I am scared...newbie here


New Member
Okay let me start I can deal with my hair in plaits and conrows its only when I take it out there is a problem....
Before this forum I used to wash my hair monthly -don't laugh :perplexed everyone I know does it-, but I still got a lot of breakage, then looking at this forum I tried washing weekly thinking it will help...but my hair just got drier more quickly and broke more.
I used a lot of heat before but now I air dry and iron striaght my hair I was thinking of changing my serum to chi silk infusion ...you guys think that will help?
Anyway at the moment I am too scared to wash my hair more than bi- weekly in case in falls out. So this is what I do please -no matter how harsh tell me what am doing wrong I would rather kill of my pride than my hair-
Okay every 2 weeks I wash my hair with normal head and shoulders shampoo, then I use a reconstruter (nexxus emerg..) for the time stated on the bottle, shampoo and then use humstress as a wash out and leave in. Then I use garneier sleek and striaght on my hair before straighteing it at 200 degrees...
My diet I think is okay I have cut down in sugar and drink 8 glasses of water a day and take omega 3, multivits and BT:D
I don't understand why my hair is acting like a cow! please help me! am currently bunning my hair so no hairs fall on my back but when I take out the bun I can't comb the end without +50 hairs falling:eek:
Am new here so pleaseeeeeee help me I would like to ear my hair out one day....
Well I'm definitely no expert but do you ever deep condition. I bought a hard bonnet dryer two years ago (which sat in my closet till I joined this forum...LOL) and I used it to deep condition twice a week. I use Thermasilk Heat Activated Conditioner and sit under the high setting for 15 minutes after I wash my hair. It works for me. I rinse it out under "cool" water then I put in a leave in conditioner (the liquid kind) - pat to dry - and then I put a creamy leave in conditioner on top of it (right now I'm using Pantene (the color line) leave in conditioner.

Personally, I think head and shoulders is harsh on my hair. Do you have a dandruff problem or just dry scalp because if it's just dry scalp moisturizing should alleviate the need for that kind of shampoo. Maybe you ought to change poos.

The type of shampoo and no reference to deep conditioning are the only issues I saw that I would question.

Hope that helps but I'm sure better resposnes are on their way.
I do deep condition with um nexxus humstress....first time I tried it my hair so soooo soft and shinny now when I try to use any product on my hair it seems to just stick on top on my head even nexxus:eek:
Head and shoulders I use because of dandruff....well untill I started with BT...BT got rid of my dandruff:eek: I went to a doctor for 2 years and many different people for help and BT gets rid of it in 1 week....I use it now just to finish the bottle
Deep condition twice a week!?!?! wow I would love to try that but again am scared my hair will break
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I would lay off the heat, do some conditioner washes with a moisturizing conditoner and only use the reconstructor as needed.

In time, your hair will turn around
Thankyou um...I tried to lay off the heat:lachen: but my hair reacts even worse. Can you suggest other conditioners that are better than nexxus humstress then? please that is the only one I have used -out of many- that my hair seems to like, also is it wrong to mosituriser my hair daily with a creamy leave in conditioner?:ohwell: becuase I really don't like oil..

-sorry for dumb question-
Chiba_revolution said:
Okay let me start I can deal with my hair in plaits and conrows its only when I take it out there is a problem....
Before this forum I used to wash my hair monthly -don't laugh :perplexed everyone I know does it-, but I still got a lot of breakage, then looking at this forum I tried washing weekly thinking it will help...but my hair just got drier more quickly and broke more.
I used a lot of heat before but now I air dry and iron striaght my hair I was thinking of changing my serum to chi silk infusion ...you guys think that will help?
Anyway at the moment I am too scared to wash my hair more than bi- weekly in case in falls out. So this is what I do please -no matter how harsh tell me what am doing wrong I would rather kill of my pride than my hair-
Okay every 2 weeks I wash my hair with normal head and shoulders shampoo, then I use a reconstruter (nexxus emerg..) for the time stated on the bottle, shampoo and then use humstress as a wash out and leave in. Then I use garneier sleek and striaght on my hair before straighteing it at 200 degrees...
My diet I think is okay I have cut down in sugar and drink 8 glasses of water a day and take omega 3, multivits and BT:D
I don't understand why my hair is acting like a cow! please help me! am currently bunning my hair so no hairs fall on my back but when I take out the bun I can't comb the end without +50 hairs falling:eek:
Am new here so pleaseeeeeee help me I would like to ear my hair out one day....

Hi Lady and welcome to the board, I wish you a nice hair journey on LHCF!!

I'm not relaxed but In my humble opinion You are using too much heat (if I read it right, twice a week) too much protein (twice a week) and may be too much poo!
I would suggest you:
To start Co-washing (washing your hair only with conditionner like suave) and use your shampoo once every week or once every other week
To focus on moisture, moisturize your hair with hair mosturizer (s-curl...) everyday and seal it with oil (castor oil for example or lighter oil..)
To use your reconstructor (nexus emergen..) once per month !
TO STOP using direct heat until your hair recovered, you can use heat only for deep conditionning/treatment
For styling may be you should try protective style (baggy bun,..)
To Deep conditionning your hair once to twice a week !
To be patient and focus on the health of your hair and you will gain lenght!

A lot of LHCF beautiful members will answer you and give you greater tips and advices.:)
Hi Lady and welcome to the board, I wish you a nice hair journey on LHCF!!

I'm not relaxed but In my humble opinion You are using too much heat (if I read it right, twice a week) too much protein (twice a week) and may be too much poo!

I would suggest you:
To start Co-washing (washing your hair only with conditionner like suave) and use your shampoo once every week or once every other week
To focus on moisture, moisturize your hair with hair mosturizer (s-curl...) everyday and seal it with oil (castor oil for example or lighter oil..)
To use your reconstructor (nexus emergen..) once per month !
TO STOP using direct heat until your hair recovered, you can use heat only for deep conditionning/treatment
For styling may be you should try protective style (baggy bun,..)
To Deep conditionning your hair once to twice a week !
To be patient and focus on the health of your hair and you will gain lenght!

A lot of LHCF beautiful members will answer you and give you greater tips and
Thank you for the reply :hugs: Whoops I mean I do this stuff every 2 weeks not twice a week and too scared to do that:ohwell:
So um if I wash my hair twice a week with a deep conditioner I will get less breakage?
Can I ask I would love to stop using heat but how do I get my hair straight? my hair is a tumble weed!
Chiba_revolution said:
Thank you for the reply :hugs: Whoops I mean I do this stuff every 2 weeks not twice a week and too scared to do that:ohwell:
So um if I wash my hair twice a week with a deep conditioner I will get less breakage?
Can I ask I would love to stop using heat but how do I get my hair straight? my hair is a tumble weed!

Oh, I am all over this! :) I love to help!

First, quick question (maybe I missed it) but are you relaxed or natural?
Chiba_revolution said:
Thank you for the reply :hugs: Whoops I mean I do this stuff every 2 weeks not twice a week and too scared to do that:ohwell:
So um if I wash my hair twice a week with a deep conditioner I will get less breakage?
Can I ask I would love to stop using heat but how do I get my hair straight? my hair is a tumble weed!

:) You can rollerset your hair and do a saran wrap, Macherieamour have a blog with tutorial for rollersetting and saran wrap:


saran wrap http://healthytextures.typepad.com/my_journey_to_healthy_hai/tutorials/index.html
Okay am so checking out this blog, hope it will work i have shoulder lengthed hair
Yay! many replies u people are nice!
Okay with using an oil... is it necessary to actually oil your hair?
Okay changed profile its now up to date
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Hey, sweetie! Welcome!

Your story sounds like my story when I first started except I was far, far from shoulder length. CW was a Godsend to me. I think you should at least try it. Try a cheapie conditioner that's moisturizing like one of the VO5s or Suaves.

Also, if you are bunning everyday, why do you need heat? Have you considered wet-bunning? That's one way you could cut back on heat. Also, if you are bunning, try not to take it down every night, if you can. Just tie your hair up in a silk scarf when you get home, untie it in the morning before you leave out. Less manipulation should keep some of those strands from falling.

What I did when I first came that turned my hair around was CW twice a week, shampoo and deep condition with heat once a week, protein treatment once a month, stretched relaxers to 8 weeks, then 10, and baggied my ends. When it got hot, I was CW almost everyday and I really saw my hair do better.

I also think that Head and Shoulders may be part of the problem, if you don't need it anymore because the BT helped the dandruff issue (if you had asked us, we probably would have told you to try sulfur which is a main BT ingredient), stop using it.

Good luck to you!
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Chiba_revolution said:
I am relaxed

Okay, sorry, I don’t want the post to get long, so pm me with any questions. It sounds like you are lacking in protein based upon the breakage your describing, accompanied with a minor lack of moisture and excessive heat. In order to nurse your hair back to health you will have to be diligent and have patience.

First, hair is primarily composed protein (keratin). Which means that whenever our bodies are deficient in protein, our hair is not being delivered what is needed. To solve this you begin internally. It has been clinically tested that people who increase their protein intake by 14g, have shown an increase in protein levels of their follicle. I have a recipe for a drink that will address this issue and solve your hair breakage issue.

Now, the tricky thing about having a Hair Type 1 is that your hair is not naturally curly or kinky which means that your sebum (natural scalp oils) builds up faster, which can also contribute to hair breakage and loss. So, IF YOUR ARE TRUELY HAVE TYPE 1, then you need to wash more often (sorry :look: ) to prevent build up. Your hair shaft is naturally oily, thus people with Type 1 hair really don't have to worry about constant moisturizing. But since you are relaxed you can rebalance your moisture levels weekly with Biolage Cera Repair Hydratherapie. Don't go oiling your scalp or your hair with heavy oils. You don't need it and it will make things worse.

Heat: Whenever your hair is imbalanced or deficient, heat just makes things worse by breaking down the shaft layers. So, don't use heat, PERIOD until your hair is back strong and healthy. Even then you need to use heat like you would salt-sparingly. An alternative to straightening your hair is rollersetting. In your case you have to rollerset your hair while almost soaking wet, not dry or else you will have frizzes. Another alternative is to blow dry on low, which is a form of indirect heat. Don't go blasting it on high. Find a low wattage blow dryer and use the low setting. You can use CHI Silk Infusion to smooth things out. And since your a type 1, you can use a round brush as to blow dry (just don't go racking at it).

Vits- Your taking Omega 3 but you are missing 6 and 9. So I would advise that you find a supplement called EFA. A good one is Total EFA by
Health From The Sun. You need biotin, the drink that I pm you has biotin in it. If you decide not to have the drink, I will give you a list and dosages of the vits that are in the drink, you can take them as supplements along with your regular vits.

So, here are my recommended products:

1. If you can afford Aveda, then try the Smooth Infusions line or the Sapp Moss shampoo with the Brilliant Conditioner (or SI conditioner). If this is too heavy for your budget, then try Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo & Conditioner or Eluence. Start of washing bi-weekly a few times then work yourself to once a week.

2. For your case I would, treat your hair with an external protein fix (temporary fix) with Biolage Fortetherapie Cera Repair. They have at home treatments that come 5 in a box. Use this bi-weekly. But most importantly you need to fix your protein levels from the inside.

3. As I stated before, use Biolage Hydratherapie Cera Repair on alternating weeks for a moisture boost to your hair follicle. This is not grease, oil or any of that stuff.

4. No heat other than a low wattage blow dryer or hood dryer for rollersetting.

5. Vitamins-Make sure you are taking a good multivitamin with no fillers. Rainbow Light vits are excellent. Get a bottle of EFA's (as I mentioned earlier). Drink water. Our hair and body loves water is the only way to naturally hydrate our body which permeates through our hair, skin, nails bones, etc.

6. Relax, Relax, Relax. Don't stress about your hair because stress adds to hair loss and breakage.

If your hair breakage loss continues after all this has been done for 3 to 6 months, then I would talk with a physician about possible medical problems that could cause such.

Oh also, keep your hair tied up at night. It's best to use raw silk, but satin is good too.

Any questions, let me know. :)
Chiba_revolution said:
Eh??? um I don't know! how to change I feel so silly.....I shall look soon my mate told me I was 4b....if that sounds familar/.

If you are 4b, then you need to moisturize daily.

Damp your hair (just a little), apply ORS carrot oil and follow with vatika oil, jojoba oil, olive oil or Hot 6 oil as a sealent.

Also, before you begin washing, I would Pre-Poo, which is basically pre-shampooing your hair with something good for it. I prepoo with ORS Hair Mayo and vatika oil. I appy the ORS hair mayo to my dry hair first, then apply vatika oil and cover with a plastic cap. I then let sit for an hour or so. THEN I proceed with washing and conditioning.
Kimberly said:
Hey, sweetie! Welcome!

Your story sounds like my story when I first started except I was far, far from shoulder length. CW was a Godsend to me. I think you should at least try it. Try a cheapie shampoo that's moisturizing like one of the VO5s or Suaves.

Also, if you are bunning everyday, why do you need heat? Have you considered wet-bunning? That's one way you could cut back on heat. Also, if you are bunning, try not to take it down every night, if you can. Just tie your hair up in a silk scarf when you get home, untie it in the morning before you leave out. Less manipulation should keep some of those strands from falling.

What I did when I first came that turned my hair around was CW twice a week, shampoo and deep condition with heat once a week, protein treatment once a month, stretched relaxers to 8 weeks, then 10, and baggied my ends. When it got hot, I was CW almost everyday and I really saw my hair do better.

I also think that Head and Shoulders may be part of the problem, if you don't need it anymore because the BT helped the dandruff issue (if you had asked us, we probably would have told you to try sulfur which is a main BT ingredient), stop using it.

Good luck to you!

Kim, I just adore you sigi! :)
Chiba_revolution said:
Okay every 2 weeks I wash my hair with normal head and shoulders shampoo, then I use a reconstruter (nexxus emerg..) for the time stated on the bottle, shampoo and then use humstress as a wash out and leave in. Then I use garneier sleek and striaght on my hair before straighteing it at 200 degrees...
My diet I think is okay I have cut down in sugar and drink 8 glasses of water a day and take omega 3, multivits and BT:D
I don't understand why my hair is acting like a cow! please help me! am currently bunning my hair so no hairs fall on my back but when I take out the bun I can't comb the end without +50 hairs falling:eek:
Am new here so pleaseeeeeee help me I would like to ear my hair out one day....

Head and Shoulders has harsh detergents, and this may be stripping the natural oils in your hair. Do a search here to look for threads that suggest more gentle shampoos.

I use the following shampoos:
* Nexxus Therrappe Moisture Shampoo (moisture-based)
* Creme of Nature Detangling and Moisturizing Shampoo (moisture-based)
* Mane-n-Tail Shampoo (protein-based)
* I plan on trying KeraCare's and Aveda's Shampoos soon

Try clarifying your hair with a clarifying shampoo, to remove any build-up in your hair. Follow the clarifying with a moisture shampoo. If you have build-up, your hair is not penetrated by any deep conditioners. Again you can do a search here to find suggestions of good clarifiers.

Deep condition your hair at least once a week. There is a great thread here about which conditioners are good DEEP CONDITIONERS.

I use Nexxus Humectress but I have been meaning to try KeraCare and Aveda. There are some really good others out there also. Sit under the dryer for about 15-30 mins, so the heat will make the condish penetrate the hair shaft, and truly condition the hair.

Co-washing in between your weekly deep-conditioning washes is a great way to store moisture back into the hair. I co-wash once, 2x, and even 3x a week, depending on what is going on with my hair that week.

Try not to use heat so regularly. Flat-ironing too frequently can cause breakage. There are alternatives to flat-ironing: rolleretting, flexi-rods, braid-outs, twist-outs, buns, etc.

Not all hair that is coming out is bad. If the hair has a white bulb at the end, then this is natural shedding. However if it doesnt and shorter peices, than that is breakage and you need to balance your moisture treatments with protein treatments. Again, do a search on all of the things I mentioned, as there are extensive threads that discuss each seperate topic in detail.
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