I am soooo close to BS length


Well-Known Member
But my ends are transparent and scraggly so I made an appointment for next week and I will be getting yet another hair cut.

I am already mourning the loss. :ohwell:

So anytips on how to prevent my ends from looking this way, I wear a protective style most everyday.
If it's from breakage and you think you're doing everything right (moisturizing and giving yourself protein treatments when appropriate etc.) check out Supergirl's recent thread on breakage.
Im in a similar boat.... i am nearing bra strap, but also plan to factor in a good trim. I am going to wait until Im about an inch past bra strap though..... then i'll cut off the thin ends. Im quite confident it will grow back quickly..... and i know yours will too. :)

Good luck girl.... just make sure they stylist doesnt take off more than you tell her to.
Hey guys! :wave:

I am in the same boat, as well, I have pitiful ends! :lol:

From Dec. 2004-Feb. 2006, I've had several trims, and my ends just seem to grow this way.

I've resigned myself that this is just how my ends grow, but do plan on getting a good trim (again), once my hair gets a little past my brastrap (by the end of this year, hopefully).

I did read this old thread that Supergirl posted that was recently bumped, and I think you guys will find it encouraging :yep:

I posted this thread in July and I am nearly at BS again, yet my ends are scraggly and thin. What gives?
gn1g said:
no, sometimes I flat iron my bangs but rarely ever use heat on my entire head.

What about blow drying? Would you mind going through your detailed regimen so maybe we could try to find the culprit?
Wash my hair 2-3x week with Nizoral or egg shampoo
condition with Duotex once a month
Otherwise I condition with Kenra MC or some other MC
comb thru with shower comb while conditioner is in hair, sometimes, usually the water keeps it from tabngling.
blott hair with towel gently

Apply LR & Cap. to scalp
comb into a bun with swoop bang.
put a dab of vaseline on the length on my ponytail.

Sometimes I flat iron the bang for a smoother look maybe once every 2-3 months.

At night I comb it up into a high ponytail bun.
gn1g said:
Wash my hair 2-3x week with Nizoral or egg shampoo
condition with Duotex once a month
Otherwise I condition with Kenra MC or some other MC
comb thru with shower comb while conditioner is in hair, sometimes, usually the water keeps it from tabngling.
blott hair with towel gently

Apply LR & Cap. to scalp
comb into a bun with swoop bang.
put a dab of vaseline on the length on my ponytail.

Sometimes I flat iron the bang for a smoother look maybe once every 2-3 months.

At night I comb it up into a high ponytail bun.

I'm not very familiar w/ the products you use, but do they contain a lot of protein? To me the egg shampoo sounds like it would (but I'm not so great at this so I could be reaching) and maybe washing w/ that shampoo so often could be protein overload?

Sorry I'm not much help, I'm not so great at knowing product ingredients and things.
So, you don't do any deep conditioning? You just condition in the shower??
You might want to add a weekly deep moisturizing treatment. :yep:
What has helped me is the baggy method, and a phony pony. I also started texlaxing with Phyto-Index 1 and have seen a "HUGE" improvement in thickness, strength and overall hair loss. I haven't trimmed since June and my hair doesn't look like it needs to be trimmed. I only use heat when I rollerset after touch-up every 2-3 months or so or if I wanna flat iron the front a bit to blend in my partial wig. So far so good. But you definitely wanna deep cond w heat once a week. Oh, and another thing, it's kinda old school but the original Infusium 23 works wonders and keeps your hair strong. I use it "EVERY" wash and I don't know why or how I ever stopped using it.
You didn't mention that you use a leave-in. You might try one for extra moisture/protection for your hair--also eases detangling and reduces breakage while detangling. Also, if you airdry your hair, do not comb it. I see that you comb your hair into a high bun every night. If you are finger-combing that is fine, but if you are combing everyday, that also may be the culprit for the thinning if your hair is airdried. And as someone else suggested, if your hair is naturally thin, avoiding a bone-straight relaxer will thicken up your strands. Don't be discouraged, your'e going to figure it out, especially with all the help from the board. And if you have to cut again, you know that it will grow again.
Protective styles with baggie method works wonders. It also helps me when I alternate my deep conditioners (light protein one week, moisturizing the next). Keep manipulation down (combing/brushing). Detangle gently when washing (which is usually the only time I use a comb).
gn1g said:
But my ends are transparent and scraggly so I made an appointment for next week and I will be getting yet another hair cut.

I am already mourning the loss. :ohwell:

So anytips on how to prevent my ends from looking this way, I wear a protective style most everyday.
In addition to Supergirl's thread, check out Chicoro's album. She talks about her hair growing to a certain length - scraggly ends and all - then letting the rest "fill in". Her hair is almost tailbone length if I remember correctly.

How many weeks post relaxer are you? I posted in Armyqt's thread a couple of weeks ago that she should've waited on such a big trim (she was several months post relaxer) until she relaxed.

If you are many weeks or months post relaxer, the ends may look bad. This is because the thick new growth at the roots makes your hair beyond the roots "unstack." The ends are the most "unstacked" and so they don't lay on top of one another creating that full look. Instead, they are "unstacked" and separated, not laying down and they will look thin.

Get your relaxer first. Then go for a straight style and THEN see what you really think of your ends. If you have not been using heat, I highly doubt that you need a 4 inch trim.
gn1g said:
Wash my hair 2-3x week with Nizoral or egg shampoo
condition with Duotex once a month
Otherwise I condition with Kenra MC or some other MC
comb thru with shower comb while conditioner is in hair, sometimes, usually the water keeps it from tabngling.
blott hair with towel gently

Apply LR & Cap. to scalp
comb into a bun with swoop bang.
put a dab of vaseline on the length on my ponytail.

Sometimes I flat iron the bang for a smoother look maybe once every 2-3 months.

At night I comb it up into a high ponytail bun.
Your regimine looks really good but personally I would definitely cut down on the shampoo'ing/co-washing. Some people's hair can't take that much manipulation. I know that I get the most breakage when shampooing. I usually wash my hair in the sink so I can actually see the hair that I loose vs. washing in the shower when it goes straight down the drain and you don't see the breakage so I know that if I shampoo'd a few times a week my ends would definitely thin. I choose to wash every other week. You don't have to go that long but I definitely think you should try it out (at least cut down to once a week). I have very little breakage or shedding between shampoo's so I keep so much more hair on my head with this regimen and I beleive I'm keeping all my length. Just ask yourself if what you're doing right now is working for you and if the answer is no than be open to make changes.

I tried the more frequent washing thing years ago and yes my hair suffered. It started to thin and the ends were bad. You have to find what works best for your hair. HTH
Thanks ladies, I am looking into every single suggestions.

SG the "unstacked" information is very good. I am only about 6-7 weeks pr.

I think I am going to cut back to washing and deep conditioning 1x a week (Sundays). I am leaving in a few minutes to go and get some giovanni L/I co. Also I am going to search this site for the baggy method.

The thought of cutting my hair AGAIN is about to bring me to tears.
Supergirl said:

How many weeks post relaxer are you? I posted in Armyqt's thread a couple of weeks ago that she should've waited on such a big trim (she was several months post relaxer) until she relaxed.

If you are many weeks or months post relaxer, the ends may look bad. This is because the thick new growth at the roots makes your hair beyond the roots "unstack." The ends are the most "unstacked" and so they don't lay on top of one another creating that full look. Instead, they are "unstacked" and separated, not laying down and they will look thin.

Get your relaxer first. Then go for a straight style and THEN see what you really think of your ends. If you have not been using heat, I highly doubt that you need a 4 inch trim.
Thank you Supergirl. This is very good info and it makes sense--I learned something new.