I am so frustrated with my hair ladies! Am I just being impatient?

LocksOfLuV said:
Hey HoneyD,
I know this is not what you probably wanna hear but stop trimming so much (unless you have splits). I personally would hold off on trying to have blunt hair and just focus on growing and retaining.

I concur. :)
Have you thought of trying the baggie method? I understand your frustration, I feel that way myself sometimes.
EMJazzy said:
Have you thought of trying the baggie method? I understand your frustration, I feel that way myself sometimes.

I have never thought of that. I saw a tutorial on it a long time ago in DSD's album, but I never tried it myself. Don't you have to use a phony pony? I can never get into those and I think that's why I never tried that method.

LocksOfLuV said:
Hey HoneyD,
I know this is not what you probably wanna hear but stop trimming so much (unless you have splits). I personally would hold off on trying to have blunt hair and just focus on growing and retaining.

I know! I need to stop. Everytime I challenge myself not to trim, I do it anyway. :look: I am a trim junkie.

I am going to do a rollerset on Saturday. I know this will be easier on wet hair, but tonight I tried to put the rollers in on dry hair to see how I will try to start.

I spent an hour on this yall! I tried the wire mesh w/o the brush in the middle, I tried the hard mesh and the Snap-On Magnetic Rollers (anyone use those?). I think I like the ones with the snap on cap. I was able to make them stay in. I am just afraid that they may leave roller marks. I am going to try it anyway.

I am also going to give my hair some TLC before the set. My hair was doing well while I used Henna. I just got tired of the mess. I need to BUCK UP and give myself a treatment.
HoneyDew said:
I have never thought of that. I saw a tutorial on it a long time ago in DSD's album, but I never tried it myself. Don't you have to use a phony pony? I can never get into those and I think that's why I never tried that method.

I know! I need to stop. Everytime I challenge myself not to trim, I do it anyway. :look: I am a trim junkie.

I am going to do a rollerset on Saturday. I know this will be easier on wet hair, but tonight I tried to put the rollers in on dry hair to see how I will try to start.

I spent an hour on this yall! I tried the wire mesh w/o the brush in the middle, I tried the hard mesh and the Snap-On Magnetic Rollers (anyone use those?). I think I like the ones with the snap on cap. I was able to make them stay in. I am just afraid that they may leave roller marks. I am going to try it anyway.

I am also going to give my hair some TLC before the set. My hair was doing well while I used Henna. I just got tired of the mess. I need to BUCK UP and give myself a treatment.

I use the rollers with the clamps. They do leave prints. Some people use hair pins though. I never tried those though.
I know that I can not go too long without trimming. Also, the less heat you use, the better.....at least that is what worked for me.

Be patient!!!!

It's hard to see you frustrated bcuz you have been so encouraging to others including me!

I thought you were getting good results w/ MN- as a matter of fact, you are the reason I am doing MN.

The trimming may be a bit of excess. Try not to do that so much. Also the protective styles/baggies have helped me quite a bit- maybe it will do the same for you.

And remember this is a 'life-changing' process, not a 'microwave' solution.

As we love our hair, it will love us back (more latter than sooner!).

Hang in there, HoneyD!
Honeydew I feel your pain! I am going through similar frustration. You seem to have identified your issues though. Hang in there and keep at it. We can grow together!
Girl we have all been there. I was feeling this way recently too. I just think we get the hair blues. It seems a man's hair will grow so fast.
Honeydew just take a deep breath and think about things that may or may not be working for your hair. I found out that doing the baggie method did more damage for my ends then good. So I stopped that real quick. Now I just moisturize my hair in the AM and PM and seal it with keracare silken seal (great stuff). Also if u have a hair dryer, I have noticed a difference in how my hair looks (ends) when I sit under the hair dryer w/ a leave in as oppose to just air drying. I never blow dry but believe me the hair dryer does wonders. I know its tough when u dont see results I had micros for 3 1/2 years and felt like I did more damage than good. Just take your time it will work out. We are all pullin for you and hope you make it thru this
M J said:

It's hard to see you frustrated bcuz you have been so encouraging to others including me!

I thought you were getting good results w/ MN- as a matter of fact, you are the reason I am doing MN.

The trimming may be a bit of excess. Try not to do that so much. Also the protective styles/baggies have helped me quite a bit- maybe it will do the same for you.

And remember this is a 'life-changing' process, not a 'microwave' solution.

As we love our hair, it will love us back (more latter than sooner!).

Hang in there, HoneyD!

I was getting faster growth with MN, but I don't know, I just lost interest in it. Last week I started using an oil mixture with sulphur powder in it. We'll see how that goes.

Honestly, I guess my pride is at work here. I'd like to say I can get the growth I want alone without any help.
I think I was PMS'ing yall. My hair problems are here and I am trying my best to work on them, but it was just really getting to me when I posted this message. A few days after that, my "visitor" came. I feel much better now, even though my hair issues are still here. I don't know. It seems like we all go through it.

I still feel like cutting my man's hair in his sleep, though. :D
Glad you are feeling better. I am the same way the day or two before my "visitor" comes. I've always thought that you and your hair are very pretty.
Glad that you are feeling better, Honeydew. I personally think that your hair is very pretty. I am using a oil with sulfur mix myself at present along with cornrowing and wigging it and i have seen some progress. I think the weekly henna treatments are helping as well.