Newbie Here! *waves*

Also, read up on how to build a regimen, stretch a relaxer, maintain DIY regular rollersets, flexirods, braid-outs, twists, bunning, airdrying, baggying, hot oil treatments, steam treatments, and regular DCs.
:welcome: JDenni81! You're right about those Dominican blow outs they are quite addictive. Great results and low prices, can't beat that. Luckily, I don't know where to go to get them around where I live now, so I've been able to keep away from all that heat. Good luck to you on your HHJ! And again welcome to LHCF!
Welcome, I'm new too. I've seen many people in my life suffer the consequences of those Dominican blowouts. One relative had pictures of her first one (hair was beautiful, thick), then as she showed me more photos over the year, her hair looked more and more damaged. I've never got a blowout and I never will.

Find a great hair regimen and watch your hair flourish! I suggest buns, braidouts and twistouts. I'm planning to bun the entire winter and early spring. Welcome!