I am serious Now. (Fotki Created)


New Member
Well I joined LCHF in 2004, was serious and then lost focus, cut my hair many time between that, but I learnt and never went back to old practices just never concentrated on growth. Now my hair is very uneven but healthy, my last cut was self last year may I think, it was a shoulder bob. Have not trimmed or cut since, when I try to trim I end up cutting too much. My goals are APL by Dec 2007 and Brastrap by April 2008. No desire to go past there. Never had long hair as a child that I can remember, so I want this for me.

I created a fotki, where I will post pic on progress and enter any major hair events. Your comments are welcome. Just wanted to share.
Hi Joemerald, my journey has been similar to yours. I joined way back and haven't reached my goal of BSL due to cutting into styles when I would get impatient. I'm also very stubborn so I didn't try or stick with some of the methods raved about here.

Good luck, and welcome back.
Congrats! I visited your album; and your hair looks very healthy:yay: Sometimes it takes a few jump starts before you really get going with the hair journey.
Thanks all, I am hoping to keep on track and not get discouraged. Tonite I will be creating one of those T shirt with lines for progress, It will allow me to closer track what I am doing.

Hi Joemerald! Your journey reminds me of when i first started. I also found the hairboards in 2004 but i didnt really get serious about my haircare until october 2006. Now that you are official, im sure you will get alot of support and love from the ladies here. HHG.
Im also an oldhead turned newbie ;0) I had several minor setbacks and then a major one where I got a bad relaxer and my hair broke off in patches really badly. My hair looked like a mullet. I went natural for a year and wore wigs/hair pieces. When I texlaxed for the 1st time back in December, my hair had pretty much made a turnaround for the better so now I feel like Im FINALLY on my way. Now Im getting growth and thickness but Im still using trial and error to get the protein/moisture balance thing down to a science...still learning what my hair needs when.