I'm certainly no stylist and I think of when I tried to cut my dolls hair as a child and could never get it even. I worry that I may cut too much and mess up my progress or still leave a lot of straight pieces, uneven cut etc....

So to those of you that did your own BC (or let someone else do it) and it came out bad, what happened? What would you do differently?
I don't think you should worry too much about it. I did my own BC and it wasn't even but curly hair is a lot more forgiving than straight hair and the uneven pieces weren't very obvious. I cut straight pieces I found for about a week afterward but they didn't look too terrible. I had a friend there to make sure it looked decent that was supposed to be helping me but after they cut off way too much in the front so I just did the rest myself and I really liked the result. HTH!
I got did my bc at a salon. I walked in with 3.5 inches of new growth but left with only a 1/2 on my head :perplexed:

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I got did my bc at a. I walked in with 3.5 inches of new growth but left with only a 1/2 on my head :perplexed:

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SAME! My BC wasn't traumatic but I did it myself and WOW did I go crazy with the chopping. Snip here. Evening up there. I was SO tired when I chopped (early in the morn) that I just went at it. It was lower than it should have been but it still looked nice.

I think it'll be hard to mess up a BC unless you make it patchy. Lol.
SAME! My BC wasn't traumatic but I did it myself and WOW did I go crazy with the chopping. Snip here. Evening up there. I was SO tired when I chopped (early in the morn) that I just went at it. It was lower than it should have been but it still looked nice.

I think it'll be hard to mess up a BC unless you make it patchy. Lol.

That's what the barber did to me. He said he was a natural barber (wth is that??) He kept saying he saw straight ends. Eventually he got tired of snipping and whipped out the clippers :look: he went in on my hair.

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I'm with BiaM - curly hair is very forgiving, however, my hair looked a HOT MESS when I cut it on my own! :) Be careful! I loved the feeling, the liberation, the look of my all natural hair - but I couldn't get to a barbershop quick enough to get my TWA shaped up. Tread cautiously, friend! :)
Good Question! I'm a little over 8 months post an plan on chopping early in the new year. I plan on doing it myself because when I watch videos it looks like the salon always takes more off than they should. I see ladies with months of new growth then walk out the salon with most of it gone!! That scares me because I didn't transition (kinda) long term for nothing.
Interesting thread OP! I sometimes wish i had bc'd myself... I can definitely see how DIY'g it can quickly become dangerous because naturally you would want to make it look even. If you are going to do it yourself I would say make sure you do it at a time when you have plenty of time to take your time. It's best to not cut enough and to have to go back and clip straight end than to cut too much and find yourself at the beginning of a set back. On the other hand I think professional hair stylist are more concerned with the overall look than with retaining length so watchout!!
i did my own BC...no real horror story...but if you do your own BC please invest in some hair shears...i BCd with some random scissors that i found in my house that werent meant for hair and i had to trim again like a month or 2 later because my ends were ragged.
I did my own BC years ago, it was fine. A week later I went to a barber to ask her to even it up & she said it wasn't necessary. To be honest, before I cut it I had huge parts of my head with nothing but a few months of new growth, and the rest had 6 inches of relaxed hair that was much lighter & straighter than my natural hair. It was breakage gone mad. :burning: So it was very easy to see where I should cut.
I had my sister do my first bc and it came out fine. I just did not like how short it was and eventually texlaxed. When I bc again in 2011 I will do it myself, but it will be alot longer since I am transitioning. Don't be nervous about cutting your hair because the more new growth you have the easier it will be to tell the difference between the two textures.
I Cut my own hair several times. I just took the clippers put a guide on it and went cross until I didn't get any more hair. It came out nice each time :)
did my own BC after 5 weeks of "transitioning"

as BiaM said,there were alsosome straight pieces here and there but I just got them in time

I BCd on dry hair bc I was texlaxed and if I used condish (as many ladies do) it wud have been harder to see my line of demarcation
I did my own BC after a 9 month transition....If there was one thing that I could go back and do... I would have extended my transiiton to at least a year and a half (the length and texture shock was hard to deal with)

The other thing I would do is have someone else do it. My hair is currently not in any kind of cut style. I would have liked to have some kind of shape and length when finally BC'ing.
I did my own bc. Its not that it was "bad" per se, but I didn't know what to expect so I cut my hair but left it long enough to braid and got it braided the next day and kept weaves and braids until I was comfortable with my length:ohwell: Not that I suggest that for everybody, but if you have a "bad bc" and really want to be natural, then braids, weaves, or wigs are a good option, just don't let them do the edges too tight.
I did my own BC and I don't regret it. I was in shock alittle once I got to the point of no return, but it felt great! I did cut the the front extra short because I didn't realize my texture there was wavy, with no real curl. Once I went to my stylist to have it shaped, I was VERY happy.