I am soooo loving what I'm seeing/not seeing right now...


Beauty IS skin deep.
Did my regular wash today, w/ a pre-poo for added moisture. Okay, so I'm trying out this new concoction for a prepoo, in which I added molasses. After leaving the concoction on for about an hour, I decided to go ahead and wash it out. Well, when I got ready to rinse it out after taking the shower cap off my head, my hair felt so hard to the touch. So naturally, I assumed it was the molasses and decided that I wouldn't be using molasses in my pre-poo anymore. I proceeded to go ahead and rinse the mixture out, and followed up with my poo. After poo'ing, I went ahead and applied the conditioner. I left it on for about 15-20 minutes, and my hair felt so soft afterwards, especially when I got ready to rinse it out.

Before I had completely rinsed all of the conditioner out, I went ahead and detangled my hair while it was still soaking wet. I happened to look at my comb, and did not see one single hair in it!!!!! I'm looking crazy at this point b/c usually when I wash and detangle my hair while it's wet, I see lots of hair in my comb and in the tub. So, I keep combing and detangling and still not seeing any hairs in the comb, I finally rinsed the rest of the conditioner out. I ran my fingers through my hair to see if any hairs were caught in the lengths, and sure they were there, but it was so much less shedding and breaking than I am used to. So, I towel dry my hair to put my leave-in on, and still I'm seeing literally no shedding or breakage at all. There were a few hairs here and there, but not that much.

I've been using MTG as well (just started using it recently), but trying to use it every other night instead of every night. I don't know if the MTG is what's contributing to the decrease in breakage/shedding, or the addition of the molasses to my pre-poo. But whatever the hell it was, I'm going to make sure I do it again!! Me likey, me likey!!!!