I BC'd Come See!!!! "lots of pics", bye relaxed BSL hair


New Member
I am so happy! On 3 Nov 10 I decided to BC again and this time I am ready. I am in love with my natural hair and can't wait for my coils, kinks and naps to grow long and flow. Last time I BC's I relaxed my hair quickly after because I wasn't ready, but this time I really have a different state of mind. Loving it!!!! Lots of pics below. (click on pics to for larger view) :grin:

Pic of my BSL before I cut it all off:feb2010andhair103-vi.jpg
Last relaxer 19 Aug 10 (Lye Mazani Butter Blend)
View attachment 99573I was excited to reach BSL but very upset my hair never slowed shedding after having my baby and BF'ing. Got blood work, did garlic treatments and took vitamins but nothing helped. :ohwell: oh well!!!

Anywho, since I reached my relaxed hair goal I decided I was ready to start my Natural Hair Journey. Check out my TWA !!!!:grin: I love my natural hair. bc1.jpg

View attachment 99595View attachment 99591View attachment 99589 This time wasn't nervous at all. I love it sooo much!!

Also wanted to share my Oct 2007 BC and change of heart, plus growth pics a year after the Oct 07 BC. Pics are from Oct 2007 - Oct 2008.t547.jpg

I was pregnant so I think that helped it grow faster too.

Thanks for looking. :grin:
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Thats the weirdest thing...I know that I just posted in this thread...now there are different pics and everything!

Once again, :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: on your BC! :welcome: once again, to the natural side of things!
congrats, you look beautiful. I like that short cut in the second pic (progress log)hhg
Congratulations! I agree with the above poster because your natural beauty is unreal. You look GREAT! Happy hair growing!
Gorgeous either way, but you know I've told you you're gorgeous before! BTW, what's BF'ing? I probably should know this by now but I can't figure that acronym out.
Thanks sooooo much ladies. My hubby is wondering why I am smiling so much and came to see what I was doing on the computer. LOL!!!! Thanks so much beautiful LHCF friends for your inspiring words and compliments. Hugs to all of you!! Now time to research how to keep natural hair moisturized and give it shine.

Gorgeous either way, but you know I've told you you're gorgeous before! BTW, what's BF'ing? I probably should know this by now but I can't figure that acronym out.

Hey divachyk, and thanks so much pretty lady. BF'ing is short for breast feeding. I should of typed that out. You will see that acronym in the LHCF pregnancy thread allot. LOL!!!
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