I BC'D! Now what? (Pics!!!)


Hi everyone!
Just a few minutes ago, I finished cutting the relaxed ends of my hair after a five month transition. Of course, I think I may have left a few straggles, but it's okay for now. I'm happy to say that I'm content with the way my hair turned out, although I did have my doubts about how the lack of hair would compliment my face.

I'd appreciate it if anyone could recommend anything that they use that has worked well for them. I understand, that what may work for you may not for me, but I would like to try new things. As for styling, I know my lazy self is going to resort to many wash and gos, but I will be trying twists too.
Thanks in advance!

Photo 13.jpg
Curls popping some

Photo 10-1.jpg
Not too bad

Photo 12.jpg

Photo 41-1.jpg
Braid out on transitioning hair

Photo 17-1.jpg
Roller set on relaxed hair
Hooray! Congrats on the transition and BC! You look great!

Keep it Moisturized with Glycerin in the (humid) Summer and Hydrosols in the Winter! :)
That seems to be working for me.
Congrats!! We have the same curl pattern. Which means your gonna have hidden curls (curls that hide and kinda lay on the scalp). Try to moisturize in sections and keep you hair stretched to keep from getting ssks.

I needed this app!!!
What are Hydrosols?
Briefly stated, a hydrosol is the aromatic water that remains after producing an essential oil via steam or water distillation. Hydrosols are sometimes also referred to as a floral water or distillate water.

The plant matter used in essential oil distillation imparts a wonderful aroma to the water. This hydrosol offers therapeutic benefit, and some plants are specifically distilled for the resulting hydrosol instead of the hydrosol being simply a byproduct of the distillation.

Unlike essential oils that should be deluted prior to application to the skin, hydrosols are water soluble, are much more gentle than their essential oil counterparts and can be used directly on the skin without further dilution.

Hydrosols can be used in place of water in creating natural fragrances, lotions, creams, facial toners and other skin care products. They can also be added to the bath, and used on their own as a light cologne or body spray. Hydrosol can be added to finger bowls for elegant, romantic dinners. Examples of commonly available hydrosols are rose, roman chamomile, neroli and lavender

Some examples are Rosewater and Orange Blossom water. I read in another thread on the forum that glycerin wasn't best to use in dry environments and some of the women on the forum opted for hydrosols instead.

From Nature with Love (Hydrosols - FNWL) sells them, I think.
cute! moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! newly bc'd hair is usually drier than normal because your hair can kinda go into shock...it will adjust in the coming weeks/months
My advice: get S Curl Activator Spray and use it alone. If applied to damp hair it will dry up hard, so just reapply. At night put on a plastic cap. In the morning, your hair will be so soft and easy to comb. You will not need to reapply S Curl again until wash day as long as you baggy nightly. When your hair is long enough to be grabbed into sections, make sure you braid it at night before baggying.

This is what I did when I BC'd and had the easiest journey ever. I still only use S Curl on my hair.
Just wanted to congratulate you -- it looks super cute! I was a summer BCer so I can't offer too much advice, other than keep it moisturized and ENJOY YOUR HAIR at this length. :)
Congrats!!! :dance7: I'm like the poster above and just bc'd, but I can agree with everyone else and say moisturize moisturize moisturize! I'm lazy too and WnGs have been my staple style every two-three days. In between I baggy which is the business! I don't even bother to use my gel half the time anymore because my hair is so soft and the curls naturally present in the mornings. Good Luck and hhg!
Congratulations! This seems to be the weekend to BC. I BC and I think another member did as well this weekend. You look cute with the short style. Bumping this thread for ideas too.
You look GREAT, and dare I say "even better" (no shade!) post BC! It really complements your face.

The previous posters gave you great advice; I'd just add to develop a regimen and stick to it. This has helped me greatly. Try not to jump on every bandwagon you come across (and trust me, they'll be plently lol)....try to really get to know your hair so you can add to your regimen only as needed. In that same vein, resist the urge to cover your hair with a longer-term protective style that won't allow you daily access to your hair (weave, extension braids, etc.). Hold off on these styles for a few months until you've nailed down your regimen and formed a solid "relationship" with your hair.

Good luck and congrats again!
Congratulations on your BC!:bouncy: You look great! I agree with the advice posted thus far but I would like to add a suggestion about finding good conditioners to cowash and DC with. I like ORS Replenishing Pak and Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment as DC's. I have several favorites for cowashing but I'm trying to scale back to just 1 or 2.:ohwell: You can check out the Newly Natural Thread for more tips:

Ditto what everyone else has said on the moisture tip. Even though I had prepared myself with products, the dryness factor shocked me:pullhair: big time! I co-washed with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose (the bizness) on a regular basis and baggied nightly. Since its winter you may want to try non-glycerin products outside the house in the cold weather--Giovanni direct leave in or Kinky Kurly Knot Today with oils. Once you get a little length, it gets easier.

Welcome to the Natural Side! :congrats: Your hair looks great!!