I am not ashamed!!!!!


Active Member
Just wanted to share this with you natural ladies out there. OK here goes, I went looking for a new place to live because where I am now is'nt a good fit for me. Anyway, I saw this amazing condo loft apt. and loved the size and the layout. So I told the builder I would take it. OK the lease has been signed and I mv in next week. So, the bedrooms are downstairs opposed to them being upstairs and the master bath is to die for but with one exception........there's two shower heads but instead of them being on the top side of the shower it was directly on top.

Yes the ceiling of the shower. So I asked the builder would he mind if I purchased a handheld shower head for his men to install, and he said yes, but why?

I politely told him I don't have that wash and go hair like you (him being causasion) and he laughed!

I was serious! He said he would. So I told my mother what was said and she said she would have never said such a thing to him.

I told her why not? I am not ashamed of my nappy hair and as a matter of fact I am proud of it. I love my hair in it's natural state and don't feel bad or embarassed for stating so.

Just wanted to share with all of you. I know it's not a big deal but it feels so good loving oneself completely!
Cool, not a thing to be ashamed about,; you were realistic about it...very good observation by you and sounds like a great place to live. Congratulations.
i would have asked for him to install a new one too but i wouldnt have said it as you di.
i would have just said something about it not being right for my hair. no need to bring him in it.
There's nothing like self love. I would have asked the same thing. It's your condo so why not have the builder make the accomodation to suit your needs. Smart move!
It's nothing to hide or to be ashamed of. You had the opportunity to teach someone something, and he learned something new :) Also, it's good business for him to know the habits of the people who are using his services.
That's good that you are not ashamed of your hair. Since you're paying for the place, you should get what you want.
i would have asked for him to install a new one too but i wouldnt have said it as you di.
i would have just said something about it not being right for my hair. no need to bring him in it.
Honestly it just came out, especially since they were such nice rainfall shower heads! Could'nt help but to let it out.
Cute story. I say that all the time because its true!

I agree I dont think it means you love your hair any less, your are being honest
I feel you 100% ycj1 theres no shame in my game either, only pride when it comes to my hair. My white roommate knows ALOT about my coily hair, she's seen it in all states and she adores every style I do with it.

I told my roommate about yarn braids earlier today and stepped our for a 5 mins, the second I came back all I heard was a youtube tutorial blastin from her laptop about how to do them yourself because she wants to do them in her hair and finds them SO gorgeous.

I feel like if you present your natural hair like the crowning glory it is, people can't help but to recognize. My roomate now fawns over coily fro's like I do and tells me about naturals she's seen its adorable, but I know my enthusiasm and passion for coily hair is contagious, I give people the coily fever all the time:cool2:
thats so cool! i would love an overhead showerhead beause i am so tall i usually have to crouch down to wash my hair and that can be dangerous leanin like that lol. ♥
Congrats on finding your dream apartment!!! Happiness is a place with a great layout. It's good that you informed the builder of your concerns with the shower. That's something that a group of guy designers and architects may not have considered. Other folks looking at the apartments might also have concerns with the shower placement. When you move in, it would be great if you could share pics of your new place. --c
Congrats on finding your dream apartment!!! Happiness is a place with a great layout. It's good that you informed the builder of your concerns with the shower. That's something that a group of guy designers and architects may not have considered. Other folks looking at the apartments might also have concerns with the shower placement. When you move in, it would be great if you could share pics of your new place. --c
I will for sure! And thank you!