I am so nervous!!!


New Member
Well Guys, I am nearing the end of a month long cornrow hairstyle, and it's decision time. I have had cornrows done in June as well and conditioned for about a week between times. Anyway, I haven't had a touch up since the end of April and my hair has grown alot. I know that if I will get breakage if I don't touch up. But I am soooo afraid of my stylist. She can be very Scissor happy and can sometimes get a 'tude. I am very timid (stupid me) in situations like this and can be persuaded to let her do what I don't want her to do. Anyway, I need to get up some courage, cause I can't keep hiding out from the salon.
Should I go back to her, or go someplace else?
If she starts up about needing to trim, what should I do? I will check my ends when I take out the braids, but they should be okay, as I trimmed a bit in July and my ends were nearly "splitless".
I know you're thinking this girl is
yes you should go back be strong and politeful on wat you want do to your hair and if she doesen't like it change stylist. remember stick up for yourself. you don't want all the hard work you done for nothing to go to waste. and once YOU decide wat you want to be done t your hair not her

Be Firm
I would nicely tell her that you appreciate the care she has been giving to your hair but this time you want to skip the trim because you want to enjoy your new length for awhile. If you don't feel you can stand your ground with her and she is "Scissor Happy" I would find someone else that I could trust to do my hair the way I say I want it the first time. Or, take someone with you that is not as timid that can give her instructions on how to do your hair first.

Girl, I'm gonna have to tell you, your going to have to get your nerve up and stand your ground with people and let you no's be no. Even if you have to keep rehearsing it in your mind (no,no,no,no,no when someone is talking to you trying to get you to change your mind no,no,no,no thank you) for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
melodee, I would say stand your ground.If you're trimming yourself and are happy that you don't have any split ends then don't let her near you hair with scissors. They usually trim after perming, so if she gets any attitude pay her and leave. Another thing is for you to find another stylist. Nobody should make you feel uncomfortable and have attitude and you're the one paying them. You can always go in for a consultation/hair analysis at another reputable stylist in your area to find out if your ends are ok or not.
Melodee, I am the exact same way with stylists. I know I'm the paying customer, but it's still hard. That's one reason why I do my own touch-ups and trims now. But I suggest you tell her as soon as you get in the chair that you don't want a trim at all. That way if she even picks up those scissors she is out and out violating something you said. It's easy to get talked into a trim in the middle of a service so I usually say something at the onset. I hope that helped and it wasn't the blind leading the blind!
Okay, I will practice...No NO NO!

[/ QUOTE ]

There you go...I can see healing in your near future.
I agree - but I think you should scout around for a new stylist too. If you've always had to struggle with her on this, you always will. And then EVERY TIME you go to the salon will be a character building experience - even if you succeed.

Now that's fine, but a trip to the salon is supposed to be for YOU. It should be a pleasure among the many things we DON'T want to do - one of the small niceties of being a woman.

So if you don't have someone you like already to take over I understand...but look! Start with asking someone (anyone! compliment them and then ASK!) whose hair you LOVE who they go to and ask about your specific concerns while you're at it (won't help you personally if you don't) - how are they about trims? Are they good at realxing? Do they base you? etc....

Ask, ask, ask....

Nothing wrong with practicing those nos at ALL (you should!) but save them for your mechanic in the long run. The hairdresser is about you doing something nice and pleasant for YOU. Don't settle for less.
don't let her cut off your hair if that isn't what you want. if you don't feel comfortable telling her how to do your hair then you need another stylist. but if you can't live w/o this woman how wabout telling her before hand what you want or bringing a friend to the salon.
Bring in the exact amount of money you need plus tip. Nothing else, then you won't have a hard time in saying NO!LOL.