I am new here!


New Member
<font color="green">Hello everyone</font>
I just wanted to introduce myself.
I am a guy and I do relax my hair!

My hair is divided into three textures, the sides are straight, the front is wavy and the back is curly. That is due to the fact that I am 3/4 Middle Eastern and a 1/4 European.
So hello everyone!

<font color="green">A little history about my hair:</font>

<font color="blue">My favorite relaxers are:</font>
1. ARTec Texturesmooth
2. ARTec Texturesmooth
3. ARTec Texturesmooth
4. PhytoSpecific – Phytorelaxer.

<font color="blue">My surviving kit that helped when my hair was in need is:</font>
Phytospecific - Restructuring Milk
Phytospecific - Optimal Hydration Milk
Phytospecific - Revitalizing Scalp Treatment
Phytospecific - Intense Nutrition Shampoo
Phytospecific – Vital Force Shampoo

<font color="red">My hair horror stories: </font>

I am new to the relaxing business but my hair has been burnt to death twice!
<font color="purple">Horror story #1: </font> Almost a year ago I went to this hairdresser and asked for an X brand solution and four weeks later when I showed up for my appointment the girl that I spoke to and was going to do my hair was sick! Ok! The person that was going to do my hair brought a Y brand solution so I said I requested the X brand solution! Believe this one is better so he said!
A week later and my hair was still stuck on my scalp, two weeks later and my hair was feeling like a wig and was breaking off, the third week I decided to shave it all off!
<font color="purple">Horror story #2: </font>Five weeks ago I decided to have just a touch ups since I had six weeks ago relaxed my hair at home, so off I went to the hairdresser for JUST touch ups and only the front. Five minutes later my head was on fire and my hair was completely dead! I could not style it and I could not shave it.
Thanks to Phytospecific products, my hair recovered to up to 80% but it felt so strange not to mention the completely burnt hairline. I cut it all off. I still have not recovered from the last one!
The solutions that were used were not ARTec Texturesmooth or PhytoSpecific – Phytorelaxer.
So now I have decided to take matters into my own hands and do it at home myself.

<font color="red">What I want from my hair: </font>
I just want to have a healthy and an even texture hair.
I usually wear my just covering the top of my ears and have no desire or plan to wear it any longer.
My hair is now an inch or so long still recovering from the last disaster.

<font color="red">Finally: </font>
I hope I can contribute to this board and get some tips and/or advice too.
I hope you ladies don’t mind the fact that I am a guy
Any males out there that relax their hair?

Last but not least, thanks everyone for the warm welcoming. I already feel at home.

I have been reading some of your posts guys and you seem to be a cool bunch.
Yes, Orc as in Lord of the Rings!
Thank you LondonDiva.
Already happy to know that I am not the only guy on the board.

I cannot believe this guys.
You are so damn friendly.
Is it for real?
Thanks a lot.
You defiantly make me feel welcome.
<font color="brown">Hello Orc!

Thanks for providing such a detailed and friendly introduction - - it really helps us to know you and your situation.

Welcome, and we definitely are looking forward to sharing with you.

AngieK </font>
Welcome...I am a newbie myself (2 weeks) but everyone here is mad cool, and very supportive...have fun!
Yeah Peachtree, I have a picture to share but I don’t know how to post pictures!
Maybe can someone tell me how
