I am richer . . . because of it.


Well-Known Member
This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. Ladies the Lord has shown grace and mercy to us. A lot of us have been struggling as of late, and I pray that this is the answer to a lot of your prayers.

I watch the Multimedia Potter's House Service yesterday, and the spirit moved me to share my notes with you. The passage that was highlighted during the service was Psalm 66: 8-12. This scripture outlines the tools that will bring us to a real place of wealth in every aspect of our life. This is not about monetary value, this is about being spiritually rich.

Psalm 66: 8-12

8 Oh, bless our God, you peoples!
And make the voice of His praise to be heard,
9 Who keeps our soul among the living,
And does not allow our feet to be moved.
10 For You, O God, have tested us;
You have refined us as silver is refined.
11 You brought us into the net;
You laid affliction on our backs.
12 You have caused men to ride over our heads;
We went through fire and through water;
But You brought us out to rich fulfillment.

God focuses on the internal aspects of us, because of this, He will get down to the real issues that confronts us in our lives. He is not looking for or concerned with the paint and white wash.

According to Dr. Payne, "Poverty is the extent at which an individual goes without resources." God wants you to be rich on the inside, before you will be rich on the outside. If you can be rich in your mind you can be rich in your pocket.

God wants us to be blessed and to be rich in every area of our lives (intellectually, financially, spiritually, physically, children are victorious , blessed marriage, etc.).

God is ultimately in control, the devil is God's devil, he can't do no more than God allows. We are in the hands of God, the situation may not feel or look good, but we must fall on the fact that God loves us. When a parent chastises you, it is done in order to make you better, when God chastises us, it is to make us better.

If you look at the word "through", is a transition word. God brings us through the fire and the water, through the trails and the tribulation. God is so wonderful that He sits on the test before we go in, He sits on the test while we are in it, and He sits on the other side waiting for us. He has so much confidence in our ability to endure that He says that " When you get here . . ." This is why the fire doesn't kill us, God is there with us.

Praise God!!!

The ultimate goal is to bring you to a place of wealth in every area of your life.

Purity Test

In verse 10 it says that "You have refined us as silver is refined". When sliver goes through the refinement process it is heated up. The purpose of this is to release the silver of it impurities such as lead. Once the sliver is liquefied the impurities rises to the top and they are blown away.

When we are going through the fire (trials, hard times, etc.), it is God's way of releasing us from certain behavior, hazards, people, etc. that are standing in our way. We may cry and complain, but the Lord is trying to say "until I separate you from those things, I can't make you shine like you are suppose to."

God wants you to praise him for the things that you have lost, praise Him because they were dragging you down and destroying your future. If it is gone, that means you don't need it. If it was necessary for you to have, God would allow you to keep it.

The things that were holding you down, God wants to release you from it. An example of this would be the Hebrew Boys. The fire that they were placed in was 7 times higher than it normally would be and it should have killed them. The fire destroyed everything that was holding the boys back (the ropes around their wrist) but it didn't destroy them.

Isn't God amazing.

There have been times when we went through challenges and we have questioned the wisdom of God. We have even tried to tell Him the things that we need in order to be blessed. God is so wise that He will prove to us that the things we lost was something that we didn't need.

To be continued . . .
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Continuing . . .

Patience Test

Once you have passed the purity test you now enter into the patience test. There is no solution (no easy way out of this), we are all going to have to go through something and we will have to endure it and wait it out.

Some where along the line Christians came up with the idea that test only last 24 hours, that they are done over night, things will be perfect once we spin around and clap our hands. Because of this idea a generation is weaken.

God is trying to ween us away and raise up soldiers. When soldiers wake up in the morning they don't ask what the weather is, they just get do the assignment.

The place in-between promise and fulfillment is a thing called patience. This is the ability to praise God until things change. It is not praising God when the thing changes, this is where we mess up, "I will praise God when the situation changes. If you don't change it, I will change my plans, I will go home. If He doesn't change the situation right now . . ."

Patience is the hardest thing to teach the saints of God. Let us not be weary, for everything happens in due season.

If you don't quite right now!!!!!! You are about to have everything. You know who you are, don't quit now.

When due season arrives, no one can do anything about it, your enemies can't stop it, the devil can't stop it, it is yours to have. When it is your time, it is your time.

People Test (this one is my favorite)

In the verse Davids says "You have caused men to ride over our heads." NO matter how anointed you are, their are people who seem to act as if it was their job to disrespect you.

God uses people to bless you or curse you. God allows some people to purposely disrespect you. Your break through will depend on how you handle your situation. God uses people to push you into the next dimension. If you don't handle the situation correctly you will mess your blessing.

This is why you go through the same test with people. God has to be able to trust that you will not lose your cool and snap your neck. God doesn't want another person in power that is still tripping in their mind. You are too high to be getting into an argument with someone so low.

When God is about to take you to the next level, He brings someone to you. Depending on how you respond will indicate to God if you can go into the next dimension. Are you able to be submissive for now?

Think of the people as road signs, the closer you get to the next level, the more disrespect you will face and at larger intensity. People don't fight other people that they are worried about. Every fight or struggle is a sign, once the battle starts to heat up you are getting close.

One of the ways that the devil messes with us is by having us focus on the things that we can see with the natural eye, this is why we are a people of faith. What you see on the inside is not a lie, it is just a matter of time. Your life may be a mess right now, but God is doing something great for you.

Praise Him ladies, He is worthy for it. We are on the way to our wealthy place, we can't stop the journey now.

I pray that my notes were an encouragement to someone.

Stay blessed. :Rose:
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The whole post was very powerful! Thanks for sharing your notes and blessing me this morning.

"God wants you to praise him for the things that you have lost, praise Him because they were dragging you down and destroying your future. If it is gone, that means you don't need it. If it was necessary for you to have, God would allow you to keep it. The things that were holding you down God wants to release you from it." Amen!
This is so timely! I'm going to print this and read it over and over again. Thanks for sharing.
You ladies are very welcome. I praise God that this is helping you. This is something that has helped me tremendously. On Sunday I asked God to let me know what was going on in my life and He lead me to the Potter's House Service. Right now I am going through the people's test.

We serve a living God, we walk by faith not by sight.

If you ladies would like to watch the service here is the link: Multimedia Service. The entire service replays not just the message, so if you miss the message you are going to have to wait for some time to be able to hear it.
This is such a blessing that I had to share it with others. Hope you dont mind. I used your screen name as the author. This message is filled with so much truth and it is awesome.
You ladies are very welcome. I praise God that this is helping you. This is something that has helped me tremendously. On Sunday I asked God to let me know what was going on in my life and He lead me to the Potter's House Service. Right now I am going through the people's test.

We serve a living God, we walk by faith not by sight.


That's interesting because I'm def in the patience part as of now
This is such a blessing that I had to share it with others. Hope you dont mind. I used your screen name as the author. This message is filled with so much truth and it is awesome.

:blush3: No I don't mind. I can't take the credit though becuase I didn't really up with the original message. I listened to some guy and took a lot of notes down. :lachen:

That's interesting because I'm def in the patience part as of now

That is very difficult. If you keep yourself busy, which will help you not to think about it, times goes by a lot faster.
:blush3: No I don't mind. I can't take the credit though becuase I didn't really up with the original message. I listened to some guy and took a lot of notes down. :lachen:

That is very difficult. If you keep yourself busy, which will help you not to think about it, times goes by a lot faster.

Yeah I'm trying to do that....this is not fun though....I keep telling myself, two months is not too long to wait...:look:..not when your waiting.
I am going through the people test. This time I finally caught on that God wanted me to let Him handle the situation instead of me taking matters into my own hands.